Commit 83de7691 authored by Jacek Caban's avatar Jacek Caban Committed by Alexandre Julliard

jscript: Add Object.defineProperty implementation.

parent c5d0bad4
......@@ -1607,6 +1607,8 @@ HRESULT jsdisp_get_own_property(jsdisp_t *obj, const WCHAR *name, BOOL flags_onl
switch(prop->type) {
desc->mask |= PROPF_WRITABLE;
desc->explicit_value = TRUE;
if(!flags_only) {
hres = prop_get(obj, prop, &desc->value);
......@@ -1618,5 +1620,84 @@ HRESULT jsdisp_get_own_property(jsdisp_t *obj, const WCHAR *name, BOOL flags_onl
return S_OK;
HRESULT jsdisp_define_property(jsdisp_t *obj, const WCHAR *name, property_desc_t *desc)
dispex_prop_t *prop;
hres = find_prop_name(obj, string_hash(name), name, &prop);
return hres;
if(!prop && !(prop = alloc_prop(obj, name, PROP_DELETED, 0)))
if(prop->type == PROP_DELETED || prop->type == PROP_PROTREF) {
prop->flags = desc->flags;
if(desc->explicit_getter || desc->explicit_setter) {
FIXME("accessor property\n");
return E_NOTIMPL;
}else {
prop->type = PROP_JSVAL;
if(desc->explicit_value) {
hres = jsval_copy(desc->value, &prop->u.val);
return hres;
}else {
prop->u.val = jsval_undefined();
TRACE("%s = %s\n", debugstr_w(name), debugstr_jsval(prop->u.val));
return S_OK;
TRACE("existing prop %s prop flags %x desc flags %x desc mask %x\n", debugstr_w(name),
prop->flags, desc->flags, desc->mask);
if(!(prop->flags & PROPF_CONFIGURABLE)) {
if(((desc->mask & PROPF_CONFIGURABLE) && (desc->flags & PROPF_CONFIGURABLE))
|| ((desc->mask & PROPF_ENUMERABLE)
&& ((desc->flags & PROPF_ENUMERABLE) != (prop->flags & PROPF_ENUMERABLE))))
return throw_type_error(obj->ctx, JS_E_NONCONFIGURABLE_REDEFINED, name);
if(desc->explicit_value || (desc->mask & PROPF_WRITABLE)) {
if(!(prop->flags & PROPF_CONFIGURABLE) && !(prop->flags & PROPF_WRITABLE)) {
if((desc->mask & PROPF_WRITABLE) && (desc->flags & PROPF_WRITABLE))
return throw_type_error(obj->ctx, JS_E_NONWRITABLE_MODIFIED, name);
if(desc->explicit_value) {
if(prop->type == PROP_JSVAL) {
BOOL eq;
hres = jsval_strict_equal(desc->value, prop->u.val, &eq);
return hres;
return throw_type_error(obj->ctx, JS_E_NONWRITABLE_MODIFIED, name);
}else {
FIXME("redefinition of property type %d\n", prop->type);
if(desc->explicit_value) {
if(prop->type == PROP_JSVAL)
prop->type = PROP_JSVAL;
hres = jsval_copy(desc->value, &prop->u.val);
if(FAILED(hres)) {
prop->u.val = jsval_undefined();
return hres;
}else if(desc->explicit_getter || desc->explicit_setter) {
FIXME("accessor property\n");
return E_NOTIMPL;
prop->flags = (prop->flags & ~desc->mask) | (desc->flags & desc->mask);
return S_OK;
......@@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ HRESULT disp_delete(IDispatch*,DISPID,BOOL*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
HRESULT disp_delete_name(script_ctx_t*,IDispatch*,jsstr_t*,BOOL*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
HRESULT jsdisp_delete_idx(jsdisp_t*,DWORD) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
HRESULT jsdisp_get_own_property(jsdisp_t*,const WCHAR*,BOOL,property_desc_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
HRESULT jsdisp_define_property(jsdisp_t*,const WCHAR*,property_desc_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
HRESULT create_builtin_function(script_ctx_t*,builtin_invoke_t,const WCHAR*,const builtin_info_t*,DWORD,
jsdisp_t*,jsdisp_t**) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
......@@ -378,7 +379,13 @@ typedef struct {
struct _property_desc_t {
unsigned flags;
unsigned mask;
BOOL explicit_value;
jsval_t value;
BOOL explicit_getter;
jsdisp_t *getter;
BOOL explicit_setter;
jsdisp_t *setter;
typedef struct {
......@@ -556,6 +563,10 @@ static inline DWORD make_grfdex(script_ctx_t *ctx, DWORD flags)
static inline BOOL is_jscript_error(HRESULT hres)
......@@ -65,6 +65,10 @@ STRINGTABLE
IDS_PRECISION_OUT_OF_RANGE "Precision is out of range"
