Commit 2dc0758b authored by Serge Gautherie's avatar Serge Gautherie Committed by Alexandre Julliard

mlang: Fix scripts values in fnIMLangFontLink2_GetScriptFontInfo().

parent 380fbe00
......@@ -3565,7 +3565,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI fnIMLangFontLink2_GetScriptFontInfo(IMLangFontLink2* This,
if (j >= *puiFonts) break;
pScriptFont[j].scripts = 1 << mlang_data[i].sid;
pScriptFont[j].scripts = (SCRIPT_IDS)1 << mlang_data[i].sid;
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, mlang_data[i].fixed_font, -1,
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