Commit 6a19d9f2 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

gdi32: Support drawing to a visible rectangle smaller than the whole bitmap in the DIB engine.

parent 025b5887
......@@ -675,9 +675,11 @@ static DWORD copy_src_bits( dib_info *src, RECT *src_rect )
for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
memcpy( (char *)ptr + y * stride,
(char *)src->bits.ptr + (src_rect->top + y) * src->stride, stride );
(char *)src->bits.ptr + (src-> + src_rect->top + y) * src->stride, stride );
src->stride = stride;
src->height = height;
src-> = 0;
src->rect.bottom = height;
if (src-> src-> &src->bits );
src->bits.is_copy = TRUE;
src->bits.ptr = ptr;
......@@ -694,6 +696,10 @@ static DWORD create_tmp_dib( const dib_info *copy, int width, int height, dib_in
ret->width = width;
ret->height = height;
ret->stride = get_dib_stride( width, ret->bit_count );
ret->rect.left = 0;
ret-> = 0;
ret->rect.right = width;
ret->rect.bottom = height;
ret->bits.ptr = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, ret->height * ret->stride );
ret->bits.is_copy = TRUE;
ret-> = free_heap_bits;
......@@ -839,19 +845,23 @@ DWORD dibdrv_GetImage( PHYSDEV dev, HBITMAP hbitmap, BITMAPINFO *info,
info->bmiHeader.biWidth = dib->width;
info->bmiHeader.biHeight = dib->stride > 0 ? -dib->height : dib->height;
info->bmiHeader.biHeight = dib->rect.bottom - dib->;
info->bmiHeader.biBitCount = dib->bit_count;
info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = dib->height * abs( dib->stride );
info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = info->bmiHeader.biHeight * abs( dib->stride );
if (dib->stride > 0) info->bmiHeader.biHeight = -info->bmiHeader.biHeight;
set_color_info( dib, info );
if (bits)
bits->ptr = dib->bits.ptr;
if (dib->stride < 0)
bits->ptr = (char *)bits->ptr + (dib->height - 1) * dib->stride;
bits->ptr = (char *)dib->bits.ptr + (dib->rect.bottom - 1) * dib->stride;
bits->ptr = (char *)dib->bits.ptr + dib-> * dib->stride;
bits->is_copy = FALSE;
bits->free = NULL;
src->x += dib->rect.left;
offset_rect( &src->visrect, dib->rect.left, 0 );
......@@ -73,6 +73,10 @@ static void init_dib_info(dib_info *dib, const BITMAPINFOHEADER *bi, const DWORD
dib->bit_count = bi->biBitCount;
dib->width = bi->biWidth;
dib->height = bi->biHeight;
dib->rect.left = 0;
dib-> = 0;
dib->rect.right = bi->biWidth;
dib->rect.bottom = abs( bi->biHeight );
dib->compression = bi->biCompression;
dib->stride = get_dib_stride( dib->width, dib->bit_count );
dib->bits.ptr = bits;
......@@ -267,8 +271,8 @@ int get_clipped_rects( const dib_info *dib, const RECT *rc, HRGN clip, struct cl
rect.left = 0; = 0;
rect.right = dib->width;
rect.bottom = dib->height;
rect.right = dib->rect.right - dib->rect.left;
rect.bottom = dib->rect.bottom - dib->;
if (rc && !intersect_rect( &rect, &rect, rc )) return 0;
if (!clip)
......@@ -313,6 +317,8 @@ void add_clipped_bounds( dibdrv_physdev *dev, const RECT *rect, HRGN clip )
else rc = *rect;
if (is_rect_empty( &rc )) return;
offset_rect( &rc, dev->dib.rect.left, dev-> );
add_bounds_rect( dev->bounds, &rc );
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ typedef struct
int bit_count, width, height;
int compression;
RECT rect; /* visible rectangle relative to bitmap origin */
int stride; /* stride in bytes. Will be -ve for bottom-up dibs (see bits). */
struct gdi_image_bits bits; /* bits.ptr points to the top-left corner of the dib. */
......@@ -438,11 +438,15 @@ static void draw_glyph( dibdrv_physdev *pdev, const POINT *origin, const GLYPHME
POINT src_origin;
dib_info glyph_dib;
glyph_dib.bit_count = 8;
glyph_dib.width = metrics->gmBlackBoxX;
glyph_dib.height = metrics->gmBlackBoxY;
glyph_dib.stride = get_dib_stride( metrics->gmBlackBoxX, 8 );
glyph_dib.bits = *image;
glyph_dib.bit_count = 8;
glyph_dib.width = metrics->gmBlackBoxX;
glyph_dib.height = metrics->gmBlackBoxY;
glyph_dib.rect.left = 0; = 0;
glyph_dib.rect.right = metrics->gmBlackBoxX;
glyph_dib.rect.bottom = metrics->gmBlackBoxY;
glyph_dib.stride = get_dib_stride( metrics->gmBlackBoxX, 8 );
glyph_dib.bits = *image;
rect.left = origin->x + metrics->gmptGlyphOrigin.x; = origin->y - metrics->gmptGlyphOrigin.y;
......@@ -587,11 +591,15 @@ BOOL render_aa_text_bitmapinfo( HDC hdc, BITMAPINFO *info, struct gdi_image_bits
POINT src_origin;
dib_info glyph_dib;
glyph_dib.bit_count = 8;
glyph_dib.width = metrics.gmBlackBoxX;
glyph_dib.height = metrics.gmBlackBoxY;
glyph_dib.stride = get_dib_stride( metrics.gmBlackBoxX, 8 );
glyph_dib.bits = image;
glyph_dib.bit_count = 8;
glyph_dib.width = metrics.gmBlackBoxX;
glyph_dib.height = metrics.gmBlackBoxY;
glyph_dib.rect.left = 0; = 0;
glyph_dib.rect.right = metrics.gmBlackBoxX;
glyph_dib.rect.bottom = metrics.gmBlackBoxY;
glyph_dib.stride = get_dib_stride( metrics.gmBlackBoxX, 8 );
glyph_dib.bits = image;
rect.left = x + metrics.gmptGlyphOrigin.x; = y - metrics.gmptGlyphOrigin.y;
......@@ -783,13 +791,15 @@ static inline void do_next_row( dib_info *dib, HRGN clip, const RECT *row, int o
static void fill_row( dib_info *dib, HRGN clip, RECT *row, DWORD pixel, UINT type, HRGN rgn )
while (row->left > 0 && is_interior( dib, clip, row->left - 1, row->top, pixel, type)) row->left--;
while (row->right < dib->width && is_interior( dib, clip, row->right, row->top, pixel, type)) row->right++;
while (row->right < dib->rect.right - dib->rect.left &&
is_interior( dib, clip, row->right, row->top, pixel, type))
add_rect_to_region( rgn, row );
if (row->top > 0) do_next_row( dib, clip, row, -1, pixel, type, rgn );
if (row->top < dib->height - 1) do_next_row( dib, clip, row, 1, pixel, type, rgn );
if (row->top < dib->rect.bottom - dib-> - 1)
do_next_row( dib, clip, row, 1, pixel, type, rgn );