IDS_INVALID_LENGTH "Array length must be a finite positive integer"
IDS_ARRAY_EXPECTED "Array object expected"
IDS_INVALID_WRITABLE_PROP_DESC "'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on this object"
IDS_NONCONFIGURABLE_REDEFINED "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
IDS_NONWRITABLE_MODIFIED "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
IDS_PROP_DESC_MISMATCH "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ static const WCHAR isPrototypeOfW[] = {'i','s','P','r','o','t','o','t','y','p','
static const WCHAR getOwnPropertyDescriptorW[] =
static const WCHAR definePropertyW[] = {'d','e','f','i','n','e','P','r','o','p','e','r','t','y',0};
static const WCHAR default_valueW[] = {'[','o','b','j','e','c','t',' ','O','b','j','e','c','t',']',0};
......@@ -41,6 +42,8 @@ static const WCHAR configurableW[] = {'c','o','n','f','i','g','u','r','a','b','l
static const WCHAR enumerableW[] = {'e','n','u','m','e','r','a','b','l','e',0};
static const WCHAR valueW[] = {'v','a','l','u','e',0};
static const WCHAR writableW[] = {'w','r','i','t','a','b','l','e',0};
static const WCHAR getW[] = {'g','e','t',0};
static const WCHAR setW[] = {'s','e','t',0};
static HRESULT Object_toString(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, unsigned argc, jsval_t *argv,
jsval_t *r)
......@@ -263,7 +266,185 @@ static const builtin_info_t ObjectInst_info = {
static void release_property_descriptor(property_desc_t *desc)
static HRESULT to_property_descriptor(script_ctx_t *ctx, jsdisp_t *attr_obj, property_desc_t *desc)
jsval_t v;
memset(desc, 0, sizeof(*desc));
desc->value = jsval_undefined();
hres = jsdisp_get_id(attr_obj, enumerableW, 0, &id);
if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) {
desc->mask |= PROPF_ENUMERABLE;
hres = jsdisp_propget(attr_obj, id, &v);
return hres;
hres = to_boolean(v, &b);
return hres;
desc->flags |= PROPF_ENUMERABLE;
}else if(hres != DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME) {
return hres;
hres = jsdisp_get_id(attr_obj, configurableW, 0, &id);
if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) {
hres = jsdisp_propget(attr_obj, id, &v);
return hres;
hres = to_boolean(v, &b);
return hres;
desc->flags |= PROPF_CONFIGURABLE;
}else if(hres != DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME) {
return hres;
hres = jsdisp_get_id(attr_obj, valueW, 0, &id);
if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) {
hres = jsdisp_propget(attr_obj, id, &desc->value);
return hres;
desc->explicit_value = TRUE;
}else if(hres != DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME) {
return hres;
hres = jsdisp_get_id(attr_obj, writableW, 0, &id);
if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) {
desc->mask |= PROPF_WRITABLE;
hres = jsdisp_propget(attr_obj, id, &v);
if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) {
hres = to_boolean(v, &b);
if(SUCCEEDED(hres) && b)
desc->flags |= PROPF_WRITABLE;
}else if(hres == DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME) {
hres = S_OK;
if(FAILED(hres)) {
return hres;
hres = jsdisp_get_id(attr_obj, getW, 0, &id);
if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) {
desc->explicit_getter = TRUE;
hres = jsdisp_propget(attr_obj, id, &v);
if(SUCCEEDED(hres) && !is_undefined(v)) {
if(!is_object_instance(v)) {
FIXME("getter is not an object\n");
hres = E_FAIL;
}else {
/* FIXME: Check IsCallable */
desc->getter = to_jsdisp(get_object(v));
FIXME("getter is not JS object\n");
}else if(hres == DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME) {
hres = S_OK;
if(FAILED(hres)) {
return hres;
hres = jsdisp_get_id(attr_obj, setW, 0, &id);
if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) {
desc->explicit_setter = TRUE;
hres = jsdisp_propget(attr_obj, id, &v);
if(SUCCEEDED(hres) && !is_undefined(v)) {
