Commit 1a1e2b81 authored by Paul Gofman's avatar Paul Gofman Committed by Alexandre Julliard

include/ddk: Add prototype for KeQueryActiveProcessors().

parent b91b4b6d
......@@ -1696,6 +1696,7 @@ void WINAPI KeInitializeSpinLock(KSPIN_LOCK*);
void WINAPI KeInitializeTimerEx(PKTIMER,TIMER_TYPE);
void WINAPI KeInitializeTimer(KTIMER*);
void WINAPI KeLeaveCriticalRegion(void);
KAFFINITY WINAPI KeQueryActiveProcessors(void);
void WINAPI KeQuerySystemTime(LARGE_INTEGER*);
void WINAPI KeQueryTickCount(LARGE_INTEGER*);
ULONG WINAPI KeQueryTimeIncrement(void);
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