......@@ -850,8 +860,8 @@ COLORREF dibdrv_GetPixel( PHYSDEV dev, INT x, INT y )
pt.y = y;
LPtoDP( dev->hdc, &pt, 1 );
if (pt.x < 0 || pt.x >= pdev->dib.width ||
pt.y < 0 || pt.y >= pdev->dib.height)
if (pt.x < 0 || pt.x >= pdev->dib.rect.right - pdev->dib.rect.left ||
pt.y < 0 || pt.y >= pdev->dib.rect.bottom - pdev->
pixel = pdev->dib.funcs->get_pixel( &pdev->dib, pt.x, pt.y );
......@@ -1805,6 +1805,10 @@ static BOOL create_hatch_brush_bits(dibdrv_physdev *pdev, dib_brush *brush, BOOL
brush->dib.width = 8;
brush->dib.height = 8;
brush->dib.stride = get_dib_stride( brush->dib.width, brush->dib.bit_count );
brush->dib.rect.left = 0;
brush-> = 0;
brush->dib.rect.right = 8;
brush->dib.rect.bottom = 8;
size = brush->dib.height * brush->dib.stride;
......@@ -1824,6 +1828,10 @@ static BOOL create_hatch_brush_bits(dibdrv_physdev *pdev, dib_brush *brush, BOOL
hatch.bits.ptr = (void *) hatches[brush->hatch]; = hatch.bits.param = NULL;
hatch.bits.is_copy = FALSE;
hatch.rect.left = 0; = 0;
hatch.rect.right = 8;
hatch.rect.bottom = 8;
get_color_masks( pdev, brush->rop, brush->colorref, GetBkMode(pdev->dev.hdc),
&fg_mask, &bg_mask );
......@@ -1865,7 +1873,6 @@ static BOOL select_pattern_brush( dibdrv_physdev *pdev, dib_brush *brush, BOOL *
char buffer[FIELD_OFFSET( BITMAPINFO, bmiColors[256] )];
BITMAPINFO *info = (BITMAPINFO *)buffer;
RGBQUAD color_table[2];
RECT rect;
dib_info pattern;
if (!brush->
......@@ -1921,6 +1928,7 @@ static BOOL select_pattern_brush( dibdrv_physdev *pdev, dib_brush *brush, BOOL *
brush->dib.height = pattern.height;
brush->dib.width = pattern.width;
brush->dib.stride = get_dib_stride( brush->dib.width, brush->dib.bit_count );
brush->dib.rect = pattern.rect;
if (matching_pattern_format( &brush->dib, &pattern ))
......@@ -1933,12 +1941,7 @@ static BOOL select_pattern_brush( dibdrv_physdev *pdev, dib_brush *brush, BOOL *
brush->dib.bits.ptr = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, brush->dib.height * brush->dib.stride );
brush->dib.bits.is_copy = TRUE;
brush-> = free_heap_bits;
rect.left = = 0;
rect.right = pattern.width;
rect.bottom = pattern.height;
brush->dib.funcs->convert_to(&brush->dib, &pattern, &rect);
brush->dib.funcs->convert_to(&brush->dib, &pattern, &pattern.rect);
return TRUE;
......@@ -59,37 +59,37 @@ static const BYTE bayer_16x16[16][16] =
static inline DWORD *get_pixel_ptr_32(const dib_info *dib, int x, int y)
return (DWORD *)((BYTE*)dib->bits.ptr + y * dib->stride + x * 4);
return (DWORD *)((BYTE*)dib->bits.ptr + (dib-> + y) * dib->stride + (dib->rect.left + x) * 4);
static inline DWORD *get_pixel_ptr_24_dword(const dib_info *dib, int x, int y)
return (DWORD *)((BYTE*)dib->bits.ptr + y * dib->stride) + x * 3 / 4;
return (DWORD *)((BYTE*)dib->bits.ptr + (dib-> + y) * dib->stride) + (dib->rect.left + x) * 3 / 4;
static inline BYTE *get_pixel_ptr_24(const dib_info *dib, int x, int y)
return (BYTE*)dib->bits.ptr + y * dib->stride + x * 3;
return (BYTE*)dib->bits.ptr + (dib-> + y) * dib->stride + (dib->rect.left + x) * 3;
static inline WORD *get_pixel_ptr_16(const dib_info *dib, int x, int y)
return (WORD *)((BYTE*)dib->bits.ptr + y * dib->stride + x * 2);
return (WORD *)((BYTE*)dib->bits.ptr + (dib-> + y) * dib->stride + (dib->rect.left + x) * 2);
static inline BYTE *get_pixel_ptr_8(const dib_info *dib, int x, int y)
return (BYTE*)dib->bits.ptr + y * dib->stride + x;
return (BYTE*)dib->bits.ptr + (dib-> + y) * dib->stride + dib->rect.left + x;
static inline BYTE *get_pixel_ptr_4(const dib_info *dib, int x, int y)
return (BYTE*)dib->bits.ptr + y * dib->stride + x / 2;
return (BYTE*)dib->bits.ptr + (dib-> + y) * dib->stride + (dib->rect.left + x) / 2;
static inline BYTE *get_pixel_ptr_1(const dib_info *dib, int x, int y)
return (BYTE*)dib->bits.ptr + y * dib->stride + x / 8;
return (BYTE*)dib->bits.ptr + (dib-> + y) * dib->stride + (dib->rect.left + x) / 8;
static const BYTE pixel_masks_4[2] = {0xf0, 0x0f};
......@@ -274,14 +274,17 @@ static void solid_rects_24(const dib_info *dib, int num, const RECT *rc, DWORD a
for(i = 0; i < num; i++, rc++)
if(rc->left >= rc->right) continue;
int left = dib->rect.left + rc->left;
int right = dib->rect.left + rc->right;
if((rc->left & ~3) == (rc->right & ~3)) /* Special case for lines that start and end in the same DWORD triplet */
if (left >= right) continue;
if ((left & ~3) == (right & ~3)) /* Special case for lines that start and end in the same DWORD triplet */
byte_start = get_pixel_ptr_24(dib, rc->left, rc->top);
for(y = rc->top; y < rc->bottom; y++, byte_start += dib->stride)
for(x = rc->left, byte_ptr = byte_start; x < rc->right; x++)
for(x = left, byte_ptr = byte_start; x < right; x++)
do_rop_8(byte_ptr++, and_masks[0] & 0xff, xor_masks[0] & 0xff);
do_rop_8(byte_ptr++, and_masks[1] & 0xff, xor_masks[1] & 0xff);
......@@ -296,7 +299,7 @@ static void solid_rects_24(const dib_info *dib, int num, const RECT *rc, DWORD a
ptr = start;
switch(rc->left & 3)
switch(left & 3)
case 1:
do_rop_32(ptr++, and_masks[0] | 0x00ffffff, xor_masks[0] & 0xff000000);
......@@ -312,14 +315,14 @@ static void solid_rects_24(const dib_info *dib, int num, const RECT *rc, DWORD a
for(x = (rc->left + 3) & ~3; x < (rc->right & ~3); x += 4)
for(x = (left + 3) & ~3; x < (right & ~3); x += 4)
do_rop_32(ptr++, and_masks[0], xor_masks[0]);
do_rop_32(ptr++, and_masks[1], xor_masks[1]);
do_rop_32(ptr++, and_masks[2], xor_masks[2]);
switch(rc->right & 3)
switch(right & 3)
case 1:
do_rop_32(ptr, and_masks[0] | 0xff000000, xor_masks[0] & 0x00ffffff);
......@@ -376,18 +379,21 @@ static void solid_rects_4(const dib_info *dib, int num, const RECT *rc, DWORD an
for(i = 0; i < num; i++, rc++)
if(rc->left >= rc->right) continue;
int left = dib->rect.left + rc->left;
