Commit 3d873a7f authored by Eric Pouech's avatar Eric Pouech Committed by Alexandre Julliard

kernel32/tests/comm: Enable compilation with long types.

parent 34227cb7
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#undef WINE_NO_LONG_TYPES /* temporary for migration */
#include <stdio.h>
......@@ -450,7 +451,7 @@ static void check_result(const char *function, const TEST *ptest, int initial_va
DWORD LastError = GetLastError();
DWORD CorrectError = (ptest->result ? 0xdeadbeef : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
ok(LastError == CorrectError, "%s(\"%s\"), 0x%02x: GetLastError() returned %d, should be %d\n", function, ptest->string, initial_value, LastError, CorrectError);
ok(LastError == CorrectError, "%s(\"%s\"), 0x%02x: GetLastError() returned %ld, should be %ld\n", function, ptest->string, initial_value, LastError, CorrectError);
ok(result == ptest->result, "%s(\"%s\"), 0x%02x: return value should be %s\n", function, ptest->string, initial_value, ptest->result ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
......@@ -461,7 +462,7 @@ static void check_dcb(const char *function, const TEST *ptest, int initial_value
/* DCBlength is a special case since Win 9x sets it but NT does not.
We will accept either as correct. */
check_dcb_member2(DCBlength, (DWORD)sizeof(DCB), "%u");
check_dcb_member2(DCBlength, (DWORD)sizeof(DCB), "%lu");
/* For old style control strings Win 9x does not set the next five members, NT does. */
if(ptest->old_style && ptest->result)
......@@ -505,7 +506,7 @@ static void check_dcb(const char *function, const TEST *ptest, int initial_value
/* Check the result of the DCB members. */
check_dcb_member(BaudRate, "%u");
check_dcb_member(BaudRate, "%lu");
check_dcb_member(fBinary, "%u");
check_dcb_member(fParity, "%u");
check_dcb_member(fTXContinueOnXoff, "%u");
......@@ -527,7 +528,7 @@ static void check_dcb(const char *function, const TEST *ptest, int initial_value
check_dcb_member(wReserved1, "%u");
#define check_timeouts_member(a) ok(ptimeouts1->a == ptimeouts2->a, "%s(\"%s\"), 0x%02x: "#a" is %u, should be %u\n", function, ptest->string, initial_value, ptimeouts1->a, ptimeouts2->a);
#define check_timeouts_member(a) ok(ptimeouts1->a == ptimeouts2->a, "%s(\"%s\"), 0x%02x: "#a" is %lu, should be %lu\n", function, ptest->string, initial_value, ptimeouts1->a, ptimeouts2->a);
static void check_timeouts(const char *function, const TEST *ptest, int initial_value, const COMMTIMEOUTS *ptimeouts1, const COMMTIMEOUTS *ptimeouts2)
......@@ -723,10 +724,10 @@ static HANDLE test_OpenComm(BOOL doOverlap)
ok(ret, "Unexpected error %u on open\n", GetLastError());
ok(comstat.cbInQue == 0, "Unexpected %d chars in InQueue\n",comstat.cbInQue);
ok(comstat.cbOutQue == 0, "Still pending %d characters in OutQueue\n", comstat.cbOutQue);
ok(errors == 0, "Unexpected errors 0x%08x\n", errors);
ok(ret, "Unexpected error %lu on open\n", GetLastError());
ok(comstat.cbInQue == 0, "Unexpected %ld chars in InQueue\n",comstat.cbInQue);
ok(comstat.cbOutQue == 0, "Still pending %ld characters in OutQueue\n", comstat.cbOutQue);
ok(errors == 0, "Unexpected errors 0x%08lx\n", errors);
return hcom;
......@@ -736,7 +737,7 @@ static void test_GetModemStatus(HANDLE hcom)
DWORD ModemStat = 0;
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &ModemStat), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
trace("GetCommModemStatus returned 0x%08x->%s%s%s%s\n", ModemStat,
trace("GetCommModemStatus returned 0x%08lx->%s%s%s%s\n", ModemStat,
(ModemStat &MS_RLSD_ON)?"MS_RLSD_ON ":"",
(ModemStat &MS_RING_ON)?"MS_RING_ON ":"",
(ModemStat &MS_DSR_ON)?"MS_DSR_ON ":"",
......@@ -777,10 +778,10 @@ static void test_ReadTimeOut(void)
LastError = GetLastError();
after = GetTickCount();
ok( res == TRUE, "A timed-out read should return TRUE\n");
ok( LastError == 0xdeadbeef, "err=%d\n", LastError);
ok( LastError == 0xdeadbeef, "err=%ld\n", LastError);
timediff = after - before;
ok( timediff > TIMEOUT>>2 && timediff < TIMEOUT *2,
"Unexpected TimeOut %d, expected %d\n", timediff, TIMEOUT);
"Unexpected TimeOut %ld, expected %d\n", timediff, TIMEOUT);
......@@ -802,7 +803,7 @@ static void test_waittxempty(void)
/* set a low baud rate to have ample time*/
res = GetCommState(hcom, &dcb);
ok(res, "GetCommState error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(res, "GetCommState error %ld\n", GetLastError());
dcb.BaudRate = baud;
dcb.ByteSize = 8;
dcb.Parity = NOPARITY;
......@@ -810,26 +811,26 @@ static void test_waittxempty(void)
dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
res = SetCommState(hcom, &dcb);
ok(res, "SetCommState error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(res, "SetCommState error %ld\n", GetLastError());
ZeroMemory( &timeouts, sizeof(timeouts));
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = TIMEOUT;
res = SetCommTimeouts(hcom, &timeouts);
ok(res,"SetCommTimeouts error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(res,"SetCommTimeouts error %ld\n", GetLastError());
res = SetupComm(hcom, 1024, 1024);
ok(res, "SetUpComm error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(res, "SetUpComm error %ld\n", GetLastError());
/* calling SetCommMask after WriteFile leads to WaitCommEvent failures
* due to timeout (no events) under testbot VMs and VirtualBox
res = SetCommMask(hcom, EV_TXEMPTY);
ok(res, "SetCommMask error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(res, "SetCommMask error %ld\n", GetLastError());
res = WriteFile(hcom, tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), &bytes, NULL);
ok(!res, "WriteFile on an overlapped handle without ovl structure should fail\n");
ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %ld\n", GetLastError());
S(U(ovl_write)).Offset = 0;
S(U(ovl_write)).OffsetHigh = 0;
......@@ -839,9 +840,9 @@ static void test_waittxempty(void)
res = WriteFile(hcom, tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), &bytes, &ovl_write);
after = GetTickCount();
ok((!res && GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) || (res && bytes == sizeof(tbuf)),
"WriteFile returned %d, written %u bytes, error %d\n", res, bytes, GetLastError());
if (!res) ok(!bytes, "expected 0, got %u\n", bytes);
ok(after - before < 30, "WriteFile took %d ms to write %d Bytes at %d Baud\n",
"WriteFile returned %d, written %lu bytes, error %ld\n", res, bytes, GetLastError());
if (!res) ok(!bytes, "expected 0, got %lu\n", bytes);
ok(after - before < 30, "WriteFile took %ld ms to write %ld Bytes at %ld Baud\n",
after - before, bytes, baud);
