Commit 8278bdcb authored by Jacek Caban's avatar Jacek Caban Committed by Alexandre Julliard

win32u: Implement monitor registration.

parent 082136ae
......@@ -97,6 +97,22 @@ static const WCHAR devpropkey_device_ispresentW[] =
static const WCHAR devpropkey_monitor_gpu_luidW[] =
static const WCHAR devpropkey_monitor_output_idW[] =
static const WCHAR wine_devpropkey_monitor_stateflagsW[] =
......@@ -121,6 +137,14 @@ static const WCHAR wine_devpropkey_monitor_rcworkW[] =
static const WCHAR wine_devpropkey_monitor_adapternameW[] =
static const WCHAR device_instanceW[] = {'D','e','v','i','c','e','I','n','s','t','a','n','c','e',0};
static const WCHAR controlW[] = {'C','o','n','t','r','o','l'};
static const WCHAR device_parametersW[] =
......@@ -146,6 +170,9 @@ static const WCHAR guid_devclass_displayW[] =
static const char guid_devclass_monitorA[] = "{4D36E96E-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}";
static const WCHAR guid_devclass_monitorW[] =
static const WCHAR guid_devinterface_display_adapterW[] =
......@@ -876,7 +903,121 @@ static void add_adapter( const struct gdi_adapter *adapter, void *param )
static void add_monitor( const struct gdi_monitor *monitor, void *param )
FIXME( "\n" );
struct device_manager_ctx *ctx = param;
char buffer[MAX_PATH], instance[64];
unsigned int monitor_index, output_index;
HKEY hkey, subkey;
static const WCHAR default_monitorW[] =
TRACE( "%s %s %s\n", debugstr_w(monitor->name), wine_dbgstr_rect(&monitor->rc_monitor),
wine_dbgstr_rect(&monitor->rc_work) );
if (!ctx->adapter_count)
static const struct gdi_adapter default_adapter =
TRACE( "adding default fake adapter\n" );
add_adapter( &default_adapter, ctx );
monitor_index = ctx->monitor_count++;
output_index = ctx->output_count++;
sprintf( buffer, "MonitorID%u", monitor_index );
sprintf( instance, "DISPLAY\\Default_Monitor\\%04X&%04X", ctx->video_count - 1, monitor_index );
set_reg_ascii_value( ctx->adapter_key, buffer, instance );
hkey = reg_create_key( enum_key, bufferW, asciiz_to_unicode( bufferW, instance ) - sizeof(WCHAR),
0, NULL );
if (!hkey) return;
link_device( bufferW, guid_devinterface_monitorW );
lstrcpyW( bufferW, monitor->name );
if (!bufferW[0]) asciiz_to_unicode( bufferW, "Generic Non-PnP Monitor" );
set_reg_value( hkey, device_descW, REG_SZ, bufferW, (lstrlenW( bufferW ) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
set_reg_value( hkey, classW, REG_SZ, monitorW, sizeof(monitorW) );
sprintf( buffer, "%s\\%04X", guid_devclass_monitorA, output_index );
set_reg_ascii_value( hkey, "Driver", buffer );
set_reg_value( hkey, class_guidW, REG_SZ, guid_devclass_monitorW, sizeof(guid_devclass_monitorW) );
set_reg_value( hkey, hardware_idW, REG_MULTI_SZ, default_monitorW, sizeof(default_monitorW) );
if ((subkey = reg_create_key( hkey, device_parametersW, sizeof(device_parametersW), 0, NULL )))
static const WCHAR edidW[] = {'E','D','I','D',0};
set_reg_value( subkey, edidW, REG_BINARY, monitor->edid, monitor->edid_len );
NtClose( subkey );
/* StateFlags */
if ((subkey = reg_create_key( hkey, wine_devpropkey_monitor_stateflagsW,
sizeof(wine_devpropkey_monitor_stateflagsW), 0, NULL )))
set_reg_value( subkey, NULL, 0xffff0000 | DEVPROP_TYPE_UINT32, &monitor->state_flags,
sizeof(monitor->state_flags) );
NtClose( subkey );
if ((subkey = reg_create_key( hkey, wine_devpropkey_monitor_rcmonitorW,
sizeof(wine_devpropkey_monitor_rcmonitorW), 0, NULL )))
set_reg_value( subkey, NULL, 0xffff0000 | DEVPROP_TYPE_BINARY, &monitor->rc_monitor,
sizeof(monitor->rc_monitor) );
NtClose( subkey );
if ((subkey = reg_create_key( hkey, wine_devpropkey_monitor_rcworkW,
sizeof(wine_devpropkey_monitor_rcworkW), 0, NULL )))
TRACE( "rc_work %s\n", wine_dbgstr_rect(&monitor->rc_work) );
set_reg_value( subkey, NULL, 0xffff0000 | DEVPROP_TYPE_BINARY, &monitor->rc_work,
sizeof(monitor->rc_work) );
NtClose( subkey );
if ((subkey = reg_create_key( hkey, wine_devpropkey_monitor_adapternameW,
sizeof(wine_devpropkey_monitor_adapternameW), 0, NULL )))
sprintf( buffer, "\\\\.\\DISPLAY%u", ctx->video_count );
set_reg_value( subkey, NULL, 0xffff0000 | DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING, bufferW,
asciiz_to_unicode( bufferW, buffer ));
NtClose( subkey );
if ((subkey = reg_create_key( hkey, devpropkey_monitor_gpu_luidW,
sizeof(devpropkey_monitor_gpu_luidW), 0, NULL )))
set_reg_value( subkey, NULL, 0xffff0000 | DEVPROP_TYPE_INT64,
&ctx->gpu_luid, sizeof(ctx->gpu_luid) );
NtClose( subkey );
if ((subkey = reg_create_key( hkey, devpropkey_monitor_output_idW,
sizeof(devpropkey_monitor_output_idW), 0, NULL )))
set_reg_value( subkey, NULL, 0xffff0000 | DEVPROP_TYPE_UINT32,
&output_index, sizeof(output_index) );
NtClose( subkey );
NtClose( hkey );
sprintf( buffer, "Class\\%s\\%04X", guid_devclass_monitorA, output_index );
hkey = reg_create_key( control_key, bufferW,
asciiz_to_unicode( bufferW, buffer ) - sizeof(WCHAR), 0, NULL );
if (hkey) NtClose( hkey );
static const struct gdi_device_manager device_manager =
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