int right = dib->rect.left + rc->right;
if (left >= right) continue;
start = get_pixel_ptr_4(dib, rc->left, rc->top);
for(y = rc->top; y < rc->bottom; y++, start += dib->stride)
ptr = start;
if(rc->left & 1) /* upper nibble untouched */
if(left & 1) /* upper nibble untouched */
do_rop_8(ptr++, byte_and | 0xf0, byte_xor & 0x0f);
for(x = (rc->left + 1) & ~1; x < (rc->right & ~1); x += 2)
for(x = (left + 1) & ~1; x < (right & ~1); x += 2)
do_rop_8(ptr++, byte_and, byte_xor);
if(rc->right & 1) /* lower nibble untouched */
if(right & 1) /* lower nibble untouched */
do_rop_8(ptr, byte_and | 0x0f, byte_xor & 0xf0);
......@@ -404,13 +410,16 @@ static void solid_rects_1(const dib_info *dib, int num, const RECT *rc, DWORD an
for(i = 0; i < num; i++, rc++)
if(rc->left >= rc->right) continue;
int left = dib->rect.left + rc->left;
int right = dib->rect.left + rc->right;
if (left >= right) continue;
start = get_pixel_ptr_1(dib, rc->left, rc->top);
if((rc->left & ~7) == (rc->right & ~7)) /* Special case for lines that start and end in the same byte */
if ((left & ~7) == (right & ~7)) /* Special case for lines that start and end in the same byte */
mask = masks[rc->left & 7] & ~masks[rc->right & 7];
mask = masks[left & 7] & ~masks[right & 7];
start_and = byte_and | ~mask;
start_xor = byte_xor & mask;
......@@ -421,11 +430,11 @@ static void solid_rects_1(const dib_info *dib, int num, const RECT *rc, DWORD an
mask = masks[rc->left & 7];
mask = masks[left & 7];
start_and = byte_and | ~mask;
start_xor = byte_xor & mask;
mask = masks[rc->right & 7];
mask = masks[right & 7];
/* This is inverted wrt to start mask, so end_and/xor assignments reflect this */
end_and = byte_and | mask;
end_xor = byte_xor & ~mask;
......@@ -434,13 +443,13 @@ static void solid_rects_1(const dib_info *dib, int num, const RECT *rc, DWORD an
ptr = start;
if(rc->left & 7)
if(left & 7)
do_rop_8(ptr++, start_and, start_xor);
for(x = (rc->left + 7) & ~7; x < (rc->right & ~7); x += 8)
for(x = (left + 7) & ~7; x < (right & ~7); x += 8)
do_rop_8(ptr++, byte_and, byte_xor);
if(rc->right & 7)
if(right & 7)
do_rop_8(ptr, end_and, end_xor);
......@@ -583,7 +592,7 @@ static void solid_line_4(const dib_info *dib, const POINT *start, const struct l
BYTE *ptr = get_pixel_ptr_4( dib, start->x, start->y );
int len = params->length, err = params->err_start;
int x = start->x;
int x = dib->rect.left + start->x;
and = (and & 0x0f) | ((and << 4) & 0xf0);
xor = (xor & 0x0f) | ((xor << 4) & 0xf0);
......@@ -627,7 +636,7 @@ static void solid_line_1(const dib_info *dib, const POINT *start, const struct l
BYTE *ptr = get_pixel_ptr_1( dib, start->x, start->y );
int len = params->length, err = params->err_start;
int x = start->x;
int x = dib->rect.left + start->x;
and = (and & 0x1) ? 0xff : 0;
xor = (xor & 0x1) ? 0xff : 0;
......@@ -886,12 +895,14 @@ static void pattern_rects_4(const dib_info *dib, int num, const RECT *rc, const
const dib_info *brush, void *and_bits, void *xor_bits)
BYTE *ptr, *start, *start_and, *and_ptr, *start_xor, *xor_ptr;
int x, y, i;
int x, y, i, left, right;
POINT offset;
for(i = 0; i < num; i++, rc++)
offset = calc_brush_offset(rc, brush, origin);
left = dib->rect.left + rc->left;
right = dib->rect.left + rc->right;
start = get_pixel_ptr_4(dib, rc->left, rc->top);
start_and = (BYTE*)and_bits + offset.y * brush->stride;
......@@ -905,7 +916,7 @@ static void pattern_rects_4(const dib_info *dib, int num, const RECT *rc, const
and_ptr = start_and + brush_x / 2;
xor_ptr = start_xor + brush_x / 2;
for(x = rc->left, ptr = start; x < rc->right; x++)
for(x = left, ptr = start; x < right; x++)
/* FIXME: Two pixels at a time */
if(x & 1) /* lower dst nibble */
......@@ -966,12 +977,14 @@ static void pattern_rects_1(const dib_info *dib, int num, const RECT *rc, const
const dib_info *brush, void *and_bits, void *xor_bits)
BYTE *ptr, *start, *start_and, *and_ptr, *start_xor, *xor_ptr;
int x, y, i;
int x, y, i, left, right;
POINT offset;
for(i = 0; i < num; i++, rc++)
offset = calc_brush_offset(rc, brush, origin);
left = dib->rect.left + rc->left;
right = dib->rect.left + rc->right;
start = get_pixel_ptr_1(dib, rc->left, rc->top);
start_and = (BYTE*)and_bits + offset.y * brush->stride;
......@@ -985,7 +998,7 @@ static void pattern_rects_1(const dib_info *dib, int num, const RECT *rc, const
and_ptr = start_and + brush_x / 8;
xor_ptr = start_xor + brush_x / 8;
for(x = rc->left, ptr = start; x < rc->right; x++)
for(x = left, ptr = start; x < right; x++)
byte_and = (*and_ptr & pixel_masks_1[brush_x % 8]) ? 0xff : 0;
byte_and |= ~pixel_masks_1[x % 8];
......@@ -1194,6 +1207,9 @@ static void copy_rect_4(const dib_info *dst, const RECT *rc,
BYTE *dst_start, *src_start;
int y, dst_stride, src_stride;
struct rop_codes codes;
int left = dst->rect.left + rc->left;
int right = dst->rect.left + rc->right;
int org_x = src->rect.left + origin->x;
if (overlap & OVERLAP_BELOW)
......@@ -1210,10 +1226,10 @@ static void copy_rect_4(const dib_info *dst, const RECT *rc,
src_stride = src->stride;
if (rop2 == R2_COPYPEN && (rc->left & 1) == 0 && (origin->x & 1) == 0 && (rc->right & 1) == 0)
if (rop2 == R2_COPYPEN && (left & 1) == 0 && (org_x & 1) == 0 && (right & 1) == 0)
for (y = rc->top; y < rc->bottom; y++, dst_start += dst_stride, src_start += src_stride)
memmove( dst_start, src_start, (rc->right - rc->left) / 2 );
memmove( dst_start, src_start, (right - left) / 2 );
......@@ -1221,9 +1237,9 @@ static void copy_rect_4(const dib_info *dst, const RECT *rc,
for (y = rc->top; y < rc->bottom; y++, dst_start += dst_stride, src_start += src_stride)
if (overlap & OVERLAP_RIGHT)
do_rop_codes_line_rev_4( dst_start, rc->left & 1, src_start, origin->x & 1, &codes, rc->right - rc->left );