/* don't wait for WriteFile completion */
......@@ -852,16 +853,16 @@ static void test_waittxempty(void)
before = GetTickCount();
res = WaitCommEvent(hcom, &evtmask, &ovl_wait);
ok(res || GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING, "WaitCommEvent error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(res || GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING, "WaitCommEvent error %ld\n", GetLastError());
after = GetTickCount();
ok(after - before < 30, "WaitCommEvent should have returned immediately, took %d ms\n", after - before);
ok(after - before < 30, "WaitCommEvent should have returned immediately, took %ld ms\n", after - before);
res = WaitForSingleObject(ovl_wait.hEvent, 1500);
ok(res == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "WaitCommEvent failed with a timeout\n");
if (res == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
res = GetOverlappedResult(hcom, &ovl_wait, &bytes, FALSE);
ok(res, "GetOverlappedResult reported error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(bytes == sizeof(evtmask), "expected %u, written %u\n", (UINT)sizeof(evtmask), bytes);
ok(res, "GetOverlappedResult reported error %ld\n", GetLastError());
ok(bytes == sizeof(evtmask), "expected %u, written %lu\n", (UINT)sizeof(evtmask), bytes);
res = TRUE;
......@@ -869,7 +870,7 @@ static void test_waittxempty(void)
/* unblock pending wait */
trace("recovering after WAIT_TIMEOUT...\n");
res = SetCommMask(hcom, EV_TXEMPTY);
ok(res, "SetCommMask error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(res, "SetCommMask error %ld\n", GetLastError());
res = WaitForSingleObject(ovl_wait.hEvent, TIMEOUT);
ok(res == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "WaitCommEvent failed with a timeout\n");
......@@ -877,19 +878,19 @@ static void test_waittxempty(void)
res = FALSE;
after = GetTickCount();
ok(res, "WaitCommEvent error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(evtmask & EV_TXEMPTY, "WaitCommEvent: expected EV_TXEMPTY, got %#x\n", evtmask);
ok(res, "WaitCommEvent error %ld\n", GetLastError());
ok(evtmask & EV_TXEMPTY, "WaitCommEvent: expected EV_TXEMPTY, got %#lx\n", evtmask);
timediff = after - before;
trace("WaitCommEvent for EV_TXEMPTY took %d ms (timeout 1500)\n", timediff);
ok(timediff < 1200, "WaitCommEvent used %d ms for waiting\n", timediff);
trace("WaitCommEvent for EV_TXEMPTY took %ld ms (timeout 1500)\n", timediff);
ok(timediff < 1200, "WaitCommEvent used %ld ms for waiting\n", timediff);
res = WaitForSingleObject(ovl_write.hEvent, 0);
ok(res == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "WriteFile failed with a timeout\n");
res = GetOverlappedResult(hcom, &ovl_write, &bytes, FALSE);
ok(res, "GetOverlappedResult reported error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(bytes == sizeof(tbuf), "expected %u, written %u\n", (UINT)sizeof(tbuf), bytes);
ok(res, "GetOverlappedResult reported error %ld\n", GetLastError());
ok(bytes == sizeof(tbuf), "expected %u, written %lu\n", (UINT)sizeof(tbuf), bytes);
......@@ -900,7 +901,7 @@ static void test_waittxempty(void)
if (hcom == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return;
res = SetCommMask(hcom, EV_TXEMPTY);
ok(res, "SetCommMask error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(res, "SetCommMask error %ld\n", GetLastError());
if (i == 0)
......@@ -910,27 +911,27 @@ static void test_waittxempty(void)
res = WriteFile(hcom, tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), &bytes, &ovl_write);
ok((!res && GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) || (res && bytes == sizeof(tbuf)),
"WriteFile returned %d, written %u bytes, error %d\n", res, bytes, GetLastError());
if (!res) ok(!bytes, "expected 0, got %u\n", bytes);
"WriteFile returned %d, written %lu bytes, error %ld\n", res, bytes, GetLastError());
if (!res) ok(!bytes, "expected 0, got %lu\n", bytes);
ClearCommError(hcom, &errors, &stat);
ok(stat.cbInQue == 0, "InQueue should be empty, got %d bytes\n", stat.cbInQue);
ok(stat.cbInQue == 0, "InQueue should be empty, got %ld bytes\n", stat.cbInQue);
ok(stat.cbOutQue != 0 || broken(stat.cbOutQue == 0) /* VM */, "OutQueue should not be empty\n");
ok(errors == 0, "ClearCommErrors: Unexpected error 0x%08x\n", errors);
ok(errors == 0, "ClearCommErrors: Unexpected error 0x%08lx\n", errors);
res = GetOverlappedResult(hcom, &ovl_write, &bytes, TRUE);
ok(res, "GetOverlappedResult reported error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(bytes == sizeof(tbuf), "expected %u, written %u\n", (UINT)sizeof(tbuf), bytes);
ok(res, "GetOverlappedResult reported error %ld\n", GetLastError());
ok(bytes == sizeof(tbuf), "expected %u, written %lu\n", (UINT)sizeof(tbuf), bytes);
res = FlushFileBuffers(hcom);
ok(res, "FlushFileBuffers error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(res, "FlushFileBuffers error %ld\n", GetLastError());
ClearCommError(hcom, &errors, &stat);
ok(stat.cbInQue == 0, "InQueue should be empty, got %d bytes\n", stat.cbInQue);
ok(stat.cbOutQue == 0, "OutQueue should be empty, got %d bytes\n", stat.cbOutQue);
ok(errors == 0, "ClearCommErrors: Unexpected error 0x%08x\n", errors);
ok(stat.cbInQue == 0, "InQueue should be empty, got %ld bytes\n", stat.cbInQue);
ok(stat.cbOutQue == 0, "OutQueue should be empty, got %ld bytes\n", stat.cbOutQue);
ok(errors == 0, "ClearCommErrors: Unexpected error 0x%08lx\n", errors);
S(U(ovl_wait)).Offset = 0;
S(U(ovl_wait)).OffsetHigh = 0;
......@@ -939,7 +940,7 @@ static void test_waittxempty(void)
res = WaitCommEvent(hcom, &evtmask, &ovl_wait);
ok(res /* busy system */ || GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING,
"%d: WaitCommEvent error %d\n", i, GetLastError());
"%ld: WaitCommEvent error %ld\n", i, GetLastError());
res = WaitForSingleObject(ovl_wait.hEvent, TIMEOUT);
if (i == 0)
......@@ -949,14 +950,14 @@ static void test_waittxempty(void)
if (res == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
res = GetOverlappedResult(hcom, &ovl_wait, &bytes, FALSE);
ok(res, "GetOverlappedResult reported error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(bytes == sizeof(evtmask), "expected %u, written %u\n", (UINT)sizeof(evtmask), bytes);
ok(res, "WaitCommEvent error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(evtmask & EV_TXEMPTY, "WaitCommEvent: expected EV_TXEMPTY, got %#x\n", evtmask);
ok(res, "GetOverlappedResult reported error %ld\n", GetLastError());
ok(bytes == sizeof(evtmask), "expected %u, written %lu\n", (UINT)sizeof(evtmask), bytes);
ok(res, "WaitCommEvent error %ld\n", GetLastError());
