Commit 08a2a609 authored by Michael Jung's avatar Michael Jung Committed by Alexandre Julliard

Implemented scrolling during drag&drop for the shellview class.

parent 35617401
......@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ typedef struct
IDropTarget* pCurDropTarget; /* The sub-item, which is currently dragged over */
IDataObject* pCurDataObject; /* The dragged data-object */
LONG iDragOverItem; /* Dragged over item's index, iff pCurDropTarget != NULL */
UINT iActiveTimersMask; /* Bookkeeping of activated timers for drag scrolling */
} IShellViewImpl;
static const IShellViewVtbl svvt;
......@@ -196,6 +197,7 @@ IShellView * IShellView_Constructor( IShellFolder * pFolder)
sv->pCurDropTarget = NULL;
sv->pCurDataObject = NULL;
sv->iDragOverItem = 0;
sv->iActiveTimersMask = 0;
TRACE("(%p)->(%p)\n",sv, pFolder);
return (IShellView *) sv;
......@@ -2177,11 +2179,56 @@ static ULONG WINAPI ISVDropTarget_Release( IDropTarget *iface)
* scroll_timer_proc [Internal]
* Timer callback function for drag&drop scrolling
#define IDT_UP 0x1u
#define IDT_DOWN 0x2u
#define IDT_LEFT 0x4u
#define IDT_RIGHT 0x8u
VOID CALLBACK scroll_timer_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR idTimer, DWORD dwTimer) {
switch (idTimer) {
case IDT_UP:
SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEUP, 0);
case IDT_DOWN:
SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN, 0);
case IDT_LEFT:
SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_HSCROLL, SB_LINEUP, 0);
SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_HSCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN, 0);
* start_stop_timer [Internal]
static inline void start_stop_timer(IShellViewImpl *This, UINT_PTR idTimer, BOOL fStart) {
if (fStart && !(This->iActiveTimersMask & idTimer)) {
SetTimer(This->hWndList, idTimer, 200, scroll_timer_proc);
This->iActiveTimersMask |= idTimer;
if (!fStart && This->iActiveTimersMask & idTimer) {
KillTimer(This->hWndList, idTimer);
This->iActiveTimersMask &= ~idTimer;
* drag_notify_subitem [Internal]
* Figure out the shellfolder object, which is currently under the mouse cursor
* and notify it via the IDropTarget interface.
static HRESULT drag_notify_subitem(IShellViewImpl *This, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt,
DWORD *pdwEffect)
......@@ -2189,15 +2236,23 @@ static HRESULT drag_notify_subitem(IShellViewImpl *This, DWORD grfKeyState, POIN
LONG lResult;
RECT clientRect;
/* Map from global to client coordinates and query the index of the listview-item, which is
* currently under the mouse cursor. */ = pt.x; = pt.y;
htinfo.flags = LVHT_ONITEM;
MapWindowPoints(NULL, This->hWndList, &, 1);
ScreenToClient(This->hWndList, &;
lResult = SendMessageW(This->hWndList, LVM_HITTEST, 0, (LPARAM)&htinfo);
/* Start or stop the drag scrolling timers */
GetClientRect(This->hWndList, &clientRect);
start_stop_timer(This, IDT_LEFT, < SCROLLAREAWIDTH);
start_stop_timer(This, IDT_RIGHT, > clientRect.right - SCROLLAREAWIDTH);
start_stop_timer(This, IDT_UP, < SCROLLAREAWIDTH);
start_stop_timer(This, IDT_DOWN, > clientRect.bottom - SCROLLAREAWIDTH);
/* If we are still over the previous sub-item, notify it via DragOver and return. */
if (This->pCurDropTarget && lResult == This->iDragOverItem)
return IDropTarget_DragOver(This->pCurDropTarget, grfKeyState, pt, pdwEffect);
......@@ -2266,6 +2321,11 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI ISVDropTarget_DragLeave(IDropTarget *iface) {
This->pCurDropTarget = NULL;
This->iDragOverItem = 0;
start_stop_timer(This, IDT_LEFT, FALSE);
start_stop_timer(This, IDT_RIGHT, FALSE);
start_stop_timer(This, IDT_UP, FALSE);
start_stop_timer(This, IDT_DOWN, FALSE);
return S_OK;
......@@ -2282,6 +2342,11 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI ISVDropTarget_Drop(IDropTarget *iface, IDataObject* pDataO
This->pCurDropTarget = NULL;
This->iDragOverItem = 0;
start_stop_timer(This, IDT_LEFT, FALSE);
start_stop_timer(This, IDT_RIGHT, FALSE);
start_stop_timer(This, IDT_UP, FALSE);
start_stop_timer(This, IDT_DOWN, FALSE);
return S_OK;
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