do_rop_codes_line_rev_4( dst_start, left & 1, src_start, org_x & 1, &codes, right - left );
do_rop_codes_line_4( dst_start, rc->left & 1, src_start, origin->x & 1, &codes, rc->right - rc->left );
do_rop_codes_line_4( dst_start, left & 1, src_start, org_x & 1, &codes, right - left );
......@@ -1233,6 +1249,9 @@ static void copy_rect_1(const dib_info *dst, const RECT *rc,
BYTE *dst_start, *src_start;
int y, dst_stride, src_stride;
struct rop_codes codes;
int left = dst->rect.left + rc->left;
int right = dst->rect.left + rc->right;
int org_x = src->rect.left + origin->x;
if (overlap & OVERLAP_BELOW)
......@@ -1249,10 +1268,10 @@ static void copy_rect_1(const dib_info *dst, const RECT *rc,
src_stride = src->stride;
if (rop2 == R2_COPYPEN && (rc->left & 7) == 0 && (origin->x & 7) == 0 && (rc->right & 7) == 0)
if (rop2 == R2_COPYPEN && (left & 7) == 0 && (org_x & 7) == 0 && (right & 7) == 0)
for (y = rc->top; y < rc->bottom; y++, dst_start += dst_stride, src_start += src_stride)
memmove( dst_start, src_start, (rc->right - rc->left) / 8 );
memmove( dst_start, src_start, (right - left) / 8 );
......@@ -1260,9 +1279,9 @@ static void copy_rect_1(const dib_info *dst, const RECT *rc,
for (y = rc->top; y < rc->bottom; y++, dst_start += dst_stride, src_start += src_stride)
if (overlap & OVERLAP_RIGHT)
do_rop_codes_line_rev_1( dst_start, rc->left & 7, src_start, origin->x & 7, &codes, rc->right - rc->left );
do_rop_codes_line_rev_1( dst_start, left & 7, src_start, org_x & 7, &codes, right - left );
do_rop_codes_line_1( dst_start, rc->left & 7, src_start, origin->x & 7, &codes, rc->right - rc->left );
do_rop_codes_line_1( dst_start, left & 7, src_start, org_x & 7, &codes, right - left );
......@@ -1300,7 +1319,7 @@ static DWORD get_pixel_4(const dib_info *dib, int x, int y)
BYTE *ptr = get_pixel_ptr_4( dib, x, y );
if (x & 1)
if ((dib->rect.left + x) & 1)
return *ptr & 0x0f;
return (*ptr >> 4) & 0x0f;
......@@ -1309,7 +1328,7 @@ static DWORD get_pixel_4(const dib_info *dib, int x, int y)
static DWORD get_pixel_1(const dib_info *dib, int x, int y)
BYTE *ptr = get_pixel_ptr_1( dib, x, y );
return (*ptr & pixel_masks_1[x & 0x7]) ? 1 : 0;
return (*ptr & pixel_masks_1[(dib->rect.left + x) & 7]) ? 1 : 0;
static DWORD get_pixel_null(const dib_info *dib, int x, int y)
......@@ -1472,7 +1491,7 @@ static void convert_to_8888(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_
DWORD *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_32(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top), *src_pixel;
if(src->funcs == &funcs_8888)
if(src->stride > 0 && dst->stride > 0 && src_rect->left == 0 && src_rect->right == src->width)
if (src->stride > 0 && src->stride == dst->stride && !pad_size)
memcpy(dst_start, src_start, (src_rect->bottom - src_rect->top) * src->stride);
......@@ -1656,18 +1675,18 @@ static void convert_to_8888(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_4(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top), *src_pixel;
for(y = src_rect->top; y < src_rect->bottom; y++)
dst_pixel = dst_start;
int pos = (src->rect.left + src_rect->left) & 1;
src_pixel = src_start;
for(x = src_rect->left; x < src_rect->right; x++)
for (x = 0; x < src_rect->right - src_rect->left; x++, pos++)
if(x & 1)
if (pos & 1)
rgb = src->color_table[*src_pixel++ & 0xf];
rgb = src->color_table[*src_pixel >> 4];
*dst_pixel++ = rgb.rgbRed << 16 | rgb.rgbGreen << 8 | rgb.rgbBlue;
dst_start[x] = rgb.rgbRed << 16 | rgb.rgbGreen << 8 | rgb.rgbBlue;
if(pad_size) memset(dst_pixel, 0, pad_size);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_start + x, 0, pad_size);
dst_start += dst->stride / 4;
src_start += src->stride;
......@@ -1676,20 +1695,18 @@ static void convert_to_8888(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_
case 1:
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_1(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top), *src_pixel;
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_1(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top);
for(y = src_rect->top; y < src_rect->bottom; y++)
dst_pixel = dst_start;
src_pixel = src_start;
for(x = src_rect->left; x < src_rect->right; x++)
int pos = (src->rect.left + src_rect->left) & 7;
for(x = 0; x < src_rect->right - src_rect->left; x++, pos++)
src_val = (*src_pixel & pixel_masks_1[x % 8]) ? 1 : 0;
if((x % 8) == 7) src_pixel++;
src_val = (src_start[pos / 8] & pixel_masks_1[pos % 8]) ? 1 : 0;
rgb = src->color_table[src_val];
*dst_pixel++ = rgb.rgbRed << 16 | rgb.rgbGreen << 8 | rgb.rgbBlue;
dst_start[x] = rgb.rgbRed << 16 | rgb.rgbGreen << 8 | rgb.rgbBlue;
if(pad_size) memset(dst_pixel, 0, pad_size);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_start + x, 0, pad_size);
dst_start += dst->stride / 4;
src_start += src->stride;
......@@ -1729,7 +1746,7 @@ static void convert_to_32(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_re
else if(bit_fields_match(src, dst))
if(src->stride > 0 && dst->stride > 0 && src_rect->left == 0 && src_rect->right == src->width)
if (src->stride > 0 && src->stride == dst->stride && !pad_size)
memcpy(dst_start, src_start, (src_rect->bottom - src_rect->top) * src->stride);
......@@ -1918,20 +1935,20 @@ static void convert_to_32(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_re
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_4(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top), *src_pixel;
for(y = src_rect->top; y < src_rect->bottom; y++)
dst_pixel = dst_start;
int pos = (src->rect.left + src_rect->left) & 1;
src_pixel = src_start;
for(x = src_rect->left; x < src_rect->right; x++)
for (x = 0; x < src_rect->right - src_rect->left; x++, pos++)
if(x & 1)
if (pos & 1)
rgb = src->color_table[*src_pixel++ & 0xf];
