Commit 2f0401c7 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

winebuild: Add a more generic way to create directories and sections in fake dlls.

parent d8be8586
......@@ -772,6 +772,71 @@ void output_spec32_file( DLLSPEC *spec )
struct sec_data
char name[8];
const void *ptr;
unsigned int size;
unsigned int flags;
unsigned int file_size;
unsigned int virt_size;
unsigned int filepos;
unsigned int rva;
struct dir_data
unsigned int rva;
unsigned int size;
static struct
unsigned int section_align;
unsigned int file_align;
unsigned int sec_count;
struct dir_data dir[16];
struct sec_data sec[8];
} pe;
static void set_dir( unsigned int idx, unsigned int rva, unsigned int size )
pe.dir[idx].rva = rva;
pe.dir[idx].size = size;
static unsigned int current_rva(void)
if (!pe.sec_count) return pe.section_align;
return pe.sec[pe.sec_count - 1].rva + pe.sec[pe.sec_count - 1].virt_size;
static unsigned int current_filepos(void)
if (!pe.sec_count) return pe.file_align;
return pe.sec[pe.sec_count - 1].filepos + pe.sec[pe.sec_count - 1].file_size;
static unsigned int flush_output_to_section( const char *name, int dir_idx, unsigned int flags )
struct sec_data *sec = &pe.sec[pe.sec_count];
if (!output_buffer_pos) return 0;
strncpy( sec->name, name, sizeof(sec->name) );
sec->ptr = output_buffer;
sec->size = output_buffer_pos;
sec->flags = flags;
sec->rva = current_rva();
sec->filepos = current_filepos();
sec->file_size = (sec->size + pe.file_align - 1) & ~(pe.file_align - 1);
sec->virt_size = (sec->size + pe.section_align - 1) & ~(pe.section_align - 1);
if (dir_idx >= 0) set_dir( dir_idx, sec->rva, sec->size );
return sec->size;
* output_fake_module
......@@ -784,27 +849,32 @@ void output_fake_module( DLLSPEC *spec )
static const unsigned char exe_code_section[] = { 0xb8, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* movl $1,%eax */
0xc2, 0x04, 0x00 }; /* ret $4 */
const unsigned int page_size = get_page_size();
const unsigned int section_align = page_size;
const unsigned int file_align = 0x200;
const unsigned int reloc_size = 8;
const unsigned int lfanew = 0x40 + sizeof(fakedll_signature);
const unsigned int nb_sections = 2 + (spec->nb_resources != 0);
const unsigned int text_size = (spec->characteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DLL) ?
sizeof(dll_code_section) : sizeof(exe_code_section);
unsigned char *resources;
unsigned int resources_size;
unsigned int image_size = 3 * section_align;
unsigned int i;
resolve_imports( spec );
output_bin_resources( spec, 3 * section_align );
resources = output_buffer;
resources_size = output_buffer_pos;
if (resources_size) image_size += (resources_size + section_align - 1) & ~(section_align - 1);
pe.section_align = page_size;
pe.file_align = 0x200;
/* .text section */
if (spec->characteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DLL) put_data( dll_code_section, sizeof(dll_code_section) );
else put_data( exe_code_section, sizeof(exe_code_section) );
flush_output_to_section( ".text", -1, 0x60000020 /* CNT_CODE|MEM_EXECUTE|MEM_READ */ );
/* .reloc section */
put_dword( 0 ); /* VirtualAddress */
put_dword( 0 ); /* Size */
flush_output_to_section( ".reloc", 5 /* IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC */,
/* .rsrc section */
output_bin_resources( spec, current_rva() );
flush_output_to_section( ".rsrc", 2 /* IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE */,
put_word( 0x5a4d ); /* e_magic */
put_word( 0x40 ); /* e_cblp */
put_word( 0x01 ); /* e_cp */
......@@ -841,7 +911,7 @@ void output_fake_module( DLLSPEC *spec )
case CPU_ARM: put_word( IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT ); break;
case CPU_ARM64: put_word( IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64 ); break;
put_word( nb_sections ); /* NumberOfSections */
put_word( pe.sec_count ); /* NumberOfSections */
put_dword( hash_filename(spec->file_name) ); /* TimeDateStamp */
put_dword( 0 ); /* PointerToSymbolTable */
put_dword( 0 ); /* NumberOfSymbols */
......@@ -854,15 +924,15 @@ void output_fake_module( DLLSPEC *spec )
put_byte( 7 ); /* MajorLinkerVersion */
put_byte( 10 ); /* MinorLinkerVersion */
put_dword( text_size ); /* SizeOfCode */
put_dword( pe.sec[0].size ); /* SizeOfCode */
put_dword( 0 ); /* SizeOfInitializedData */
put_dword( 0 ); /* SizeOfUninitializedData */
put_dword( section_align ); /* AddressOfEntryPoint */
put_dword( section_align ); /* BaseOfCode */
put_dword( pe.sec[0].rva ); /* AddressOfEntryPoint */
put_dword( pe.sec[0].rva ); /* BaseOfCode */
if (get_ptr_size() == 4) put_dword( 0 ); /* BaseOfData */
put_pword( 0x10000000 ); /* ImageBase */
put_dword( section_align ); /* SectionAlignment */
put_dword( file_align ); /* FileAlignment */
put_dword( pe.section_align ); /* SectionAlignment */
put_dword( pe.file_align ); /* FileAlignment */
put_word( 1 ); /* MajorOperatingSystemVersion */
put_word( 0 ); /* MinorOperatingSystemVersion */
put_word( 0 ); /* MajorImageVersion */
......@@ -870,8 +940,8 @@ void output_fake_module( DLLSPEC *spec )
put_word( spec->subsystem_major ); /* MajorSubsystemVersion */
put_word( spec->subsystem_minor ); /* MinorSubsystemVersion */
put_dword( 0 ); /* Win32VersionValue */
put_dword( image_size ); /* SizeOfImage */
put_dword( file_align ); /* SizeOfHeaders */
put_dword( current_rva() ); /* SizeOfImage */