ok(evtmask & EV_TXEMPTY, "WaitCommEvent: expected EV_TXEMPTY, got %#lx\n", evtmask);
ok(!evtmask, "WaitCommEvent: expected 0, got %#x\n", evtmask);
ok(!evtmask, "WaitCommEvent: expected 0, got %#lx\n", evtmask);
S(U(ovl_wait2)).Offset = 0;
S(U(ovl_wait2)).OffsetHigh = 0;
......@@ -964,13 +965,13 @@ static void test_waittxempty(void)
res = WaitCommEvent(hcom, &evtmask, &ovl_wait2);
ok(!res, "WaitCommEvent should fail if there is a pending wait\n");
ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %ld\n", GetLastError());
/* unblock pending wait */
trace("recovering after WAIT_TIMEOUT...\n");
res = SetCommMask(hcom, EV_TXEMPTY);
ok(res, "SetCommMask error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(res, "SetCommMask error %ld\n", GetLastError());
res = WaitForSingleObject(ovl_wait.hEvent, TIMEOUT);
ok(res == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "WaitCommEvent failed with a timeout\n");
......@@ -992,9 +993,9 @@ static void test_ClearCommError(void)
if (hcom == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return;
ok(ClearCommError(hcom, &errors, &lpStat), "ClearCommError failed\n");
ok(lpStat.cbInQue == 0, "Unexpected %d chars in InQueue\n", lpStat.cbInQue);
ok(lpStat.cbOutQue == 0, "Unexpected %d chars in OutQueue\n", lpStat.cbOutQue);
ok(errors == 0, "ClearCommErrors: Unexpected error 0x%08x\n", errors);
ok(lpStat.cbInQue == 0, "Unexpected %ld chars in InQueue\n", lpStat.cbInQue);
ok(lpStat.cbOutQue == 0, "Unexpected %ld chars in OutQueue\n", lpStat.cbOutQue);
ok(errors == 0, "ClearCommErrors: Unexpected error 0x%08lx\n", errors);
......@@ -1012,7 +1013,7 @@ static void test_non_pending_errors(void)
dcb.ByteSize = 255; /* likely bogus */
ok(!SetCommState(hcom, &dcb), "SetCommState should have failed\n");
ok(ClearCommError(hcom, &err, NULL), "ClearCommError should succeed\n");
ok(!(err & CE_MODE), "ClearCommError shouldn't set CE_MODE byte in this case (%x)\n", err);
ok(!(err & CE_MODE), "ClearCommError shouldn't set CE_MODE byte in this case (%lx)\n", err);
......@@ -1051,20 +1052,20 @@ static void test_LoopbackRead(void)
before = GetTickCount();
ok(WriteFile(hcom,tbuf,sizeof(tbuf),&written, NULL), "WriteFile failed\n");
after = GetTickCount();
ok(written == sizeof(tbuf),"WriteFile %d bytes written\n", written);
ok(written == sizeof(tbuf),"WriteFile %ld bytes written\n", written);
diff = after -before;
/* make sure all bytes are written, so Readfile will succeed in one call*/
ok(WaitCommEvent(hcom, &evtmask, NULL), "WaitCommEvent failed\n");
before = GetTickCount();
ok(evtmask == EV_TXEMPTY,
"WaitCommEvent: Unexpected EvtMask 0x%08x, expected 0x%08x\n",
"WaitCommEvent: Unexpected EvtMask 0x%08lx, expected 0x%08x\n",
evtmask, EV_TXEMPTY);
trace("Write %d ms WaitCommEvent EV_TXEMPTY %d ms\n", diff, before- after);
trace("Write %ld ms WaitCommEvent EV_TXEMPTY %ld ms\n", diff, before- after);
ok(ReadFile(hcom, rbuf, sizeof(rbuf), &read, NULL), "Readfile failed\n");
ok(read == sizeof(tbuf),"ReadFile read %d bytes, expected \"%s\"\n", read,rbuf);
ok(read == sizeof(tbuf),"ReadFile read %ld bytes, expected \"%s\"\n", read,rbuf);
/* Now do the same with a slower Baud rate.
As we request more characters than written, we will hit the timeout
......@@ -1081,22 +1082,22 @@ static void test_LoopbackRead(void)
ok(SetCommMask(hcom, EV_RXCHAR), "SetCommMask failed\n");
ok(WriteFile(hcom,tbuf,sizeof(tbuf),&written, NULL), "WriteFile failed\n");
ok(written == sizeof(tbuf),"WriteFile %d bytes written\n", written);
ok(written == sizeof(tbuf),"WriteFile %ld bytes written\n", written);
ok(WaitCommEvent(hcom, &evtmask, NULL), "WaitCommEvent failed\n");
ok(evtmask == EV_RXCHAR, "WaitCommEvent: Unexpected EvtMask 0x%08x, expected 0x%08x\n",
ok(evtmask == EV_RXCHAR, "WaitCommEvent: Unexpected EvtMask 0x%08lx, expected 0x%08x\n",
evtmask, EV_RXCHAR);
before = GetTickCount();
res = ReadFile(hcom, rbuf, sizeof(rbuf), &read, NULL);
after = GetTickCount();
ok(res, "Readfile failed\n");
ok(read == sizeof(tbuf),"ReadFile read %d bytes\n", read);
ok(read == sizeof(tbuf),"ReadFile read %ld bytes\n", read);
diff = after - before;
trace("Readfile for %d chars took %d ms\n", read, diff);
trace("Readfile for %ld chars took %ld ms\n", read, diff);
ok( (diff > TIMEOUT - TIMEDELTA) && (diff < TIMEOUT + TIMEDELTA),
"Timedout Wait took %d ms, expected around %d\n", diff, TIMEOUT);
"Timedout Wait took %ld ms, expected around %d\n", diff, TIMEOUT);
/* now do a plain read with slow speed
* This will result in several low level reads and a timeout to happen
......@@ -1117,8 +1118,8 @@ static void test_LoopbackRead(void)
while ((read < sizeof(tbuf)) && (i <10));
after = GetTickCount();
ok( read == sizeof(tbuf),"ReadFile read %d bytes\n", read);
trace("Plain Read for %d char at %d baud took %d ms\n", read, SLOWBAUD, after-before);
ok( read == sizeof(tbuf),"ReadFile read %ld bytes\n", read);
trace("Plain Read for %ld char at %d baud took %ld ms\n", read, SLOWBAUD, after-before);
......@@ -1149,11 +1150,11 @@ static void test_LoopbackCtsRts(void)
ok(EscapeCommFunction(hcom, CLRRTS), "EscapeCommFunction failed to clear RTS\n");
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &ModemStat), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
ok ((ModemStat & MS_CTS_ON) == 0, "CTS didn't react: 0x%04x, expected 0x%04x\n",
ok ((ModemStat & MS_CTS_ON) == 0, "CTS didn't react: 0x%04lx, expected 0x%04lx\n",
ModemStat, (defaultStat & ~MS_CTS_ON));
ok(EscapeCommFunction(hcom, SETRTS), "EscapeCommFunction failed to clear RTS\n");
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &ModemStat), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
ok (ModemStat == defaultStat, "Failed to restore CTS: 0x%04x, expected 0x%04x\n",
ok (ModemStat == defaultStat, "Failed to restore CTS: 0x%04lx, expected 0x%04lx\n",
ModemStat, defaultStat);
......@@ -1161,11 +1162,11 @@ static void test_LoopbackCtsRts(void)
ok(EscapeCommFunction(hcom, SETRTS), "EscapeCommFunction failed to set RTS\n");
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &ModemStat), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
ok ((ModemStat & MS_CTS_ON) == MS_CTS_ON,
"CTS didn't react: 0x%04x, expected 0x%04x\n",
"CTS didn't react: 0x%04lx, expected 0x%04lx\n",
ModemStat, (defaultStat | MS_CTS_ON));
ok(EscapeCommFunction(hcom, CLRRTS), "EscapeCommFunction failed to clear RTS\n");
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &ModemStat), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