rgb = src->color_table[*src_pixel >> 4];
*dst_pixel++ = put_field(rgb.rgbRed, dst->red_shift, dst->red_len) |
dst_start[x] = put_field(rgb.rgbRed, dst->red_shift, dst->red_len) |
put_field(rgb.rgbGreen, dst->green_shift, dst->green_len) |
put_field(rgb.rgbBlue, dst->blue_shift, dst->blue_len);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_pixel, 0, pad_size);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_start + x, 0, pad_size);
dst_start += dst->stride / 4;
src_start += src->stride;
......@@ -1940,22 +1957,20 @@ static void convert_to_32(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_re
case 1:
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_1(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top), *src_pixel;
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_1(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top);
for(y = src_rect->top; y < src_rect->bottom; y++)
dst_pixel = dst_start;
src_pixel = src_start;
for(x = src_rect->left; x < src_rect->right; x++)
int pos = (src->rect.left + src_rect->left) & 7;
for (x = 0; x < src_rect->right - src_rect->left; x++, pos++)
src_val = (*src_pixel & pixel_masks_1[x % 8]) ? 1 : 0;
if((x % 8) == 7) src_pixel++;
src_val = (src_start[pos / 8] & pixel_masks_1[pos % 8]) ? 1 : 0;
rgb = src->color_table[src_val];
*dst_pixel++ = put_field(rgb.rgbRed, dst->red_shift, dst->red_len) |
dst_start[x] = put_field(rgb.rgbRed, dst->red_shift, dst->red_len) |
put_field(rgb.rgbGreen, dst->green_shift, dst->green_len) |
put_field(rgb.rgbBlue, dst->blue_shift, dst->blue_len);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_pixel, 0, pad_size);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_start + x, 0, pad_size);
dst_start += dst->stride / 4;
src_start += src->stride;
......@@ -2036,7 +2051,7 @@ static void convert_to_24(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_re
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_24(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top);
if(src->stride > 0 && dst->stride > 0 && src_rect->left == 0 && src_rect->right == src->width)
if (src->stride > 0 && src->stride == dst->stride && !pad_size)
memcpy(dst_start, src_start, (src_rect->bottom - src_rect->top) * src->stride);
......@@ -2161,20 +2176,20 @@ static void convert_to_24(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_re
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_4(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top), *src_pixel;
for(y = src_rect->top; y < src_rect->bottom; y++)
dst_pixel = dst_start;
int pos = (src->rect.left + src_rect->left) & 1;
src_pixel = src_start;
for(x = src_rect->left; x < src_rect->right; x++)
for (x = 0; x < src_rect->right - src_rect->left; x++, pos++)
if(x & 1)
if (pos & 1)
rgb = src->color_table[*src_pixel++ & 0xf];
rgb = src->color_table[*src_pixel >> 4];
*dst_pixel++ = rgb.rgbBlue;
*dst_pixel++ = rgb.rgbGreen;
*dst_pixel++ = rgb.rgbRed;
dst_start[x * 3] = rgb.rgbBlue;
dst_start[x * 3 + 1] = rgb.rgbGreen;
dst_start[x * 3 + 2] = rgb.rgbRed;
if(pad_size) memset(dst_pixel, 0, pad_size);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_start + x * 3, 0, pad_size);
dst_start += dst->stride;
src_start += src->stride;
......@@ -2183,22 +2198,20 @@ static void convert_to_24(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_re
case 1:
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_1(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top), *src_pixel;
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_1(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top);
for(y = src_rect->top; y < src_rect->bottom; y++)
dst_pixel = dst_start;
src_pixel = src_start;
for(x = src_rect->left; x < src_rect->right; x++)
int pos = (src->rect.left + src_rect->left) & 7;
for (x = 0; x < src_rect->right - src_rect->left; x++, pos++)
src_val = (*src_pixel & pixel_masks_1[x % 8]) ? 1 : 0;
if((x % 8) == 7) src_pixel++;
src_val = (src_start[pos / 8] & pixel_masks_1[pos % 8]) ? 1 : 0;
rgb = src->color_table[src_val];
*dst_pixel++ = rgb.rgbBlue;
*dst_pixel++ = rgb.rgbGreen;
*dst_pixel++ = rgb.rgbRed;
dst_start[x * 3] = rgb.rgbBlue;
dst_start[x * 3 + 1] = rgb.rgbGreen;
dst_start[x * 3 + 2] = rgb.rgbRed;
if(pad_size) memset(dst_pixel, 0, pad_size);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_start + x * 3, 0, pad_size);
dst_start += dst->stride;
src_start += src->stride;
......@@ -2307,7 +2320,7 @@ static void convert_to_555(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_r
WORD *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_16(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top), *src_pixel;
if(src->funcs == &funcs_555)
if(src->stride > 0 && dst->stride > 0 && src_rect->left == 0 && src_rect->right == src->width)
if (src->stride > 0 && src->stride == dst->stride && !pad_size)
memcpy(dst_start, src_start, (src_rect->bottom - src_rect->top) * src->stride);
......@@ -2403,20 +2416,20 @@ static void convert_to_555(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_r
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_4(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top), *src_pixel;
for(y = src_rect->top; y < src_rect->bottom; y++)
dst_pixel = dst_start;
int pos = (src->rect.left + src_rect->left) & 1;
src_pixel = src_start;
for(x = src_rect->left; x < src_rect->right; x++)
for (x = 0; x < src_rect->right - src_rect->left; x++, pos++)
if(x & 1)
if (pos & 1)
rgb = src->color_table[*src_pixel++ & 0xf];
rgb = src->color_table[*src_pixel >> 4];
*dst_pixel++ = ((rgb.rgbRed << 7) & 0x7c00) |
dst_start[x] = ((rgb.rgbRed << 7) & 0x7c00) |
((rgb.rgbGreen << 2) & 0x03e0) |
