Commit 50dc5a30 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

Crop the update region to the new window rectangle when resizing a

parent 6bbd63e8
......@@ -1164,6 +1164,24 @@ static void set_window_pos( struct window *win, struct window *previous,
goto done;
/* crop update region to the new window rect */
if (win->update_region &&
(window_rect->right - window_rect->left < old_window_rect.right - old_window_rect.left ||
window_rect->bottom - window_rect->top < old_window_rect.bottom -
struct region *tmp = create_empty_region();
if (tmp)
set_region_rect( tmp, window_rect );
offset_region( tmp, -window_rect->left, -window_rect->top );
if (intersect_region( tmp, win->update_region, tmp ))
set_update_region( win, tmp );
free_region( tmp );
if (swp_flags & SWP_NOREDRAW) goto done; /* do not repaint anything */
/* expose the whole non-client area if it changed in any way */
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