Commit 711b5321 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

Removed some obsolete files.

parent 0799c1a7
/* for backwards compatibility */
#include "wine/debug.h"
# Copyright 1995. Michael Veksler.
# The following part is OS dependant, it works under linux only.
# To make it work under other OS
# You should fill in @shm, @sem, @msq lists, with the relevent IPC
# keys.
# This code was written to be as much as possible generic, but...
# It works for Linux and ALPHA. I had no BSD machine to test it.
# (As I remember, AIX will work also).
while(<IPCS>) {
# try to find out the IPC-ID, assume it is the first number.
foreach (@_) {
$_ ne int($_) && next; # not a decimal number
if (/mem/i .. /^\s*$/ ) {
index($_,$USER)>=0 || next;
if (/sem/i .. /^\s*$/ ) {
index($_,$USER)>=0 || next;
if (/mes/i .. /^\s*$/ ) {
index($_,$USER)>=0 || next;
# This is the end of OS dependant code.
@shm && print "shmid ", join(":",@shm),"\n";
@sem && print "semid ", join(":",@sem),"\n";
@msq && print "msqid ", join(":",@msq),"\n";
foreach (@shm) {
shmctl($_, $IPC_RMID,0);
foreach (@sem) {
semctl($_, 0, $IPC_RMID,0);
foreach (@msq) {
msgctl($_, $IPC_RMID,0);
@echo off
rem #!/bin/sh
rem GCCLOAD not needed, but recommended...
rem set GCCLOAD=5
set MAKE=make
set CC=gcc
set CFLAGS=-O2 -Zmtd -D__ST_MT_ERRNO__
set YACC=bison -y
set LEX=flex -olex.yy.c
set RANLIB=ar -s
set PROGEXT=.exe
sh configure --x-includes=%X11ROOT%/XFree86/include -x-libraries=%X11ROOT%/XFree86/lib
open(APIW,"./apiw.index") or die "Can't find ./apiw.index";
($func,$link)=split /:/;
chop $link;
open(WINDOWS,"../include/windows.h") or die "Can't find ../include/windows.h";
while(<WINDOWS>) { add_func($_) if /AccessResource/../wvsprintf/; }
open(TOOLHELP,"../include/toolhelp.h") or die "Can't find ../include/toolhelp.h";
while(<TOOLHELP>) { add_func($_) if /GlobalInfo/../MemoryWrite/; }
open(COMMDLG,"../include/commdlg.h") or die "Can't find ../include/commdlg.h";
while(<COMMDLG>) { add_func($_) if /ChooseColor/../ReplaceText/; }
print "<html><body>\n";
print "<h2>Windows API Functions</h2>\n";
print "The following API functions were found by searching windows.h,\n";
print "toolhelp.h, and commdlg.h. Where possible, help links pointing\n";
print "to are included.<p>\n";
print "<table>\n";
print "<th>Help-link</th><th></th><th></th><th align=left>Function</th>\n";
foreach $func (sort(keys %funcs))
$funcs{$func}=~m/(.*) +(\w*)(\(.*)/;
print "<tr>\n<td>";
print "<center><a href=\"$apiw{$2}\">APIW</a></center>";
print "</td>\n";
print "<td></td>\n";
print "<td>$1</td>\n";
print "<td>$2$3</td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
print "</table><p>\n";
print "(Approximately ",sprintf("%3.1f",$impl/(1.0*$numfuncs)*100.0),
"% of the functions above are in the APIW standard.)<p>\n";
print "<hr>\n";
print "<h2>Unimplemented APIW functions</h2><p>\n";
print "Here's a list of the API functions in the APIW standard which were <b>not</b> found\n";
print "in windows.h, commdlg.h, or toolhelp.h:<p>\n";
foreach $func (sort (keys %apiw))
print "<a href=\"$apiw{$func}\">$func</a>\n";
print "<p>(This comprises approximately ",sprintf("%3.1f",$unimpl/(1.0*$numapiw)*100.0),
"% of the APIW.)\n";
print "</body></html>\n";
sub add_func
chop $line;
$line=~s/\s+/ /g;
($func)=$line=~m/ (\w*)\(/;
while($funcs{$func}) { $func.=" "; }
# Reads the Unicode 2.0 "unidata2.txt" file and selects encodings
# for case pairs, then builds an include file "casemap.h" for the
# case conversion routines.
use integer
$INFILE = "UnicodeData.txt";
$OUT = ">casemap.h";
$TEST = ">allcodes";
# Open the data file ...
open INFILE or die "Can't open input file $INFILE!\n";
open OUT or die "Can't open output file $OUT!\n";
open TEST or die "Can't open output file $OUT!\n";
#Initialize the upper and lower hashes
%lwrtable = ();
%uprtable = ();
@low = ("0") x 256;
@upr = ("0") x 256;
while ($line = <INFILE> )