((rgb.rgbBlue >> 3) & 0x001f);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_pixel, 0, pad_size);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_start + x, 0, pad_size);
dst_start += dst->stride / 2;
src_start += src->stride;
......@@ -2425,22 +2438,20 @@ static void convert_to_555(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_r
case 1:
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_1(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top), *src_pixel;
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_1(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top);
for(y = src_rect->top; y < src_rect->bottom; y++)
dst_pixel = dst_start;
src_pixel = src_start;
for(x = src_rect->left; x < src_rect->right; x++)
int pos = (src->rect.left + src_rect->left) & 7;
for (x = 0; x < src_rect->right - src_rect->left; x++, pos++)
src_val = (*src_pixel & pixel_masks_1[x % 8]) ? 1 : 0;
if((x % 8) == 7) src_pixel++;
src_val = (src_start[pos / 8] & pixel_masks_1[pos % 8]) ? 1 : 0;
rgb = src->color_table[src_val];
*dst_pixel++ = ((rgb.rgbRed << 7) & 0x7c00) |
dst_start[x] = ((rgb.rgbRed << 7) & 0x7c00) |
((rgb.rgbGreen << 2) & 0x03e0) |
((rgb.rgbBlue >> 3) & 0x001f);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_pixel, 0, pad_size);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_start + x, 0, pad_size);
dst_start += dst->stride / 2;
src_start += src->stride;
......@@ -2567,7 +2578,7 @@ static void convert_to_16(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_re
else if(bit_fields_match(src, dst))
if(src->stride > 0 && dst->stride > 0 && src_rect->left == 0 && src_rect->right == src->width)
if (src->stride > 0 && src->stride == dst->stride && !pad_size)
memcpy(dst_start, src_start, (src_rect->bottom - src_rect->top) * src->stride);
......@@ -2669,20 +2680,20 @@ static void convert_to_16(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_re
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_4(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top), *src_pixel;
for(y = src_rect->top; y < src_rect->bottom; y++)
dst_pixel = dst_start;
int pos = (src->rect.left + src_rect->left) & 1;
src_pixel = src_start;
for(x = src_rect->left; x < src_rect->right; x++)
for (x = 0; x < src_rect->right - src_rect->left; x++, pos++)
if(x & 1)
if (pos & 1)
rgb = src->color_table[*src_pixel++ & 0xf];
rgb = src->color_table[*src_pixel >> 4];
*dst_pixel++ = put_field(rgb.rgbRed, dst->red_shift, dst->red_len) |
dst_start[x] = put_field(rgb.rgbRed, dst->red_shift, dst->red_len) |
put_field(rgb.rgbGreen, dst->green_shift, dst->green_len) |
put_field(rgb.rgbBlue, dst->blue_shift, dst->blue_len);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_pixel, 0, pad_size);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_start + x, 0, pad_size);
dst_start += dst->stride / 2;
src_start += src->stride;
......@@ -2691,22 +2702,20 @@ static void convert_to_16(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_re
case 1:
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_1(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top), *src_pixel;
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_1(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top);
for(y = src_rect->top; y < src_rect->bottom; y++)
dst_pixel = dst_start;
src_pixel = src_start;
for(x = src_rect->left; x < src_rect->right; x++)
int pos = (src->rect.left + src_rect->left) & 7;
for (x = 0; x < src_rect->right - src_rect->left; x++, pos++)
src_val = (*src_pixel & pixel_masks_1[x % 8]) ? 1 : 0;
if((x % 8) == 7) src_pixel++;
src_val = (src_start[pos / 8] & pixel_masks_1[pos % 8]) ? 1 : 0;
rgb = src->color_table[src_val];
*dst_pixel++ = put_field(rgb.rgbRed, dst->red_shift, dst->red_len) |
dst_start[x] = put_field(rgb.rgbRed, dst->red_shift, dst->red_len) |
put_field(rgb.rgbGreen, dst->green_shift, dst->green_len) |
put_field(rgb.rgbBlue, dst->blue_shift, dst->blue_len);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_pixel, 0, pad_size);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_start + x, 0, pad_size);
dst_start += dst->stride / 2;
src_start += src->stride;
......@@ -2908,7 +2917,7 @@ static void convert_to_8(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_rec
if(color_tables_match(dst, src))
if(src->stride > 0 && dst->stride > 0 && src_rect->left == 0 && src_rect->right == src->width)
if (src->stride > 0 && src->stride == dst->stride && !pad_size)
memcpy(dst_start, src_start, (src_rect->bottom - src_rect->top) * src->stride);
......@@ -2945,18 +2954,18 @@ static void convert_to_8(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_rec
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_4(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top), *src_pixel;
for(y = src_rect->top; y < src_rect->bottom; y++)
dst_pixel = dst_start;
int pos = (src->rect.left + src_rect->left) & 1;
src_pixel = src_start;
for(x = src_rect->left; x < src_rect->right; x++)
for (x = 0; x < src_rect->right - src_rect->left; x++, pos++)
if(x & 1)
if (pos & 1)
rgb = src->color_table[*src_pixel++ & 0xf];
rgb = src->color_table[*src_pixel >> 4];
*dst_pixel++ = rgb_to_pixel_colortable(dst, rgb.rgbRed, rgb.rgbGreen, rgb.rgbBlue);
dst_start[x] = rgb_to_pixel_colortable(dst, rgb.rgbRed, rgb.rgbGreen, rgb.rgbBlue);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_pixel, 0, pad_size);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_start + x, 0, pad_size);
dst_start += dst->stride;
src_start += src->stride;
......@@ -2965,20 +2974,18 @@ static void convert_to_8(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_rec
case 1:
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_1(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top), *src_pixel;
