Commit 81cda52d authored by Zebediah Figura's avatar Zebediah Figura Committed by Alexandre Julliard

ntoskrnl.exe: BusRelations is also used when devices are removed.

parent ca683dca
......@@ -435,6 +435,21 @@ static void handle_bus_relations( DEVICE_OBJECT *parent )
if (wine_parent->children)
for (i = 0; i < wine_parent->children->Count; ++i)
DEVICE_OBJECT *child = wine_parent->children->Objects[i];
if (!device_in_list( relations, child ))
TRACE("Removing device %p.\n", child);
remove_device( child );
ObDereferenceObject( child );
ExFreePool( wine_parent->children );
wine_parent->children = relations;
......@@ -453,9 +468,6 @@ void WINAPI IoInvalidateDeviceRelations( DEVICE_OBJECT *device_object, DEVICE_RE
case BusRelations:
handle_bus_relations( device_object );
case RemovalRelations:
remove_device( device_object );
FIXME("Unhandled relation %#x.\n", type);
......@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ static void handle_RemovalCallback(void *context, IOReturn result, void *sender,
device = bus_find_hid_device(&iohid_vtbl, IOHIDDevice);
if (device)
IoInvalidateDeviceRelations(device, RemovalRelations);
IoInvalidateDeviceRelations(bus_pdo, BusRelations);
......@@ -902,7 +902,7 @@ static void try_remove_device(SDL_JoystickID id)
sdl_controller = private->sdl_controller;
sdl_haptic = private->sdl_haptic;
IoInvalidateDeviceRelations(device, RemovalRelations);
IoInvalidateDeviceRelations(bus_pdo, BusRelations);
......@@ -1297,7 +1297,7 @@ static void try_remove_device(struct udev_device *dev)
if (!device) return;
IoInvalidateDeviceRelations(device, RemovalRelations);
IoInvalidateDeviceRelations(bus_pdo, BusRelations);
private = impl_from_DEVICE_OBJECT(device);
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