# Decode the fields ...
($code, $name, $cat, $comb, $bidi,
$decomp, $dec, $dig, $num, $mirror,
$oldname, $comment, $upper, $lower, $title) = split /;/, $line;
#Get the high byte of the code
$high = substr $code, 0, 2;
if ($lower ne "") {
$low[hex $high] = "lblk" . $high;
$lwrtable{$code} = $lower;
if ($upper ne "") {
$upr[hex $high] = "ublk" . $high;
$uprtable{$code} = $upper;
#Write everything to the test file
printf TEST "%s %s %s\n", $code,
$upper ne "" ? $upper : "0000",
$lower ne "" ? $lower : "0000";
close TEST;
#Generate the header file
print OUT "/*\n";
print OUT " * Automatically generated file -- do not edit!\n";
print OUT " * (Use tools/ for generation)\n";
print OUT " *\n";
print OUT " * Mapping tables for Unicode case conversion\n";
print OUT " */\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "#ifndef __WINE_CASEMAP_H\n";
print OUT "#define __WINE_CASEMAP_H\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "#include \"windef.h\"\n";
print OUT "\n";
#Write out the non-trivial mappings
for ($high = 0; $high < 256; $high++) {
#Check whether the table is needed
if (length $low[$high] < 6) {
printf OUT "/* Lowercase mappings %02X00 - %02XFF */\n",
$high, $high;
printf OUT "static const WCHAR lblk%02X[256] = {\n", $high;
for ($low = 0; $low < 256; $low += 8) {
@patch = ();
for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
$code = sprintf "%02X%02X", $high, $low + $i;
$map = $lwrtable{$code};
if ($map eq "") {
$map = $code;
$patch[$i] = "0x" . $map;
printf OUT "\t%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,\n",
print OUT "};\n\n";
print OUT "static const WCHAR * const lwrtable[256] = {\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i += 8) {
@patch = @low[$i+0 .. $i+7];
printf OUT "\t%06s, %06s, %06s, %06s, %06s, %06s, %06s, %06s,\n",
print OUT "};\n\n";
for ($high = 0; $high < 256; $high++) {
#Check whether the table is needed
if (length $upr[$high] < 6) {
printf OUT "/* Uppercase mappings %02X00 - %02XFF */\n",
$high, $high;
printf OUT "static const WCHAR ublk%02X[256] = {\n", $high;
for ($low = 0; $low < 256; $low += 8) {
@patch = ();
for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
$code = sprintf "%02X%02X", $high, $low + $i;
$map = $uprtable{$code};
if ($map eq "") {
$map = $code;
$patch[$i] = "0x" . $map;
printf OUT "\t%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,\n",
print OUT "};\n\n";
print OUT "static const WCHAR * const uprtable[256] = {\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i += 8) {
@patch = @upr[$i+0 .. $i+7];
printf OUT "\t%06s, %06s, %06s, %06s, %06s, %06s, %06s, %06s,\n",
print OUT "};\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "#endif /* !defined(__WINE_CASEMAP_H) */\n";
{"South Africa", 0x0436, 1252},
{"Saudi Arabia", 0x0401, 1256},
{"Lebanon", 0x0401, 1256},
{"Egypt", 0x0401, 1256},
{"Algeria", 0x0401, 1256},
{"Iraq", 0x0401, 1256},
{"Kuwait", 0x0401, 1256},