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_1(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top);
for(y = src_rect->top; y < src_rect->bottom; y++)
dst_pixel = dst_start;
src_pixel = src_start;
for(x = src_rect->left; x < src_rect->right; x++)
int pos = (src->rect.left + src_rect->left) & 7;
for (x = 0; x < src_rect->right - src_rect->left; x++, pos++)
src_val = (*src_pixel & pixel_masks_1[x % 8]) ? 1 : 0;
if((x % 8) == 7) src_pixel++;
src_val = (src_start[pos / 8] & pixel_masks_1[pos % 8]) ? 1 : 0;
rgb = src->color_table[src_val];
*dst_pixel++ = rgb_to_pixel_colortable(dst, rgb.rgbRed, rgb.rgbGreen, rgb.rgbBlue);
dst_start[x] = rgb_to_pixel_colortable(dst, rgb.rgbRed, rgb.rgbGreen, rgb.rgbBlue);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_pixel, 0, pad_size);
if(pad_size) memset(dst_start + x, 0, pad_size);
dst_start += dst->stride;
src_start += src->stride;
......@@ -3287,9 +3294,9 @@ static void convert_to_4(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_rec
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_4(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top), *src_pixel;
if(color_tables_match(dst, src) && (src_rect->left & 1) == 0)
if(color_tables_match(dst, src) && ((src->rect.left + src_rect->left) & 1) == 0)
if(src->stride > 0 && dst->stride > 0 && src_rect->left == 0 && src_rect->right == src->width)
if (src->stride > 0 && src->stride == dst->stride && !pad_size)
memcpy(dst_start, src_start, (src_rect->bottom - src_rect->top) * src->stride);
......@@ -3306,12 +3313,13 @@ static void convert_to_4(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_rec
for(y = src_rect->top; y < src_rect->bottom; y++)
int pos = (src->rect.left + src_rect->left) & 1;
dst_pixel = dst_start;
src_pixel = src_start;
for(x = src_rect->left; x < src_rect->right; x++)
for(x = src_rect->left; x < src_rect->right; x++, pos++)
if(x & 1)
if(pos & 1)
rgb = src->color_table[*src_pixel++ & 0xf];
rgb = src->color_table[*src_pixel >> 4];
......@@ -3338,16 +3346,15 @@ static void convert_to_4(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_rec
case 1:
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_1(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top), *src_pixel;
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_1(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top);
for(y = src_rect->top; y < src_rect->bottom; y++)
int pos = (src->rect.left + src_rect->left) & 7;
dst_pixel = dst_start;
src_pixel = src_start;
for(x = src_rect->left; x < src_rect->right; x++)
for(x = src_rect->left; x < src_rect->right; x++, pos++)
src_val = (*src_pixel & pixel_masks_1[x % 8]) ? 1 : 0;
if((x % 8) == 7) src_pixel++;
src_val = (src_start[pos / 8] & pixel_masks_1[pos % 8]) ? 1 : 0;
rgb = src->color_table[src_val];
dst_val = rgb_to_pixel_colortable(dst, rgb.rgbRed, rgb.rgbGreen, rgb.rgbBlue);
if((x - src_rect->left) & 1)
......@@ -3690,12 +3697,13 @@ static void convert_to_1(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_rec
for(y = src_rect->top; y < src_rect->bottom; y++)
int pos = (src->rect.left + src_rect->left) & 1;
dst_pixel = dst_start;
src_pixel = src_start;
for(x = src_rect->left, bit_pos = 0; x < src_rect->right; x++)
for(x = src_rect->left, bit_pos = 0; x < src_rect->right; x++, pos++)
if(x & 1)
if (pos & 1)
rgb = src->color_table[*src_pixel++ & 0xf];
rgb = src->color_table[*src_pixel >> 4];
......@@ -3728,16 +3736,15 @@ static void convert_to_1(dib_info *dst, const dib_info *src, const RECT *src_rec
case 1:
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_1(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top), *src_pixel;
BYTE *src_start = get_pixel_ptr_1(src, src_rect->left, src_rect->top);
for(y = src_rect->top; y < src_rect->bottom; y++)
int pos = (src->rect.left + src_rect->left) & 7;
dst_pixel = dst_start;
src_pixel = src_start;
for(x = src_rect->left, bit_pos = 0; x < src_rect->right; x++)
for(x = src_rect->left, bit_pos = 0; x < src_rect->right; x++, pos++)
src_val = (*src_pixel & pixel_masks_1[x % 8]) ? 1 : 0;
if((x % 8) == 7) src_pixel++;
src_val = (src_start[pos / 8] & pixel_masks_1[pos % 8]) ? 1 : 0;
rgb = src->color_table[src_val];
dst_val = rgb_to_pixel_colortable(dst, rgb.rgbRed, rgb.rgbGreen, rgb.rgbBlue) ? 0xff : 0;
......@@ -3976,7 +3983,7 @@ static void blend_rect_4(const dib_info *dst, const RECT *rc,
for (y = rc->top; y < rc->bottom; y++, dst_ptr += dst->stride, src_ptr += src->stride / 4)
for (i = 0, x = rc->left & 1; i < rc->right - rc->left; i++, x++)
for (i = 0, x = (dst->rect.left + rc->left) & 1; i < rc->right - rc->left; i++, x++)
DWORD val = ((x & 1) ? dst_ptr[x / 2] : (dst_ptr[x / 2] >> 4)) & 0x0f;
RGBQUAD rgb = dst->color_table[val];
......@@ -3999,7 +4006,7 @@ static void blend_rect_1(const dib_info *dst, const RECT *rc,
for (y = rc->top; y < rc->bottom; y++, dst_ptr += dst->stride, src_ptr += src->stride / 4)
for (i = 0, x = rc->left & 7; i < rc->right - rc->left; i++, x++)
for (i = 0, x = (dst->rect.left + rc->left) & 7; i < rc->right - rc->left; i++, x++)
DWORD val = (dst_ptr[x / 8] & pixel_masks_1[x % 8]) ? 1 : 0;
RGBQUAD rgb = dst->color_table[val];
......@@ -4435,7 +4442,7 @@ static BOOL gradient_rect_4( const dib_info *dib, const RECT *rc, const TRIVERTE
for (y = rc->top; y < min( rc->top + 16, rc->bottom ); y++, ptr += dib->stride)
for (x = rc->left, pos = rc->left & 1; x < rc->right; x++, pos++)
for (x = rc->left, pos = (dib->rect.left + rc->left) & 1; x < rc->right; x++, pos++)
BYTE val = gradient_rgb_8( dib, v, x - v[0].x, v[1].x - v[0].x, x, y );
if (pos & 1)
......@@ -4447,7 +4454,7 @@ static BOOL gradient_rect_4( const dib_info *dib, const RECT *rc, const TRIVERTE
for ( ; y < rc->bottom; y++, ptr += dib->stride)
x = rc->left;
pos = rc->left & 1;