ok (ModemStat == defaultStat, "Failed to restore CTS: 0x%04x, expected 0x%04x\n",
ok (ModemStat == defaultStat, "Failed to restore CTS: 0x%04lx, expected 0x%04lx\n",
ModemStat, defaultStat);
......@@ -1197,11 +1198,11 @@ static void test_LoopbackDtrDcd(void)
ok(EscapeCommFunction(hcom, CLRDTR), "EscapeCommFunction failed to clear DTR\n");
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &ModemStat), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
ok ((ModemStat & MS_RLSD_ON) == 0, "RLSD didn't react: 0x%04x, expected 0x%04x\n",
ok ((ModemStat & MS_RLSD_ON) == 0, "RLSD didn't react: 0x%04lx, expected 0x%04lx\n",
ModemStat, (defaultStat & ~MS_RLSD_ON));
ok(EscapeCommFunction(hcom, SETDTR), "EscapeCommFunction failed to set DTR\n");
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &ModemStat), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
ok (ModemStat == defaultStat, "Failed to restore RLSD: 0x%04x, expected 0x%04x\n",
ok (ModemStat == defaultStat, "Failed to restore RLSD: 0x%04lx, expected 0x%04lx\n",
ModemStat, defaultStat);
......@@ -1209,11 +1210,11 @@ static void test_LoopbackDtrDcd(void)
ok(EscapeCommFunction(hcom, SETDTR), "EscapeCommFunction failed to set DTR\n");
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &ModemStat), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
ok ((ModemStat & MS_RLSD_ON) == MS_RLSD_ON,
"RLSD didn't react: 0x%04x, expected 0x%04x\n",
"RLSD didn't react: 0x%04lx, expected 0x%04lx\n",
ModemStat, (defaultStat | MS_RLSD_ON));
ok(EscapeCommFunction(hcom, CLRDTR), "EscapeCommFunction failed to clear DTR\n");
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &ModemStat), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
ok (ModemStat == defaultStat, "Failed to restore RLSD: 0x%04x, expected 0x%04x\n",
ok (ModemStat == defaultStat, "Failed to restore RLSD: 0x%04lx, expected 0x%04lx\n",
ModemStat, defaultStat);
......@@ -1245,11 +1246,11 @@ static void test_LoopbackDtrDsr(void)
ok(EscapeCommFunction(hcom, CLRDTR), "EscapeCommFunction failed to clear DTR\n");
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &ModemStat), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
ok ((ModemStat & MS_DSR_ON) == 0, "CTS didn't react: 0x%04x, expected 0x%04x\n",
ok ((ModemStat & MS_DSR_ON) == 0, "CTS didn't react: 0x%04lx, expected 0x%04lx\n",
ModemStat, (defaultStat & ~MS_DSR_ON));
ok(EscapeCommFunction(hcom, SETDTR), "EscapeCommFunction failed to clear DTR\n");
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &ModemStat), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
ok (ModemStat == defaultStat, "Failed to restore DSR: 0x%04x, expected 0x%04x\n",
ok (ModemStat == defaultStat, "Failed to restore DSR: 0x%04lx, expected 0x%04lx\n",
ModemStat, defaultStat);
......@@ -1257,11 +1258,11 @@ static void test_LoopbackDtrDsr(void)
ok(EscapeCommFunction(hcom, SETDTR), "EscapeCommFunction failed to set DTR\n");
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &ModemStat), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
ok ((ModemStat & MS_DSR_ON) == MS_DSR_ON,
"CTS didn't react: 0x%04x,expected 0x%04x\n",
"CTS didn't react: 0x%04lx,expected 0x%04lx\n",
ModemStat, (defaultStat | MS_DSR_ON));
ok(EscapeCommFunction(hcom, CLRDTR), "EscapeCommFunction failed to clear DTR\n");
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &ModemStat), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
ok (ModemStat == defaultStat, "Failed to restore DSR: 0x%04x, expected 0x%04x\n",
ok (ModemStat == defaultStat, "Failed to restore DSR: 0x%04lx, expected 0x%04lx\n",
ModemStat, defaultStat);
......@@ -1293,11 +1294,11 @@ static void test_LoopbackDtrRing(void)
ok(EscapeCommFunction(hcom, CLRDTR), "EscapeCommFunction failed to clear DTR\n");
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &ModemStat), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
ok ((ModemStat & MS_RING_ON) == 0, "RING didn't react: 0x%04x, expected 0x%04x\n",
ok ((ModemStat & MS_RING_ON) == 0, "RING didn't react: 0x%04lx, expected 0x%04lx\n",
ModemStat, (defaultStat & ~MS_RING_ON));
ok(EscapeCommFunction(hcom, SETDTR), "EscapeCommFunction failed to set DTR\n");
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &ModemStat), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
ok (ModemStat == defaultStat, "Failed to restore RING: 0x%04x, expected 0x%04x\n",
ok (ModemStat == defaultStat, "Failed to restore RING: 0x%04lx, expected 0x%04lx\n",
ModemStat, defaultStat);
......@@ -1305,11 +1306,11 @@ static void test_LoopbackDtrRing(void)
ok(EscapeCommFunction(hcom, SETDTR), "EscapeCommFunction failed to set DTR\n");
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &ModemStat), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
ok ((ModemStat & MS_RING_ON) == MS_RING_ON,
"RING didn't react: 0x%04x,expected 0x%04x\n",
"RING didn't react: 0x%04lx,expected 0x%04lx\n",
ModemStat, (defaultStat | MS_RING_ON));
ok(EscapeCommFunction(hcom, CLRDTR), "EscapeCommFunction failed to clear DTR\n");
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &ModemStat), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
ok (ModemStat == defaultStat, "Failed to restore RING: 0x%04x, expected 0x%04x\n",
ok (ModemStat == defaultStat, "Failed to restore RING: 0x%04lx, expected 0x%04lx\n",
ModemStat, defaultStat);
......@@ -1342,7 +1343,7 @@ static void test_WaitRx(void)
overlapped.hEvent = hComPortEvent;
hComWriteEvent = CreateEventW( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );
ok(hComWriteEvent != NULL, "CreateEvent res %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(hComWriteEvent != NULL, "CreateEvent res %ld\n", GetLastError());
ZeroMemory( &overlapped_w, sizeof(overlapped_w));
overlapped_w.hEvent = hComWriteEvent;
......@@ -1350,47 +1351,47 @@ static void test_WaitRx(void)
success_wait = WaitCommEvent(hcom, &evtmask, &overlapped);
err_wait = GetLastError();
after = GetTickCount();
trace("Success 0x%08x err %d evtmask 0x%08x\n", success_wait, err_wait, evtmask);
trace("Success 0x%08lx err %ld evtmask 0x%08lx\n", success_wait, err_wait, evtmask);
ok(success_wait || err_wait == ERROR_IO_PENDING, "overlapped WaitCommEvent failed\n");
trace("overlapped WaitCommEvent returned.\n");
success_write= WriteFile(hcom, "X", 1, &written, &overlapped_w);
err_write = GetLastError();
ok(success_write || err_write == ERROR_IO_PENDING,
"overlapped WriteFile failed, err %d\n",
"overlapped WriteFile failed, err %ld\n",
if (!success_write && (err_write == ERROR_IO_PENDING)) {
success_write = WaitForSingleObjectEx(hComWriteEvent, TIMEOUT, TRUE);
