Commit 85f32011 authored by Ken Thomases's avatar Ken Thomases Committed by Alexandre Julliard

ntdll: Fix set_baud_rate for high rates for non-Linux (bad copy/paste).

parent 0190b6cb
......@@ -528,17 +528,17 @@ static NTSTATUS set_baud_rate(int fd, const SERIAL_BAUD_RATE* sbr)
case CBR_38400: port.c_ospeed = B38400; break;
#ifdef B57600
case 57600:
case CBR_57600: port.c_cflag |= B57600; break;
case CBR_57600: port.c_ospeed = B57600; break;
#ifdef B115200
case 115200:
case CBR_115200: port.c_cflag |= B115200;break;
case CBR_115200: port.c_ospeed = B115200;break;
#ifdef B230400
case 230400: port.c_cflag |= B230400;break;
case 230400: port.c_ospeed = B230400;break;
#ifdef B460800
case 460800: port.c_cflag |= B460800;break;
case 460800: port.c_ospeed = B460800;break;
ERR("baudrate %d\n", sbr->BaudRate);
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