pos = (dib->rect.left + rc->left) & 1;
if (pos)
ptr[0] = (ptr[-16 * dib->stride] & 0x0f) | (ptr[0] & 0xf0);
......@@ -4466,7 +4473,7 @@ static BOOL gradient_rect_4( const dib_info *dib, const RECT *rc, const TRIVERTE
BYTE values[16];
for (x = 0; x < 16; x++)
values[x] = gradient_rgb_8( dib, v, y - v[0].y, v[1].y - v[0].y, x, y );
for (x = rc->left, pos = rc->left & 1; x < rc->right; x++, pos++)
for (x = rc->left, pos = (dib->rect.left + rc->left) & 1; x < rc->right; x++, pos++)
if (pos & 1)
ptr[pos / 2] = values[x % 16] | (ptr[pos / 2] & 0xf0);
......@@ -4479,7 +4486,7 @@ static BOOL gradient_rect_4( const dib_info *dib, const RECT *rc, const TRIVERTE
for (y = rc->top; y < rc->bottom; y++, ptr += dib->stride)
triangle_coords( v, rc, y, &left, &right );
for (x = left, pos = left - (rc->left & ~1); x < right; x++, pos++)
for (x = left, pos = left - rc->left + ((dib->rect.left + rc->left) & 1); x < right; x++, pos++)
BYTE val = gradient_triangle_8( dib, v, x, y, det );
if (pos & 1)
......@@ -4503,14 +4510,14 @@ static BOOL gradient_rect_1( const dib_info *dib, const RECT *rc, const TRIVERTE
for (y = rc->top; y < min( rc->top + 16, rc->bottom ); y++, ptr += dib->stride)
for (x = rc->left, pos = rc->left & 7; x < rc->right; x++, pos++)
for (x = rc->left, pos = (dib->rect.left + rc->left) & 7; x < rc->right; x++, pos++)
BYTE val = gradient_rgb_8( dib, v, x - v[0].x, v[1].x - v[0].x, x, y ) ? 0xff : 0;
ptr[pos / 8] = (ptr[pos / 8] & ~pixel_masks_1[pos % 8]) | (val & pixel_masks_1[pos % 8]);
for ( ; y < rc->bottom; y++, ptr += dib->stride)
for (x = rc->left, pos = rc->left & 7; x < rc->right; x++, pos++)
for (x = rc->left, pos = (dib->rect.left + rc->left) & 7; x < rc->right; x++, pos++)
ptr[pos / 8] = (ptr[pos / 8] & ~pixel_masks_1[pos % 8]) |
(ptr[pos / 8 - 16 * dib->stride] & pixel_masks_1[pos % 8]);
......@@ -4521,7 +4528,7 @@ static BOOL gradient_rect_1( const dib_info *dib, const RECT *rc, const TRIVERTE
BYTE values[16];
for (x = 0; x < 16; x++)
values[x] = gradient_rgb_8( dib, v, y - v[0].y, v[1].y - v[0].y, x, y ) ? 0xff : 0;
for (x = rc->left, pos = rc->left & 7; x < rc->right; x++, pos++)
for (x = rc->left, pos = (dib->rect.left + rc->left) & 7; x < rc->right; x++, pos++)
ptr[pos / 8] = (ptr[pos / 8] & ~pixel_masks_1[pos % 8]) |
(values[x % 16] & pixel_masks_1[pos % 8]);
......@@ -4532,7 +4539,7 @@ static BOOL gradient_rect_1( const dib_info *dib, const RECT *rc, const TRIVERTE
for (y = rc->top; y < rc->bottom; y++, ptr += dib->stride)
triangle_coords( v, rc, y, &left, &right );
for (x = left, pos = left - (rc->left & ~7); x < right; x++, pos++)
for (x = left, pos = left - rc->left + ((dib->rect.left + rc->left) & 7); x < right; x++, pos++)
BYTE val = gradient_triangle_8( dib, v, x, y, det ) ? 0xff : 0;
ptr[pos / 8] = (ptr[pos / 8] & ~pixel_masks_1[pos % 8]) | (val & pixel_masks_1[pos % 8]);
......@@ -4742,7 +4749,7 @@ static void draw_glyph_4( const dib_info *dib, const RECT *rect, const dib_info
for (y = rect->top; y < rect->bottom; y++)
for (x = 0, pos = rect->left & 1; x < rect->right - rect->left; x++, pos++)
for (x = 0, pos = (dib->rect.left + rect->left) & 1; x < rect->right - rect->left; x++, pos++)
/* no antialiasing, glyph should only contain 0 or 16. */
if (glyph_ptr[x] >= 16)
......@@ -4768,7 +4775,7 @@ static void draw_glyph_1( const dib_info *dib, const RECT *rect, const dib_info
for (y = rect->top; y < rect->bottom; y++)
for (x = 0, pos = rect->left & 7; x < rect->right - rect->left; x++, pos++)
for (x = 0, pos = (dib->rect.left + rect->left) & 7; x < rect->right - rect->left; x++, pos++)
/* no antialiasing, glyph should only contain 0 or 16. */
if (glyph_ptr[x] >= 16)
......@@ -5142,7 +5149,7 @@ static void stretch_row_4(const dib_info *dst_dib, const POINT *dst_start,
BYTE *dst_ptr = get_pixel_ptr_4( dst_dib, dst_start->x, dst_start->y );
BYTE *src_ptr = get_pixel_ptr_4( src_dib, src_start->x, src_start->y );
int err = params->err_start;
int width, dst_x = dst_start->x, src_x = src_start->x;
int width, dst_x = dst_dib->rect.left + dst_start->x, src_x = src_dib->rect.left + src_start->x;
struct rop_codes codes;
BYTE src_val;
......@@ -5177,7 +5184,7 @@ static void stretch_row_1(const dib_info *dst_dib, const POINT *dst_start,
BYTE *dst_ptr = get_pixel_ptr_1( dst_dib, dst_start->x, dst_start->y );
BYTE *src_ptr = get_pixel_ptr_1( src_dib, src_start->x, src_start->y );
int err = params->err_start;
int width, dst_x = dst_start->x, src_x = src_start->x;
int width, dst_x = dst_dib->rect.left + dst_start->x, src_x = src_dib->rect.left + src_start->x;
struct rop_codes codes;
BYTE src_val;
......@@ -5341,7 +5348,7 @@ static void shrink_row_4(const dib_info *dst_dib, const POINT *dst_start,
BYTE *dst_ptr = get_pixel_ptr_4( dst_dib, dst_start->x, dst_start->y );
BYTE *src_ptr = get_pixel_ptr_4( src_dib, src_start->x, src_start->y );
int err = params->err_start;
int width, dst_x = dst_start->x, src_x = src_start->x;
int width, dst_x = dst_dib->rect.left + dst_start->x, src_x = src_dib->rect.left + src_start->x;
struct rop_codes codes;
BYTE src_val, init_val = (mode == STRETCH_ANDSCANS) ? ~0u : 0u;
BOOL new_pix = TRUE;
......@@ -5381,7 +5388,7 @@ static void shrink_row_1(const dib_info *dst_dib, const POINT *dst_start,
BYTE *dst_ptr = get_pixel_ptr_1( dst_dib, dst_start->x, dst_start->y );
BYTE *src_ptr = get_pixel_ptr_1( src_dib, src_start->x, src_start->y );
int err = params->err_start;
int width, dst_x = dst_start->x, src_x = src_start->x;
int width, dst_x = dst_dib->rect.left + dst_start->x, src_x = src_dib->rect.left + src_start->x;
struct rop_codes codes;
BYTE src_val, init_val = (mode == STRETCH_ANDSCANS) ? ~0u : 0u;
BOOL new_pix = TRUE;
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