37361 Scottrade Elite 2013 fails data streaming after about 90% of logins
35962 OPML Editor crashes
37429 Post provider setup of WMI core 1.5 installer needs advapi32.dll.WmiQueryGuidInformation stub
37485 Spellforce Platinium edition - graphical bug - black columns come out of the ground
37977 Multiple applications using VBScript/JScript need scripting host 'WScript.Quit' implementation
37989 COD4 is missing textures
38475 Unused variable in glsl_shader.c
39842 Skype for windows doesn't work (needs ndis.sys.NdisSystemProcessorCount)
38997 Non-deterministic device id assignment when using more than one joystick/gamepad (multiplayer). Unable to deactivate joystick through registry or wine control applet
40413 Crashes after start of application Vermoegensbilanz and accepting license terms
39845 Randomly "WinMorse2.exe" doesn't work under Wine.
40588 Multiple games (Fallout 4 and Unreal Engine 4 games) need d3d11_device_CreateUnorderedAccessView
40760 GOG Galaxy crashes with unimplemented function vcruntime140.dll.set_unexpected
40722 Warcraft 3: minimizes when clicking on the bottom
40764 Bloodrayne 1-2 hang when playing videos
40792 Multiple 64-bit Unreal Engine 4 games crash at start (Direct3DDevice->CheckFeatureSupport(D3D11_FEATURE_THREADING,&ThreadingSupport,sizeof(ThreadingSupport)) failed)
40822 Aliens vs. Triangles demo needs WINED3DFMT_R32_SINT format
40830 Conflict between kVK_RightCommand and macOS 10.12 Sierra in carbon framework