if(!is_object_instance(v)) {
FIXME("setter is not an object\n");
hres = E_FAIL;
}else {
/* FIXME: Check IsCallable */
desc->setter = to_jsdisp(get_object(v));
FIXME("setter is not JS object\n");
}else if(hres == DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME) {
hres = S_OK;
if(FAILED(hres)) {
return hres;
if(desc->explicit_getter || desc->explicit_setter) {
hres = throw_type_error(ctx, JS_E_PROP_DESC_MISMATCH, NULL);
else if(desc->mask & PROPF_WRITABLE)
hres = throw_type_error(ctx, JS_E_INVALID_WRITABLE_PROP_DESC, NULL);
return hres;
static HRESULT Object_defineProperty(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags,
unsigned argc, jsval_t *argv, jsval_t *r)
property_desc_t prop_desc;
jsdisp_t *obj, *attr_obj;
const WCHAR *name;
jsstr_t *name_str;
if(argc < 1 || !is_object_instance(argv[0]))
return throw_type_error(ctx, JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, NULL);
obj = to_jsdisp(get_object(argv[0]));
if(!obj) {
FIXME("not implemented non-JS object\n");
return E_NOTIMPL;
hres = to_flat_string(ctx, argc >= 2 ? argv[1] : jsval_undefined(), &name_str, &name);
return hres;
if(argc >= 3 && is_object_instance(argv[2])) {
attr_obj = to_jsdisp(get_object(argv[2]));
if(attr_obj) {
hres = to_property_descriptor(ctx, attr_obj, &prop_desc);
}else {
FIXME("not implemented non-JS object\n");
hres = E_NOTIMPL;
}else {
hres = throw_type_error(ctx, JS_E_OBJECT_EXPECTED, NULL);
return hres;
hres = jsdisp_define_property(obj, name, &prop_desc);
return hres;
static HRESULT Object_getOwnPropertyDescriptor(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags,
......@@ -302,10 +483,18 @@ static HRESULT Object_getOwnPropertyDescriptor(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthi
return hres;
hres = jsdisp_propput_name(desc_obj, valueW, prop_desc.value);
hres = jsdisp_propput_name(desc_obj, writableW,
jsval_bool(!!(prop_desc.flags & PROPF_WRITABLE)));
if(prop_desc.explicit_getter || prop_desc.explicit_setter) {
hres = jsdisp_propput_name(desc_obj, getW, prop_desc.getter
? jsval_obj(prop_desc.getter) : jsval_undefined());
hres = jsdisp_propput_name(desc_obj, setW, prop_desc.setter
? jsval_obj(prop_desc.setter) : jsval_undefined());
}else {
hres = jsdisp_propput_name(desc_obj, valueW, prop_desc.value);
hres = jsdisp_propput_name(desc_obj, writableW,
jsval_bool(!!(prop_desc.flags & PROPF_WRITABLE)));
hres = jsdisp_propput_name(desc_obj, enumerableW,
jsval_bool(!!(prop_desc.flags & PROPF_ENUMERABLE)));
......@@ -322,6 +511,7 @@ static HRESULT Object_getOwnPropertyDescriptor(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthi
static const builtin_prop_t ObjectConstr_props[] = {
{definePropertyW, Object_defineProperty, PROPF_ES5|PROPF_METHOD|2},
{getOwnPropertyDescriptorW, Object_getOwnPropertyDescriptor, PROPF_ES5|PROPF_METHOD|2}
......@@ -63,3 +63,9 @@
/* FIXME: This is not compatible with native, but we would
* conflict with IDS_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION otherwise */
......@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ function test_javascript() {
/* FIXME: IE8 implements weird semi-functional property descriptors. */
if(v != 8) {
test_exposed("getOwnPropertyDescriptor", Object, v >= 8);
test_exposed("defineProperty", Object, v >= 8);
test_parses("if(false) { o.default; }", v >= 9);
......@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
var JS_E_PROP_DESC_MISMATCH = 0x800a01bd;
function test_date_now() {
var now =;
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
......@@ -188,11 +193,103 @@ function test_getOwnPropertyDescriptor() {
function test_defineProperty() {
function expect_exception(func, expected_number) {
try {
}catch(e) {
var n = e.number + 0x100000000; /* make it unsigned like HRESULT */
todo_wine_if(expected_number == JS_E_PROP_DESC_MISMATCH).
