Commit 35c3bfe2 authored by Andrew Talbot's avatar Andrew Talbot Committed by Alexandre Julliard

wined3d: Remove unneeded casts.

parent 18047e77
......@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI IWineD3DTextureImpl_GetSurfaceLevel(IWineD3DTexture *iface
if (Level < This->baseTexture.levels) {
*ppSurfaceLevel = This->surfaces[Level];
IWineD3DSurface_AddRef((IWineD3DSurface*) This->surfaces[Level]);
hr = WINED3D_OK;
TRACE("(%p) : returning %p for level %d\n", This, *ppSurfaceLevel, Level);
......@@ -228,11 +228,11 @@ static inline BOOL process_converted_attribute(IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl *This,
data = (((DWORD_PTR) attrib->lpData) + offset) % This->stride;
attrib_size = WINED3D_ATR_SIZE(type) * WINED3D_ATR_TYPESIZE(type);
for(i = 0; i < attrib_size; i++) {
if(This->conv_map[(DWORD_PTR) data + i] != conv_type) {
TRACE("Byte %ld in vertex changed\n", i + (DWORD_PTR) data);
TRACE("It was type %d, is %d now\n", This->conv_map[(DWORD_PTR) data + i], conv_type);
if(This->conv_map[data + i] != conv_type) {
TRACE("Byte %ld in vertex changed\n", i + data);
TRACE("It was type %d, is %d now\n", This->conv_map[data + i], conv_type);
ret = TRUE;
This->conv_map[(DWORD_PTR) data + i] = conv_type;
This->conv_map[data + i] = conv_type;
return ret;
......@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI IWineD3DVolumeTextureImpl_GetLevelDesc(IWineD3DVolumeTextu
IWineD3DVolumeTextureImpl *This = (IWineD3DVolumeTextureImpl *)iface;
if (Level < This->baseTexture.levels) {
TRACE("(%p) Level (%d)\n", This, Level);
return IWineD3DVolume_GetDesc((IWineD3DVolume *) This->volumes[Level], pDesc);
return IWineD3DVolume_GetDesc(This->volumes[Level], pDesc);
} else {
FIXME("(%p) Level (%d)\n", This, Level);
......@@ -260,8 +260,8 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI IWineD3DVolumeTextureImpl_GetLevelDesc(IWineD3DVolumeTextu
static HRESULT WINAPI IWineD3DVolumeTextureImpl_GetVolumeLevel(IWineD3DVolumeTexture *iface, UINT Level, IWineD3DVolume** ppVolumeLevel) {
IWineD3DVolumeTextureImpl *This = (IWineD3DVolumeTextureImpl *)iface;
if (Level < This->baseTexture.levels) {
*ppVolumeLevel = (IWineD3DVolume *)This->volumes[Level];
IWineD3DVolume_AddRef((IWineD3DVolume *) *ppVolumeLevel);
*ppVolumeLevel = This->volumes[Level];
TRACE("(%p) -> level(%d) returning volume@%p\n", This, Level, *ppVolumeLevel);
} else {
FIXME("(%p) Level(%d) overflow Levels(%d)\n", This, Level, This->baseTexture.levels);
......@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI IWineD3DVolumeTextureImpl_LockBox(IWineD3DVolumeTexture *i
IWineD3DVolumeTextureImpl *This = (IWineD3DVolumeTextureImpl *)iface;
if (Level < This->baseTexture.levels) {
hr = IWineD3DVolume_LockBox((IWineD3DVolume *)This->volumes[Level], pLockedVolume, pBox, Flags);
hr = IWineD3DVolume_LockBox(This->volumes[Level], pLockedVolume, pBox, Flags);
TRACE("(%p) Level (%d) success(%u)\n", This, Level, hr);
} else {
......@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI IWineD3DVolumeTextureImpl_UnlockBox(IWineD3DVolumeTexture
IWineD3DVolumeTextureImpl *This = (IWineD3DVolumeTextureImpl *)iface;
if (Level < This->baseTexture.levels) {
hr = IWineD3DVolume_UnlockBox((IWineD3DVolume*) This->volumes[Level]);
hr = IWineD3DVolume_UnlockBox(This->volumes[Level]);
TRACE("(%p) -> level(%d) success(%u)\n", This, Level, hr);
} else {
......@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI IWineD3DVolumeTextureImpl_AddDirtyBox(IWineD3DVolumeTextur
IWineD3DVolumeTextureImpl *This = (IWineD3DVolumeTextureImpl *)iface;
This->baseTexture.dirty = TRUE;
TRACE("(%p) : dirtyfication of volume Level (0)\n", This);
return IWineD3DVolume_AddDirtyBox((IWineD3DVolume *) This->volumes[0], pDirtyBox);
return IWineD3DVolume_AddDirtyBox(This->volumes[0], pDirtyBox);
const IWineD3DVolumeTextureVtbl IWineD3DVolumeTexture_Vtbl =
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