put_dword( pe.file_align ); /* SizeOfHeaders */
put_dword( 0 ); /* CheckSum */
put_word( spec->subsystem ); /* Subsystem */
put_word( spec->dll_characteristics ); /* DllCharacteristics */
......@@ -882,91 +952,35 @@ void output_fake_module( DLLSPEC *spec )
put_dword( 0 ); /* LoaderFlags */
put_dword( 16 ); /* NumberOfRvaAndSizes */
put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 ); /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT] */
put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 ); /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT] */
if (resources_size) /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE] */
put_dword( 3 * section_align );
put_dword( resources_size );
/* image directories */
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
put_dword( 0 );
put_dword( 0 );
put_dword( pe.dir[i].rva ); /* VirtualAddress */
put_dword( pe.dir[i].size ); /* Size */
put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 ); /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION] */
put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 ); /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY] */
put_dword( 2 * section_align ); /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC] */
put_dword( reloc_size );
put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 ); /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG] */
put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 ); /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COPYRIGHT] */
put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 ); /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_GLOBALPTR] */
put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 ); /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TLS] */
put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 ); /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LOAD_CONFIG] */
put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 ); /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT] */
put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 ); /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT] */
put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 ); /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DELAY_IMPORT] */
put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 ); /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COM_DESCRIPTOR] */
put_dword( 0 ); put_dword( 0 ); /* DataDirectory[15] */
/* .text section */
put_data( ".text\0\0", 8 ); /* Name */
put_dword( section_align ); /* VirtualSize */
put_dword( section_align ); /* VirtualAddress */
put_dword( text_size ); /* SizeOfRawData */
put_dword( file_align ); /* PointerToRawData */
put_dword( 0 ); /* PointerToRelocations */
put_dword( 0 ); /* PointerToLinenumbers */
put_word( 0 ); /* NumberOfRelocations */
put_word( 0 ); /* NumberOfLinenumbers */
put_dword( 0x60000020 /* CNT_CODE|MEM_EXECUTE|MEM_READ */ ); /* Characteristics */
/* .reloc section */
put_data( ".reloc\0", 8 ); /* Name */
put_dword( section_align ); /* VirtualSize */
put_dword( 2 * section_align );/* VirtualAddress */
put_dword( reloc_size ); /* SizeOfRawData */
put_dword( 2 * file_align ); /* PointerToRawData */
put_dword( 0 ); /* PointerToRelocations */
put_dword( 0 ); /* PointerToLinenumbers */
put_word( 0 ); /* NumberOfRelocations */
put_word( 0 ); /* NumberOfLinenumbers */
put_dword( 0x42000040 /* CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA|MEM_DISCARDABLE|MEM_READ */ ); /* Characteristics */
/* .rsrc section */
if (resources_size)
/* sections */
for (i = 0; i < pe.sec_count; i++)
put_data( ".rsrc\0\0", 8 ); /* Name */
put_dword( (resources_size + section_align - 1) & ~(section_align - 1) ); /* VirtualSize */
put_dword( 3 * section_align );/* VirtualAddress */
put_dword( resources_size ); /* SizeOfRawData */
put_dword( 3 * file_align ); /* PointerToRawData */
put_dword( 0 ); /* PointerToRelocations */
put_dword( 0 ); /* PointerToLinenumbers */
put_word( 0 ); /* NumberOfRelocations */
put_word( 0 ); /* NumberOfLinenumbers */
put_dword( 0x40000040 /* CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA|MEM_READ */ ); /* Characteristics */
put_data( pe.sec[i].name, 8 ); /* Name */
put_dword( pe.sec[i].virt_size ); /* VirtualSize */
put_dword( pe.sec[i].rva ); /* VirtualAddress */
put_dword( pe.sec[i].size ); /* SizeOfRawData */
put_dword( pe.sec[i].filepos ); /* PointerToRawData */
put_dword( 0 ); /* PointerToRelocations */
put_dword( 0 ); /* PointerToLinenumbers */
put_word( 0 ); /* NumberOfRelocations */
put_word( 0 ); /* NumberOfLinenumbers */
put_dword( pe.sec[i].flags ); /* Characteristics */
/* .text contents */
align_output( file_align );
if (spec->characteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DLL)
put_data( dll_code_section, sizeof(dll_code_section) );
put_data( exe_code_section, sizeof(exe_code_section) );
/* .reloc contents */
align_output( file_align );
put_dword( 0 ); /* VirtualAddress */
put_dword( 0 ); /* SizeOfBlock */
/* .rsrc contents */
if (resources_size)
/* section data */
for (i = 0; i < pe.sec_count; i++)
align_output( file_align );
put_data( resources, resources_size );
align_output( pe.file_align );
put_data( pe.sec[i].ptr, pe.sec[i].size );
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