ok(n === expected_number, "got exception " + n.toString(16)
+ " expected " + expected_number.toString(16));
ok( === "TypeError", " = " +;
ok(false, "expected exception");
var obj = new Object();
Object.defineProperty(obj, "test", {});
ok("test" in obj, "test is not in obj");
test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "test", false, false, false);
ok(obj.test === undefined, "obj.test = " + obj.test);
Object.defineProperty(obj, "all", {writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: 1});
test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "all", true, true, true);
ok(obj.all === 1, "obj.test = " + obj.test);
Object.defineProperty(obj, "all", {writable: false});
test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "all", false, true, true);
ok(obj.all === 1, "obj.test = " + obj.test);
Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf", {writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: false, value: 1});
test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "notConf", true, true, false);
expect_exception(function() {
Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf",
{writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: 1});
expect_exception(function() {
Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf",
{writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: false, value: 1});
Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf",
{writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: false, value: 2});
test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "notConf", true, true, false);
Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf", {writable: true, value: 2});
test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "notConf", true, true, false);
Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf2",
{writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: false, value: 1});
test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "notConf2", false, false, false);
obj.notConf2 = 2;
ok(obj.notConf2 === 1, "obj.notConf2 = " + obj.notConf2)
expect_exception(function() {
Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf2",
{writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: 1});
expect_exception(function() {
Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf2",
{writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: false, value: 1});
expect_exception(function() {
Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf2", {writable: true, value: 1});
expect_exception(function() {
Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf2", {value: 2});
Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf2",
{writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: false, value: 1});
test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "notConf2", false, false, false);
Object.defineProperty(obj, "notConf2", {writable: false, value: 1});
test_own_data_prop_desc(obj, "notConf2", false, false, false);
expect_exception(function() {
Object.defineProperty(obj, "invaliddesc", {get: undefined, value: 1});
expect_exception(function() {
Object.defineProperty(obj, "invaliddesc", {set: undefined, writable: true});
var tests = [
......@@ -57,3 +57,7 @@ var todo_wine = {
return external.todo_wine_ok(b,m);
function todo_wine_if(expr) {
return expr ? todo_wine : { ok: ok };
......@@ -3684,6 +3684,24 @@ msgstr "يجب أن يكون طول المصفوفة عدد صحيح موجب م
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "عنصر مصفوفة متوقع"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3703,6 +3703,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3702,6 +3702,24 @@ msgstr "La longitud del vector ha de ser un nombre enter positiu finit"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "S'esperava un objecte Array"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr "DLL de nucli del Wine"
......@@ -3638,6 +3638,24 @@ msgstr "Rozměr pole musí být konečné kladné celé číslo"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Očekáván objekt typu pole"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3725,6 +3725,24 @@ msgstr "Array længde skal være et endeligt positivt heltal"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Array objekt forventet"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3693,6 +3693,24 @@ msgstr "Array-Größe muss eine natürliche Zahl sein"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Array-Objekt erwartet"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr "Wine-Kernel-DLL"
......@@ -3623,6 +3623,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3685,6 +3685,26 @@ msgstr "Array length must be a finite positive integer"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Array object expected"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr "Wine kernel DLL"
......@@ -3685,6 +3685,26 @@ msgstr "Array length must be a finite positive integer"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Array object expected"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr "Wine kernel DLL"
......@@ -3607,6 +3607,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3734,6 +3734,24 @@ msgstr "La longitud del array debe ser un entero positivo finito"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Objeto array esperado"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3661,6 +3661,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3679,6 +3679,24 @@ msgstr "Taulukon pituuden täytyy olla positiivinen kokonaisluku"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Odotettiin taulukkoa"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr "Winen ydin-DLL"
