Commit 789ba0fe authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

wmic: Use the standard va_list instead of __ms_va_list.

parent acefbcf6
......@@ -95,14 +95,14 @@ static WCHAR *find_prop( IWbemClassObject *class, const WCHAR *prop )
static int WINAPIV output_string( HANDLE handle, const WCHAR *msg, ... )
__ms_va_list va_args;
va_list va_args;
int len;
DWORD count;
WCHAR buffer[8192];
__ms_va_start( va_args, msg );
va_start( va_args, msg );
len = vswprintf( buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), msg, va_args );
__ms_va_end( va_args );
va_end( va_args );
if (!WriteConsoleW( handle, buffer, len, &count, NULL ))
WriteFile( handle, buffer, len * sizeof(WCHAR), &count, FALSE );
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