err_write = GetLastError();
ok(success_write == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "WaitForSingleObjectEx, res %d, err %d\n",
ok(success_write == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "WaitForSingleObjectEx, res %ld, err %ld\n",
success_write, err_write);
Sleep(TIMEOUT >>1);
success_write = GetOverlappedResult(hcom, &overlapped_w, &written, FALSE);
err_write = GetLastError();
trace("Write after Wait res 0x%08x err %d\n",success_write, err_write);
ok(success_write && written ==1, "Write after Wait res 0x%08x err %d\n",
trace("Write after Wait res 0x%08lx err %ld\n",success_write, err_write);
ok(success_write && written ==1, "Write after Wait res 0x%08lx err %ld\n",
success_write, err_write);
if (!success_wait && (err_wait == ERROR_IO_PENDING)) {
success_wait = WaitForSingleObjectEx(hComPortEvent, TIMEOUT, TRUE);
err_wait = GetLastError();
ok(success_wait == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "wait hComPortEvent, res 0x%08x, err %d\n",
ok(success_wait == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "wait hComPortEvent, res 0x%08lx, err %ld\n",
success_wait, err_wait);
success_wait = GetOverlappedResult(hcom, &overlapped, &written, FALSE);
err_wait = GetLastError();
after1 = GetTickCount();
trace("Success 0x%08x err %d evtmask 0x%08x diff1 %d, diff2 %d\n",
trace("Success 0x%08lx err %ld evtmask 0x%08lx diff1 %ld, diff2 %ld\n",
success_wait, err_wait, evtmask, after-before, after1-before);
ok(evtmask & EV_RXCHAR, "Detect EV_RXCHAR: 0x%08x, expected 0x%08x\n",
ok(evtmask & EV_RXCHAR, "Detect EV_RXCHAR: 0x%08lx, expected 0x%08x\n",
evtmask, EV_RXCHAR);
diff = after1 - before;
ok ((diff > (TIMEOUT>>1) -TIMEDELTA) && (diff < (TIMEOUT>>1) + TIMEDELTA),
"Unexpected time %d, expected around %d\n", diff, TIMEOUT>>1);
"Unexpected time %ld, expected around %d\n", diff, TIMEOUT>>1);
......@@ -1407,13 +1408,13 @@ static DWORD CALLBACK toggle_ctlLine(LPVOID arg)
HANDLE hComPortEvent = (HANDLE) args[3];
DWORD success, err;
trace("toggle_ctlLine timeout %d ctl 0x%08x handle %p\n", timeout, ctl, hcom );
trace("toggle_ctlLine timeout %ld ctl 0x%08lx handle %p\n", timeout, ctl, hcom );
ok(EscapeCommFunction(hcom, ctl),"EscapeCommFunction 0x%08x failed\n", ctl);
ok(EscapeCommFunction(hcom, ctl),"EscapeCommFunction 0x%08lx failed\n", ctl);
trace("toggle_ctline done\n");
success = WaitForSingleObjectEx(hComPortEvent, TIMEOUT, TRUE);
err = GetLastError();
trace("toggle_ctline WaitForSingleObjectEx res 0x%08x err %d\n",
trace("toggle_ctline WaitForSingleObjectEx res 0x%08lx err %ld\n",
success, err);
return 0;
......@@ -1453,7 +1454,7 @@ static void test_WaitCts(void)
args[1] = SETRTS;
trace("test_WaitCts timeout %ld clt 0x%08lx handle %p\n",args[0], args[1], hcom);
trace("test_WaitCts timeout %Id clt 0x%08Ix handle %p\n",args[0], args[1], hcom);
ok(SetCommMask(hcom, EV_CTS), "SetCommMask failed\n");
hComPortEvent = CreateEventW( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );
......@@ -1472,7 +1473,7 @@ static void test_WaitCts(void)
err = GetLastError();
after = GetTickCount();
trace("Success 0x%08x err %d evtmask 0x%08x\n", success, err, evtmask);
trace("Success 0x%08lx err %ld evtmask 0x%08lx\n", success, err, evtmask);
ok(success || err == ERROR_IO_PENDING, "overlapped WaitCommEvent failed\n");
trace("overlapped WaitCommEvent returned.\n");
if (!success && (err == ERROR_IO_PENDING))
......@@ -1481,10 +1482,10 @@ static void test_WaitCts(void)
success = GetOverlappedResult(hcom, &overlapped, &written, FALSE);
err = GetLastError();
after1 = GetTickCount();
trace("Success 0x%08x err %d evtmask 0x%08x diff1 %d, diff2 %d\n",
trace("Success 0x%08lx err %ld evtmask 0x%08lx diff1 %ld, diff2 %ld\n",
success, err, evtmask, after-before, after1-before);
ok(evtmask & EV_CTS, "Failed to detect EV_CTS: 0x%08x, expected 0x%08x\n",
ok(evtmask & EV_CTS, "Failed to detect EV_CTS: 0x%08lx, expected 0x%08x\n",
evtmask, EV_CTS);
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &evtmask), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
if(defaultStat & MS_CTS_ON)
......@@ -1494,7 +1495,7 @@ static void test_WaitCts(void)
diff = after1 - before;
ok ((diff > (TIMEOUT>>1) -TIMEDELTA) && (diff < (TIMEOUT>>1) + TIMEDELTA),
"Unexpected time %d, expected around %d\n", diff, TIMEOUT>>1);
"Unexpected time %ld, expected around %d\n", diff, TIMEOUT>>1);
/*restore RTS Settings*/
if(defaultStat & MS_CTS_ON)
......@@ -1516,7 +1517,7 @@ static DWORD CALLBACK reset_CommMask(LPVOID arg)
DWORD timeout = args[0];
HANDLE hcom = (HANDLE) args[1];
trace(" Changing CommMask on the fly for handle %p after timeout %d\n",
trace(" Changing CommMask on the fly for handle %p after timeout %ld\n",
hcom, timeout);
ok(SetCommMask(hcom, 0),"SetCommMask %p failed\n", hcom);
......@@ -1549,7 +1550,7 @@ static void test_AbortWaitCts(void)
args[0]= TIMEOUT >>1;
args[1]= (DWORD_PTR)hcom;
trace("test_AbortWaitCts timeout %ld handle %p\n",args[0], hcom);
trace("test_AbortWaitCts timeout %Id handle %p\n",args[0], hcom);
ok(SetCommMask(hcom, EV_CTS), "SetCommMask failed\n");
hComPortEvent = CreateEventW( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );
......@@ -1567,7 +1568,7 @@ static void test_AbortWaitCts(void)
err = GetLastError();
after = GetTickCount();
trace("Success 0x%08x err %d evtmask 0x%08x\n", success, err, evtmask);
trace("Success 0x%08lx err %ld evtmask 0x%08lx\n", success, err, evtmask);
ok(success || err == ERROR_IO_PENDING, "overlapped WaitCommEvent failed\n");
trace("overlapped WaitCommEvent returned.\n");
if (!success && (err == ERROR_IO_PENDING))
......@@ -1576,15 +1577,15 @@ static void test_AbortWaitCts(void)
success = GetOverlappedResult(hcom, &overlapped, &written, FALSE);
err = GetLastError();
after1 = GetTickCount();
trace("Success 0x%08x err %d evtmask 0x%08x diff1 %d, diff2 %d\n",
trace("Success 0x%08lx err %ld evtmask 0x%08lx diff1 %ld, diff2 %ld\n",
success, err, evtmask, after-before, after1-before);
ok(evtmask == 0, "Incorrect EventMask 0x%08x returned on Wait aborted bu SetCommMask, expected 0x%08x\n",
ok(evtmask == 0, "Incorrect EventMask 0x%08lx returned on Wait aborted bu SetCommMask, expected 0x%08x\n",
evtmask, 0);
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &evtmask), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
diff = after1 - before;
ok ((diff > (TIMEOUT>>1) -TIMEDELTA) && (diff < (TIMEOUT>>1) + TIMEDELTA),
"Unexpected time %d, expected around %d\n", diff, TIMEOUT>>1);
"Unexpected time %ld, expected around %d\n", diff, TIMEOUT>>1);