......@@ -3709,6 +3709,24 @@ msgstr "La longueur d'un tableau doit être un entier positif"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Objet tableau attendu"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3695,6 +3695,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3594,6 +3594,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3689,6 +3689,24 @@ msgstr "Duljina niza treba biti konačan prirodan broj"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Očekivan niz objekata"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3743,6 +3743,24 @@ msgstr "A tömb hosszának egy véges pozitív egész számnak kell lennie"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Tömb objektumot vártam"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3751,6 +3751,24 @@ msgstr "La lunghezza dell'array deve essere un intero finito e positivo"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Previsto un oggetto array"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3677,6 +3677,24 @@ msgstr "配列の長さは有限の正整数でなければなりません"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "配列オブジェクトを期待していました"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3692,6 +3692,24 @@ msgstr "배열 길이는 반드시 한정된 양의 정수이어야 함"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "배열 객체가 필요함"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3688,6 +3688,24 @@ msgstr "Masyvo dydis turi būti teigiamas sveikasis skaičius"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Tikėtasi masyvo objekto"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr "Wine branduolio DLL"
......@@ -3594,6 +3594,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3691,6 +3691,24 @@ msgstr "Rekkens lengde må være et endelig, positivt tall"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Forventet rekke-objekt"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr "Wine kjerne-DLL"
......@@ -3724,6 +3724,24 @@ msgstr "Array lengte moet een eindig, positief geheel getal zijn"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Array object verwacht"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3594,6 +3594,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3594,6 +3594,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3703,6 +3703,24 @@ msgstr "Długość tablicy musi być skończoną dodatnią liczbą stałą"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Oczekiwany obiekt tablicowy"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr "DLL jądra WINE"
......@@ -3697,6 +3697,24 @@ msgstr "Tamanho do vetor tem que ser um inteiro finito positivo"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Objeto tipo vetor esperado"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3707,6 +3707,24 @@ msgstr "Tamanho do vector tem de ser um inteiro finito positivo"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Objecto Array esperado"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3622,6 +3622,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3664,6 +3664,24 @@ msgstr "Lungimea unei matrice trebuie să fie un număr întreg pozitiv"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Se așteaptă un obiect matrice"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3693,6 +3693,24 @@ msgstr "Длиной массива должно быть конечное по
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Ожидается объект типа «Array»"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr "Библиотека ядра Wine"
......@@ -3646,6 +3646,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3745,6 +3745,24 @@ msgstr "Dolžina polja mora bit pozitivno celo število"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Pričakovan je bil predmet polja"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3733,6 +3733,24 @@ msgstr "Низ дужине мора бити коначан позитиван
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Очекивани низ објекта"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3810,6 +3810,24 @@ msgstr "Niz dužine mora biti konačan pozitivan ceo broj"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Očekivani niz objekta"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3686,6 +3686,24 @@ msgstr "Array-längd måste vara ett positivt ändligt heltal"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Array-objekt förväntades"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr "Wine-kärn-DLL"
......@@ -3594,6 +3594,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3641,6 +3641,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3686,6 +3686,24 @@ msgstr "Dizi adı pozitif sonlu bir sayı olmalıdır"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Beklenen dizi nesnesi"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr "Wine çekirdek DLL'si"
......@@ -3695,6 +3695,24 @@ msgstr "Довжиною масиву повинне бути скінченне
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "Очікується об'єкт Array"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr "Бібліотека ядра Wine"
......@@ -3650,6 +3650,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3554,6 +3554,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
......@@ -3632,6 +3632,24 @@ msgstr "数组的长度必须为一个有限正整数"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "期望得到 Array 对象"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr "Wine kernel DLL"
......@@ -3654,6 +3654,24 @@ msgstr "陣列長度必須是有限正整數"
msgid "Array object expected"
msgstr "預期為陣列物件"
#: jscript.rc:69
msgid ""
"'writable' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on "
"this object"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:70
msgid "Cannot redefine non-configurable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:71
msgid "Cannot modify non-writable property '|'"
msgstr ""
#: jscript.rc:72
msgid "Property cannot have both accessors and a value"
msgstr ""
#: ../../include/wine/wine_common_ver.rc:129
msgid "Wine kernel DLL"
msgstr ""
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