Commit 082e4981 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

explorer: Don't forward the system tray to the display driver in desktop mode.

parent 7381cecd
......@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ static BOOL handle_incoming(HWND hwndSource, COPYDATASTRUCT *cds)
buffer, buffer + cbMaskBits);
/* try forward to x11drv first */
/* try forwarding to the display driver first */
if (cds->dwData == NIM_ADD || !(icon = get_icon( nid.hWnd, nid.uID )))
if (wine_notify_icon && ((ret = wine_notify_icon( cds->dwData, &nid )) != -1))
......@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@ void initialize_systray( HMODULE graphics_driver, BOOL using_root, BOOL arg_enab
static const WCHAR classname[] = {'S','h','e','l','l','_','T','r','a','y','W','n','d',0};
wine_notify_icon = (void *)GetProcAddress( graphics_driver, "wine_notify_icon" );
if (using_root) wine_notify_icon = (void *)GetProcAddress( graphics_driver, "wine_notify_icon" );
icon_cx = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSMICON ) + 2*ICON_BORDER;
icon_cy = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSMICON ) + 2*ICON_BORDER;
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