36612 valgrind shows a definite leak in winhttp/tests/notification.c
38322 Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and Saints Row 3: Wine crashes when Steam is starting the game
36613 valgrind shows an unintialized write in winhttp/tests/notification.c
40919 Worms Armageddon Gameplay only shows top-left corner of screen
38296 Ion Assault (Steam) crashes before the main menu (IWMReader::QueryInterface doesn't support IWMReaderAdvanced2, 'ae14a945-b90c-4d0d-9127-80d665f7d73e')
41263 Dead by Daylight: Crash on starting the game
39833 File not found error when loading fmod audio in Dungeon of the Endless
41985 CHM viewer does not use default window
42275 Biet-O-Matic chm help without directory entry
42165 Root Double only shows black window in new game
42528 Grand Theft Auto 5 crashes while loading
42416 iMesh 10 crashes at startup (IWMReader::QueryInterface doesn't support IWMReaderAccelerator, 'BDDC4D08-944D-4D52-A612-46C3FDA07DD4')
42537 Tomb Raider 2013 has medium graphic glitches
42508 start.exe does not detect its title argument when it should (breaking .e.g URL opening in League of Legends)
42653 Wine x64 does not set debug registers in exception record
42514 start.exe incorrectly treats multiple quoted arguments as the console title (breaking .e.g URL opening in League of Legends)
42918 Command and Conquer Red Alert 3: should display at least silhouette (pSkipConstants parameter for D3DXCreateEffectEx is ignored)
42526 DiRT Showdown hangs on start
43099 The Technomancer requires MFCreateSourceReaderFromByteStream implementation
43135 The Witcher 3. The game does not start after upgrading to wine-staging 2.9. On wine-staging 2.8 game works.
43112 Guitar Pro 7 needs msvcp140.dll._Stat
43144 Distorted graphics in the game Starcraft 2.
43160 The Witcher 3: puppeteer lines appearing on character
43369 Nora, Princess and Stray cat (demo): fails to run (division by zero)
43194 Uprising/Uprising 2: 3D world not displayed (solid grey/black screen)
43402 Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic: hardware mouse pointer invisible
43196 Eve Online Crash on macos wined3d-csmt.dll.so buffer_destroy_buffer_object()
43403 make error on Debian 4.9.30-2kali1 (2017-06-22) x86_64 GNU/Linux
43231 Dai-Senryaku Perfect 3.0:Not draw background with GDI.