Commit 2791290b authored by Juan Lang's avatar Juan Lang Committed by Alexandre Julliard

Remove .dll from DllOverrides entries, such entries are ignored.

parent f9c1537b
......@@ -257,12 +257,21 @@ static void set_dllmode(HWND dialog, DWORD id)
static void on_add_click(HWND dialog)
char buffer[1024];
static const char dotDll[] = ".dll";
char buffer[1024], *ptr;
ZeroMemory(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLCOMBO, WM_GETTEXT, sizeof(buffer), (LPARAM) buffer);
if (lstrlenA(buffer) >= sizeof(dotDll))
ptr = buffer + lstrlenA(buffer) - sizeof(dotDll) + 1;
if (!lstrcmpiA(ptr, dotDll))
WINE_TRACE("Stripping dll extension\n");
*ptr = '\0';
SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLCOMBO, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) "");
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