Commit 242a8a02 authored by Rob Shearman's avatar Rob Shearman Committed by Alexandre Julliard

widl: Move the func_declarator rule entirely into direct_declarator.

parent 66fa9a71
......@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ static statement_list_t *append_statement(statement_list_t *list, statement_t *s
%type <var> arg ne_union_field union_field s_field case enum constdef externdef
%type <var_list> m_args no_args args fields ne_union_fields cases enums enum_list dispint_props field
%type <var> m_ident t_ident ident
%type <declarator> declarator func_declarator direct_declarator
%type <declarator> declarator direct_declarator
%type <declarator_list> declarator_list
%type <func> funcdef
%type <func_list> int_statements dispint_meths
......@@ -970,18 +970,12 @@ declarator:
| direct_declarator
func_declarator: direct_declarator '(' m_args ')'
{ $$ = $1;
$$->type = append_ptrchain_type($$->type, make_func_type($3));
ident { $$ = make_declarator($1); }
| '(' declarator ')' { $$ = $2; }
| direct_declarator array { $$ = $1; $$->array = append_array($$->array, $2); }
| func_declarator { $$ = $1;
$$->func_type = $$->type;
| direct_declarator '(' m_args ')' { $$ = $1;
$$->func_type = append_ptrchain_type($$->type, make_func_type($3));
$$->type = NULL;
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