ok( !WaitForSingleObject( alarmThread, 10000 ), "thread still running\n" );
......@@ -1623,7 +1624,7 @@ static void test_WaitDsr(void)
args[1] = SETDTR;
args[2]= (DWORD_PTR)hcom;
trace("test_WaitDsr timeout %ld clt 0x%08lx handle %p\n",args[0], args[1], hcom);
trace("test_WaitDsr timeout %Id clt 0x%08Ix handle %p\n",args[0], args[1], hcom);
ok(SetCommMask(hcom, EV_DSR), "SetCommMask failed\n");
hComPortEvent = CreateEventW( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );
......@@ -1638,7 +1639,7 @@ static void test_WaitDsr(void)
err = GetLastError();
after = GetTickCount();
trace("Success 0x%08x err %d evtmask 0x%08x\n", success, err, evtmask);
trace("Success 0x%08lx err %ld evtmask 0x%08lx\n", success, err, evtmask);
ok(success || err == ERROR_IO_PENDING, "overlapped WaitCommEvent failed\n");
trace("overlapped WaitCommEvent returned.\n");
if (!success && (err == ERROR_IO_PENDING))
......@@ -1647,10 +1648,10 @@ static void test_WaitDsr(void)
success = GetOverlappedResult(hcom, &overlapped, &written, FALSE);
err = GetLastError();
after1 = GetTickCount();
trace("Success 0x%08x err %d evtmask 0x%08x diff1 %d, diff2 %d\n",
trace("Success 0x%08lx err %ld evtmask 0x%08lx diff1 %ld, diff2 %ld\n",
success, err, evtmask, after-before, after1-before);
ok(evtmask & EV_DSR, "Failed to detect EV_DSR: 0x%08x, expected 0x%08x\n",
ok(evtmask & EV_DSR, "Failed to detect EV_DSR: 0x%08lx, expected 0x%08x\n",
evtmask, EV_DSR);
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &evtmask), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
if(defaultStat & MS_DSR_ON)
......@@ -1660,7 +1661,7 @@ static void test_WaitDsr(void)
diff = after1 - before;
ok ((diff > (TIMEOUT>>1) -TIMEDELTA) && (diff < (TIMEOUT>>1) + TIMEDELTA),
"Unexpected time %d, expected around %d\n", diff, TIMEOUT>>1);
"Unexpected time %ld, expected around %d\n", diff, TIMEOUT>>1);
/*restore RTS Settings*/
if(defaultStat & MS_DSR_ON)
......@@ -1711,7 +1712,7 @@ static void test_WaitRing(void)
args[1] = SETDTR;
args[2]=(DWORD_PTR) hcom;
trace("test_WaitRing timeout %ld clt 0x%08lx handle %p\n",args[0], args[1], hcom);
trace("test_WaitRing timeout %Id clt 0x%08Ix handle %p\n",args[0], args[1], hcom);
ok(SetCommMask(hcom, EV_RING), "SetCommMask failed\n");
hComPortEvent = CreateEventW( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );
......@@ -1726,7 +1727,7 @@ static void test_WaitRing(void)
err = GetLastError();
after = GetTickCount();
trace("Success 0x%08x err %d evtmask 0x%08x\n", success, err, evtmask);
trace("Success 0x%08lx err %ld evtmask 0x%08lx\n", success, err, evtmask);
ok(success || err == ERROR_IO_PENDING, "overlapped WaitCommEvent failed\n");
trace("overlapped WaitCommEvent returned.\n");
if (!success && (err == ERROR_IO_PENDING))
......@@ -1735,10 +1736,10 @@ static void test_WaitRing(void)
success = GetOverlappedResult(hcom, &overlapped, &written, FALSE);
err = GetLastError();
after1 = GetTickCount();
trace("Success 0x%08x err %d evtmask 0x%08x diff1 %d, diff2 %d\n",
trace("Success 0x%08lx err %ld evtmask 0x%08lx diff1 %ld, diff2 %ld\n",
success, err, evtmask, after-before, after1-before);
ok(evtmask & EV_RING, "Failed to detect EV_RING: 0x%08x, expected 0x%08x\n",
ok(evtmask & EV_RING, "Failed to detect EV_RING: 0x%08lx, expected 0x%08x\n",
evtmask, EV_RING);
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &evtmask), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
if(defaultStat & MS_RING_ON)
......@@ -1748,7 +1749,7 @@ static void test_WaitRing(void)
diff = after1 - before;
ok ((diff > (TIMEOUT>>1) -TIMEDELTA) && (diff < (TIMEOUT>>1) + TIMEDELTA),
"Unexpected time %d, expected around %d\n", diff, TIMEOUT>>1);
"Unexpected time %ld, expected around %d\n", diff, TIMEOUT>>1);
/*restore RTS Settings*/
if(defaultStat & MS_RING_ON)
......@@ -1792,7 +1793,7 @@ static void test_WaitDcd(void)
args[1] = SETDTR;
args[2]= (DWORD_PTR)hcom;
trace("test_WaitDcd timeout %ld clt 0x%08lx handle %p\n",args[0], args[1], hcom);
trace("test_WaitDcd timeout %Id clt 0x%08Ix handle %p\n",args[0], args[1], hcom);
ok(SetCommMask(hcom, EV_RLSD), "SetCommMask failed\n");
hComPortEvent = CreateEventW( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );
......@@ -1807,7 +1808,7 @@ static void test_WaitDcd(void)
err = GetLastError();
after = GetTickCount();
trace("Success 0x%08x err %d evtmask 0x%08x\n", success, err, evtmask);
trace("Success 0x%08lx err %ld evtmask 0x%08lx\n", success, err, evtmask);
ok(success || err == ERROR_IO_PENDING, "overlapped WaitCommEvent failed\n");
trace("overlapped WaitCommEvent returned.\n");
if (!success && (err == ERROR_IO_PENDING))
......@@ -1816,10 +1817,10 @@ static void test_WaitDcd(void)
success = GetOverlappedResult(hcom, &overlapped, &written, FALSE);
err = GetLastError();
after1 = GetTickCount();
trace("Success 0x%08x err %d evtmask 0x%08x diff1 %d, diff2 %d\n",
trace("Success 0x%08lx err %ld evtmask 0x%08lx diff1 %ld, diff2 %ld\n",
success, err, evtmask, after-before, after1-before);
ok(evtmask & EV_RLSD, "Failed to detect EV_RLSD: 0x%08x, expected 0x%08x\n",
ok(evtmask & EV_RLSD, "Failed to detect EV_RLSD: 0x%08lx, expected 0x%08x\n",
evtmask, EV_RLSD);
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &evtmask), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
if(defaultStat & MS_RLSD_ON)
......@@ -1829,7 +1830,7 @@ static void test_WaitDcd(void)
diff = after1 - before;
ok ((diff > (TIMEOUT>>1) -TIMEDELTA) && (diff < (TIMEOUT>>1) + TIMEDELTA),
"Unexpected time %d, expected around %d\n", diff, TIMEOUT>>1);
"Unexpected time %ld, expected around %d\n", diff, TIMEOUT>>1);
/*restore RTS Settings*/
if(defaultStat & MS_RLSD_ON)
......@@ -1851,7 +1852,7 @@ static DWORD CALLBACK set_CommBreak(LPVOID arg)
DWORD timeout = args[0];
HANDLE hcom = (HANDLE) args[1];
trace("SetCommBreak for handle %p after timeout %d\n",
trace("SetCommBreak for handle %p after timeout %ld\n",
hcom, timeout);
ok(SetCommBreak(hcom),"SetCommBreak %p failed\n", hcom);
......@@ -1895,28 +1896,28 @@ static void test_WaitBreak(void)
err = GetLastError();
after = GetTickCount();
trace("Success 0x%08x err %d evtmask 0x%08x\n", success, err, evtmask);
trace("Success 0x%08lx err %ld evtmask 0x%08lx\n", success, err, evtmask);
ok(success || err == ERROR_IO_PENDING, "overlapped WaitCommEvent failed\n");
trace("overlapped WaitCommEvent returned.\n");
if (!success && (err == ERROR_IO_PENDING))
success = WaitForSingleObjectEx(hComPortEvent, TIMEOUT, TRUE);
ok(!success, "wait hComPortEvent res %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(!success, "wait hComPortEvent res %ld\n", GetLastError());
