Commit 2fb89a4e authored by Rob Shearman's avatar Rob Shearman Committed by Alexandre Julliard

quartz: Fix placement of WINAPI attribute in fnFoundSeek typedef.

MSVC requires that calling conventions appear inside the brackets.
parent e7ecfe28
......@@ -2091,7 +2091,7 @@ static ULONG WINAPI MediaSeeking_Release(IMediaSeeking *iface) {
return Filtergraph_Release(This);
typedef HRESULT WINAPI (*fnFoundSeek)(IFilterGraphImpl *This, IMediaSeeking*, DWORD_PTR arg);
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *fnFoundSeek)(IFilterGraphImpl *This, IMediaSeeking*, DWORD_PTR arg);
static HRESULT all_renderers_seek(IFilterGraphImpl *This, fnFoundSeek FoundSeek, DWORD_PTR arg) {
BOOL allnotimpl = TRUE;
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