Commit 2cb23165 authored by Mike McCormack's avatar Mike McCormack Committed by Alexandre Julliard

Switch back to using IPicture to load images. LoadImage did the

resizing for us, but doesn't handle jpeg files and requires us writing a temp file, whereas IPicture handles jpeg files and can load directly from a stream.
parent 62d3ab9b
......@@ -750,6 +750,73 @@ static UINT msi_dialog_scrolltext_control( msi_dialog *dialog, MSIRECORD *rec )
static HBITMAP msi_load_picture( MSIDATABASE *db, LPCWSTR name,
INT cx, INT cy, DWORD flags )
HBITMAP hOleBitmap = 0, hBitmap = 0, hOldSrcBitmap, hOldDestBitmap;
IStream *stm = NULL;
IPicture *pic = NULL;
HDC srcdc, destdc;
rec = msi_get_binary_record( db, name );
if( !rec )
goto end;
r = MSI_RecordGetIStream( rec, 2, &stm );
msiobj_release( &rec->hdr );
if( r != ERROR_SUCCESS )
goto end;
r = OleLoadPicture( stm, 0, TRUE, &IID_IPicture, (LPVOID*) &pic );
IStream_Release( stm );
if( FAILED( r ) )
ERR("failed to load picture\n");
goto end;
r = IPicture_get_Handle( pic, (OLE_HANDLE*) &hOleBitmap );
if( FAILED( r ) )
ERR("failed to get bitmap handle\n");
goto end;
/* make the bitmap the desired size */
r = GetObjectW( hOleBitmap, sizeof bm, &bm );
if (r != sizeof bm )
ERR("failed to get bitmap size\n");
goto end;
if (flags & LR_DEFAULTSIZE)
cx = bm.bmWidth;
cy = bm.bmHeight;
srcdc = CreateCompatibleDC( NULL );
hOldSrcBitmap = SelectObject( srcdc, hOleBitmap );
destdc = CreateCompatibleDC( NULL );
hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap( srcdc, cx, cy );
hOldDestBitmap = SelectObject( destdc, hBitmap );
StretchBlt( destdc, 0, 0, cx, cy,
srcdc, 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, SRCCOPY);
SelectObject( srcdc, hOldSrcBitmap );
SelectObject( destdc, hOldDestBitmap );
DeleteDC( srcdc );
DeleteDC( destdc );
if ( pic )
IPicture_Release( pic );
return hBitmap;
static UINT msi_dialog_bitmap_control( msi_dialog *dialog, MSIRECORD *rec )
UINT cx, cy, flags, style, attributes;
......@@ -773,8 +840,7 @@ static UINT msi_dialog_bitmap_control( msi_dialog *dialog, MSIRECORD *rec )
cy = msi_dialog_scale_unit( dialog, cy );
text = msi_get_deformatted_field( dialog->package, rec, 10 );
control->hBitmap = msi_load_image( dialog->package->db, text,
IMAGE_BITMAP, cx, cy, flags );
control->hBitmap = msi_load_picture( dialog->package->db, text, cx, cy, flags );
if( control->hBitmap )
SendMessageW( control->hwnd, STM_SETIMAGE,
IMAGE_BITMAP, (LPARAM) control->hBitmap );
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