success = GetOverlappedResult(hcom, &overlapped, &written, FALSE);
err = GetLastError();
after1 = GetTickCount();
trace("Success 0x%08x err %d evtmask 0x%08x diff1 %d, diff2 %d\n",
trace("Success 0x%08lx err %ld evtmask 0x%08lx diff1 %ld, diff2 %ld\n",
success, err, evtmask, after-before, after1-before);
ok(evtmask & EV_BREAK, "Failed to detect EV_BREAK: 0x%08x, expected 0x%08x\n",
ok(evtmask & EV_BREAK, "Failed to detect EV_BREAK: 0x%08lx, expected 0x%08x\n",
evtmask, EV_BREAK);
ok(GetCommModemStatus(hcom, &evtmask), "GetCommModemStatus failed\n");
diff = after1 - before;
ok ((diff > (TIMEOUT>>1) -TIMEDELTA) && (diff < (TIMEOUT>>1) + TIMEDELTA),
"Unexpected time %d, expected around %d\n", diff, TIMEOUT>>1);
"Unexpected time %ld, expected around %d\n", diff, TIMEOUT>>1);
ok(ClearCommBreak(hcom), "ClearCommBreak failed\n");
......@@ -1932,7 +1933,7 @@ static void test_stdio(void)
/* cygwin tries this to determine the stdin handle type */
ok( !GetCommState( GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), &dcb ), "GetCommState succeeded on stdin\n" );
"got error %u\n", GetLastError() );
"got error %lu\n", GetLastError() );
static void test_WaitCommEvent(void)
......@@ -1947,7 +1948,7 @@ static void test_WaitCommEvent(void)
ret = SetCommMask(hcom, 0x1fff);
ok(ret, "SetCommMask error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(ret, "SetCommMask error %ld\n", GetLastError());
S(U(ovl_wait)).Offset = 0;
S(U(ovl_wait)).OffsetHigh = 0;
......@@ -1961,7 +1962,7 @@ static void test_WaitCommEvent(void)
evtmask = 0;
ret = WaitCommEvent(hcom, &evtmask, &ovl_wait);
ok(!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING, "WaitCommEvent returned %d, error %d\n", ret, GetLastError());
ok(!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING, "WaitCommEvent returned %ld, error %ld\n", ret, GetLastError());
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) goto done; /* no point in further testing */
for (;;)
......@@ -1971,9 +1972,9 @@ static void test_WaitCommEvent(void)
last_event_time = after;
ret = GetOverlappedResult(hcom, &ovl_wait, &bytes, FALSE);
ok(ret, "GetOverlappedResult reported error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(bytes == sizeof(evtmask), "expected %u, written %u\n", (UINT)sizeof(evtmask), bytes);
trace("WaitCommEvent: got events %#x\n", evtmask);
ok(ret, "GetOverlappedResult reported error %ld\n", GetLastError());
ok(bytes == sizeof(evtmask), "expected %u, written %lu\n", (UINT)sizeof(evtmask), bytes);
trace("WaitCommEvent: got events %#lx\n", evtmask);
......@@ -1999,17 +2000,17 @@ static void test_FlushFileBuffers(void)
if (hcom == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return;
ret = WriteFile(hcom, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 7, &bytes, NULL);
ok(ret, "WriteFile error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(bytes == 7, "expected 7, got %u\n", bytes);
ok(ret, "WriteFile error %ld\n", GetLastError());
ok(bytes == 7, "expected 7, got %lu\n", bytes);
ret = FlushFileBuffers(hcom);
ok(ret, "FlushFileBuffers error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(ret, "FlushFileBuffers error %ld\n", GetLastError());
ret = ClearCommError(hcom, &errors, &stat);
ok(ret, "ClearCommError error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(stat.cbInQue == 0, "expected 0, got %d bytes in InQueue\n", stat.cbInQue);
ok(stat.cbOutQue == 0, "expected 0, got %d bytes in OutQueue\n", stat.cbOutQue);
ok(errors == 0, "expected errors 0, got %#x\n", errors);
ok(ret, "ClearCommError error %ld\n", GetLastError());
ok(stat.cbInQue == 0, "expected 0, got %ld bytes in InQueue\n", stat.cbInQue);
ok(stat.cbOutQue == 0, "expected 0, got %ld bytes in OutQueue\n", stat.cbOutQue);
ok(errors == 0, "expected errors 0, got %#lx\n", errors);
......@@ -2037,7 +2038,7 @@ static void test_read_write(void)
if (hcom == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return;
ret = GetCommState(hcom, &dcb);
ok(ret, "GetCommState error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(ret, "GetCommState error %ld\n", GetLastError());
dcb.BaudRate = 9600;
dcb.ByteSize = 8;
dcb.Parity = NOPARITY;
......@@ -2045,29 +2046,29 @@ static void test_read_write(void)
dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE;
dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
ret = SetCommState(hcom, &dcb);
ok(ret, "SetCommState error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(ret, "SetCommState error %ld\n", GetLastError());
memset(&timeouts, 0, sizeof(timeouts));
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = TIMEOUT;
ret = SetCommTimeouts(hcom, &timeouts);
ok(ret,"SetCommTimeouts error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(ret,"SetCommTimeouts error %ld\n", GetLastError());
ret = SetupComm(hcom, 1024, 1024);
ok(ret, "SetUpComm error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(ret, "SetUpComm error %ld\n", GetLastError());
bytes = 0xdeadbeef;
ret = WriteFile(hcom, atz, 0, &bytes, NULL);
ok(!ret, "WriteFile should fail\n");
ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(bytes == 0, "bytes %u\n", bytes);
ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %ld\n", GetLastError());
ok(bytes == 0, "bytes %lu\n", bytes);
U(iob).Status = -1;
iob.Information = -1;
status = pNtWriteFile(hcom, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, atz, 0, NULL, NULL);
ok(status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %#x\n", status);
ok(U(iob).Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
ok(iob.Information == -1, "expected -1, got %ld\n", iob.Information);
ok(status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %#lx\n", status);
ok(U(iob).Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#lx\n", U(iob).Status);
ok(iob.Information == -1, "expected -1, got %Id\n", iob.Information);
for (i = -20; i < 20; i++)
......@@ -2077,15 +2078,15 @@ static void test_read_write(void)
status = pNtWriteFile(hcom, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, atz, 0, &offset, NULL);
if (i >= 0 || i == -1)
ok(status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "%d: expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", i, status);
ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "%d: expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", i, U(iob).Status);
ok(iob.Information == 0, "%d: expected 0, got %lu\n", i, iob.Information);
ok(status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "%ld: expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#lx\n", i, status);
ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "%ld: expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#lx\n", i, U(iob).Status);
ok(iob.Information == 0, "%ld: expected 0, got %Iu\n", i, iob.Information);
ok(status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "%d: expected STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %#x\n", i, status);
ok(U(iob).Status == -1, "%d: expected -1, got %#x\n", i, U(iob).Status);
ok(iob.Information == -1, "%d: expected -1, got %ld\n", i, iob.Information);
ok(status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "%ld: expected STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %#lx\n", i, status);
ok(U(iob).Status == -1, "%ld: expected -1, got %#lx\n", i, U(iob).Status);
ok(iob.Information == -1, "%ld: expected -1, got %Id\n", i, iob.Information);
......@@ -2093,7 +2094,7 @@ static void test_read_write(void)
iob.Information = -1;
offset.QuadPart = 0;
status = pNtWriteFile(hcom, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, atz, sizeof(atz), &offset, NULL);
ok(status == STATUS_PENDING || status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_PENDING or STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", status);
ok(status == STATUS_PENDING || status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_PENDING or STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#lx\n", status);
/* Under Windows checking IO_STATUS_BLOCK right after the call leads
* to races, iob.Status is either -1 or STATUS_SUCCESS, which means
* that it's set only when the operation completes.
......@@ -2105,12 +2106,12 @@ static void test_read_write(void)
ok(ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "WaitForSingleObject error %d\n", ret);
ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
ok(iob.Information == sizeof(atz), "expected sizeof(atz), got %lu\n", iob.Information);
ok(ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "WaitForSingleObject error %ld\n", ret);
ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#lx\n", U(iob).Status);
ok(iob.Information == sizeof(atz), "expected sizeof(atz), got %Iu\n", iob.Information);
ret = SetCommMask(hcom, EV_RXCHAR);
ok(ret, "SetCommMask error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(ret, "SetCommMask error %ld\n", GetLastError());
S(U(ovl_wait)).Offset = 0;
S(U(ovl_wait)).OffsetHigh = 0;
......@@ -2124,7 +2125,7 @@ static void test_read_write(void)
evtmask = 0;
ret = WaitCommEvent(hcom, &evtmask, &ovl_wait);
ok(!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING, "WaitCommEvent returned %d, error %d\n", ret, GetLastError());
ok(!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING, "WaitCommEvent returned %ld, error %ld\n", ret, GetLastError());
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) goto done; /* no point in further testing */
for (;;)
......@@ -2136,23 +2137,23 @@ static void test_read_write(void)
last_event_time = after;
ret = GetOverlappedResult(hcom, &ovl_wait, &bytes, FALSE);
ok(ret, "GetOverlappedResult reported error %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(bytes == sizeof(evtmask), "expected sizeof(evtmask), got %u\n", bytes);
ok(ret, "GetOverlappedResult reported error %ld\n", GetLastError());
ok(bytes == sizeof(evtmask), "expected sizeof(evtmask), got %lu\n", bytes);
ok(evtmask & EV_RXCHAR, "EV_RXCHAR should be set\n");
bytes = 0xdeadbeef;
ret = ReadFile(hcom, buf, 0, &bytes, NULL);
ok(!ret, "ReadFile should fail\n");
ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(bytes == 0, "bytes %u\n", bytes);
ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %ld\n", GetLastError());
ok(bytes == 0, "bytes %lu\n", bytes);
U(iob).Status = -1;
iob.Information = -1;
status = pNtReadFile(hcom, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, buf, 0, NULL, NULL);
ok(status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %#x\n", status);
ok(U(iob).Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
ok(iob.Information == -1, "expected -1, got %ld\n", iob.Information);
ok(status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %#lx\n", status);
ok(U(iob).Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#lx\n", U(iob).Status);
ok(iob.Information == -1, "expected -1, got %Id\n", iob.Information);
for (i = -20; i < 20; i++)
......@@ -2162,15 +2163,15 @@ static void test_read_write(void)
status = pNtReadFile(hcom, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, buf, 0, &offset, NULL);
if (i >= 0)
ok(status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "%d: expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", i, status);
ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "%d: expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", i, U(iob).Status);
ok(iob.Information == 0, "%d: expected 0, got %lu\n", i, iob.Information);
ok(status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "%ld: expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#lx\n", i, status);
ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "%ld: expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#lx\n", i, U(iob).Status);
ok(iob.Information == 0, "%ld: expected 0, got %Iu\n", i, iob.Information);
ok(status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "%d: expected STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %#x\n", i, status);
ok(U(iob).Status == -1, "%d: expected -1, got %#x\n", i, U(iob).Status);
ok(iob.Information == -1, "%d: expected -1, got %ld\n", i, iob.Information);
ok(status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "%ld: expected STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %#lx\n", i, status);
ok(U(iob).Status == -1, "%ld: expected -1, got %#lx\n", i, U(iob).Status);
ok(iob.Information == -1, "%ld: expected -1, got %Id\n", i, iob.Information);
......@@ -2178,9 +2179,9 @@ static void test_read_write(void)
iob.Information = -1;
offset.QuadPart = 0;
status = pNtReadFile(hcom, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, buf, 1, &offset, NULL);
ok(status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", status);
ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
ok(iob.Information == 1, "expected 1, got %lu\n", iob.Information);
ok(status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#lx\n", status);
ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#lx\n", U(iob).Status);
ok(iob.Information == 1, "expected 1, got %Iu\n", iob.Information);
goto done;
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