Commit 3aa9e8c6 authored by Martin Wilck's avatar Martin Wilck Committed by Alexandre Julliard

- Fix --nomfc option which is currrently broken.

- Add --nodlls option for small apps.
parent 1b32e5ec
......@@ -234,6 +234,14 @@ my $TF_WRAPPER=2;
my $TF_MFC=4;
# User has specified --nomfc option for this target or globally
my $TF_NOMFC=8;
# --nodlls option: Do not use standard DLL set
my $TF_NODLLS=16;
# Initialize a target:
# - set the target type to TT_SETTINGS, i.e. no real target will
# be generated.
......@@ -436,23 +444,37 @@ sub source_set_options($$)
push @{@$target[$T_LIBRARY_PATH]},$option;
} elsif ($option =~ /^-l/) {
push @{@$target[$T_LIBRARIES]},"$'";
} elsif (@$target[$T_TYPE] != $TT_DLL and $option =~ /^--wrap/) {
} elsif (@$target[$T_TYPE] != $TT_DLL and $option =~ /^--nowrap/) {
} elsif ($option =~ /^--mfc/) {
} elsif ($option =~ /^--wrap/) {
if (@$target[$T_TYPE] != $TT_DLL) {
} else {
print STDERR "warning: option --wrap is illegal for DLLs - ignoring";
} elsif ($option =~ /^--nowrap/) {
if (@$target[$T_TYPE] != $TT_DLL) {
} else {
print STDERR "warning: option --nowrap is illegal for DLLs - ignoring";
} elsif ($option =~ /^--mfc/) {
} elsif ($option =~ /^--nomfc/) {
} elsif ($option =~ /^--nodlls/) {
} else {
print STDERR "error: unknown option \"$option\"\n";
return 0;
if (@$target[$T_TYPE] != $TT_DLL &&
@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_MFC &&
!(@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_WRAP)) {
print STDERR "info: option --mfc requires --wrap";
return 1;
......@@ -543,7 +565,7 @@ sub source_scan_directory($$$$)
} elsif ($dentry =~ /\.c$/i and $dentry !~ /\.spec\.c$/) {
push @sources_c,"$dentry";
} elsif ($dentry =~ /\.(cpp|cxx)$/i) {
if ($dentry =~ /^stdafx.cpp$/i) {
if ($dentry =~ /^stdafx.cpp$/i && !(@$project_settings[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_NOMFC)) {
push @sources_misc,"$dentry";
} else {
......@@ -553,7 +575,7 @@ sub source_scan_directory($$$$)
push @sources_rc,"$dentry";
} elsif ($dentry =~ /\.(h|hxx|hpp|inl|rc2|dlg)$/i) {
push @sources_misc,"$dentry";
if ($dentry =~ /^stdafx.h$/i) {
if ($dentry =~ /^stdafx.h$/i && !(@$project_settings[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_NOMFC)) {
} elsif ($dentry =~ /\.dsp$/i) {
......@@ -779,7 +801,11 @@ sub source_scan_directory($$$$)
# which we don't have in Wine. Also I add ntdll which seems
# necessary for Winelib.
my @std_dlls=qw(advapi32.dll comdlg32.dll gdi32.dll kernel32.dll ntdll.dll odbc32.dll ole32.dll oleaut32.dll shell32.dll user32.dll winspool.drv);
if (@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_NODLLS == 0) {
} else {
push @{@$project[$P_TARGETS]},$target;
# Ask for target-specific options
......@@ -2169,7 +2195,7 @@ sub usage()
print STDERR "Usage: winemaker [--nobanner] [--backup|--nobackup] [--nosource-fix]\n";
print STDERR " [--lower-none|--lower-all|--lower-uppercase]\n";
print STDERR " [--lower-include|--nolower-include]\n";
print STDERR " [--guiexe|--windows|--cuiexe|--console|--dll]\n";
print STDERR " [--guiexe|--windows|--cuiexe|--console|--dll|--nodlls]\n";
print STDERR " [--wrap|--nowrap] [--mfc|--nomfc]\n";
print STDERR " [-Dmacro[=defn]] [-Idir] [-Pdir] [-idll] [-Ldir] [-llibrary]\n";
print STDERR " [--interactive] [--single-target name]\n";
......@@ -2182,9 +2208,6 @@ sub usage()
exit (2);
while (@ARGV>0) {
my $arg=shift @ARGV;
# General options
......@@ -2245,11 +2268,13 @@ while (@ARGV>0) {
} elsif ($arg eq "--mfc") {
} elsif ($arg eq "--nomfc") {
} elsif ($arg eq "--nodlls") {
# Catch errors
} else {
......@@ -2264,6 +2289,11 @@ while (@ARGV>0) {
if ($opt_flags & $TF_MFC && $opt_target_type != $TT_DLL) {
print STDERR "info: option --mfc requires --wrap\n";
$opt_flags |= $TF_WRAP;
if (!defined $opt_work_dir) {
......@@ -2279,6 +2309,8 @@ if ($opt_no_banner == 0) {
# Fix the file and directory names
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