{"Marocco", 0x0401, 1256},
{"Oman", 0x0401, 1256},
{"Quatar", 0x0401, 1256},
{"Syria", 0x0401, 1256},
{"Tunisia", 0x0401, 1256},
{"United Arab Emirates",0x0401, 1256},
{"Belaruss", 0x0423, 1251},
{"Bulgaria", 0x0402
{"France", 0x040c, 1252},
{"Spain", 0x0403, 1252},
{"China (Taiwan)", 0x0404
{"United Kingdom", 0x0409, 1252},
{"Wales", 0x0409, 1252}, /* FIXME */
{"Czech Republic", 0x0405, 1250},
{"Denmark", 0x0406, 1252},
{"Austria", 0x0407, 1252},
{"Liechtenstein", 0x0407, 1252},
{"Luxemburg", 0x0407, 1252},
{"Switzerland", 0x0807, 1252},
{"Germany", 0x0407, 1252},
{"Australia", 0x0c09, 1252},
{"Caribbean", 0x2409, 1252},
{"Canada", 0x1009, 1252},
{"United Kingdom", 0x0809, 1252},
{"Ireland", 0x1809, 1252},
{"Jamaica", 0x2009, 1252},
{"Belize", 0x2809, 1252},
{"South Africa", 0x1c09, 1252},
{"Trinidad & Tobago", 0x2c09, 1252},
{"United States", 0x0409, 1252},
{"New Zealand", 0x1409, 1252},
{"Panama", 0x040a, 1252},
{"Bolivia", 0x040a, 1252},
{"Costa Rica", 0x140a, 1252},
{"Dominican Republic", 0x040a, 1252},
{"El Salvador", 0x040a, 1252},
{"Ecuador", 0x040a, 1252},
{"Guatemala", 0x040a, 1252},
{"Honduras", 0x040a, 1252},
{"Nicaragua", 0x040a, 1252},
{"Chile", 0x040a, 1252},
{"Mexico", 0x040a, 1252},
{"Spain", 0x040a, 1252},
{"Colombia", 0x040a, 1252},
{"Spain", 0x040a, 1252},
{"Peru", 0x040a, 1252},
{"Argentina", 0x040a, 1252},
{"Estonia", 0x0425, 1252},
{"Puerto Rico", 0x040a, 1252},
{"Venezuela", 0x040a, 1252},
{"Uruguay", 0x380a, 1252},
{"Paraguay", 0x040a, 1252},
{"Spain (Basque)", 0x04d2, 1252},
{"Finland", 0x040b, 1252},
{"Faroe Islands", 0x0438, 1252},
{"France", 0x040c, 1252},
{"Belgium", 0x040c, 1252},
{"Canada", 0x040c, 1252},
{"Luxemburg", 0x040c, 1252},
{"Switzerland", 0x040c, 1252},
{"Ireland", 0x0000, 1252},
{"United Kingdom", 0x0409, 1252},
{"Isle of Man", 0x0409, 1252},
{"Greece", 0x0408, 1253},
{"Croatia", 0x041a, 1250},
{"Hungary", 0x040e, 1250},
{"Indonesia", 0x0421, 1252},
{"Iceland", 0x040f, 1252},
{"Italy", 0x0410, 1252},
{"Switzerand", 0x0410, 1252},
{"Japan", 0x0411, 0},
{"Korea", 0x0000, 0},
{"Korea (South)", 0x0412, 0},
{"Lithuania", 0x0427, 1257},
{"Latvia", 0x0426, 1257},
{"Belgium", 0x0413, 1252},
{"Netherlands", 0x0413, 1252},
{"Suriname", 0x0413, 1252},
{"Norway", 0x0814, 1252},
{"Norway", 0x0414, 1252},
{"Poland", 0x0415, 1250},
{"Brazil", 0x0416, 1252},
{"Portugal", 0x0416, 1252},
{"Romania", 0x0418, 1250},
{"Russia", 0x0000, 1251},
{"Slovakia", 0x041b, 1250},
{"Slovenia", 0x0424, 1250},
{"Albania", 0x041c, 0},
{"Yugoslavia", 0x0c1a, 0},
{"Yugoslavia", 0x081a, 1250},
{"Sweden", 0x041d, 1252},
{"Finland", 0x081d, 1252},
{"Thailand", 0x041e, 0},
{"Turkey", 0x041f, 1254},
{"Ukrainia", 0x0422, 1251},
{"Vietnam", 0x042a, 0},
{"Belgium", 0x0490, 1252},
{"Hong Kong", 0x0404, 0},
{"People's republic of China", 0x0804, 0},
{"Singapore", 0x0404, 0},
{"Malaysia", 0x043e, 1252}
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