Commit 7ff2a684 authored by Michael Kaufmann's avatar Michael Kaufmann Committed by Alexandre Julliard

user: Improve the ownerdraw support of the static control.

parent 37c68b47
......@@ -480,20 +480,24 @@ static LRESULT WINAPI StaticWndProcW( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARA
static void STATIC_PaintOwnerDrawfn( HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, DWORD style )
HFONT font, oldFont = NULL;
UINT id = (UINT)GetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, GWLP_ID );
dis.CtlType = ODT_STATIC;
dis.CtlID = id;
dis.itemID = 0;
dis.itemAction = ODA_DRAWENTIRE;
dis.itemState = 0;
dis.itemState = IsWindowEnabled(hwnd) ? 0 : ODS_DISABLED;
dis.hwndItem = hwnd;
dis.hDC = hdc;
dis.itemData = 0;
GetClientRect( hwnd, &dis.rcItem );
font = (HFONT)GetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, HFONT_GWL_OFFSET );
if (font) oldFont = SelectObject( hdc, font );
SendMessageW( GetParent(hwnd), WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC, (WPARAM)hdc, (LPARAM)hwnd );
SendMessageW( GetParent(hwnd), WM_DRAWITEM, id, (LPARAM)&dis );
if (font) SelectObject( hdc, oldFont );
static void STATIC_PaintTextfn( HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, DWORD style )
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