Commit 362abb6f authored by Juan Lang's avatar Juan Lang Committed by Alexandre Julliard

crypt32: Remove a redundant trace.

parent 3270451e
......@@ -2528,9 +2528,6 @@ static BOOL WINAPI CRYPT_AsnDecodeCTL(DWORD dwCertEncodingType,
TRUE, TRUE, offsetof(CTL_INFO, rgExtension), 0 },
TRACE("%p, %d, %08x, %p, %p, %d\n", pbEncoded, cbEncoded, dwFlags,
pDecodePara, pvStructInfo, *pcbStructInfo);
ret = CRYPT_AsnDecodeSequence(items, sizeof(items) / sizeof(items[0]),
pbEncoded, cbEncoded, dwFlags, pDecodePara, pvStructInfo,
pcbStructInfo, NULL, NULL);
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