Commit 86bfa4cb authored by Bill Medland's avatar Bill Medland Committed by Alexandre Julliard

Improved handling of styles in the edit control, including detecting

changes of style and correcting handling of inconsistant styles.
parent 93e936f9
......@@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ static void EDIT_WM_SetFocus(WND *wnd, EDITSTATE *es);
static void EDIT_WM_SetFont(WND *wnd, EDITSTATE *es, HFONT font, BOOL redraw);
static void EDIT_WM_SetText(WND *wnd, EDITSTATE *es, LPARAM lParam, BOOL unicode);
static void EDIT_WM_Size(WND *wnd, EDITSTATE *es, UINT action, INT width, INT height);
static LRESULT EDIT_WM_StyleChanged (WND *wnd, EDITSTATE *es, WPARAM which, const STYLESTRUCT *style);
static LRESULT EDIT_WM_SysKeyDown(WND *wnd, EDITSTATE *es, INT key, DWORD key_data);
static void EDIT_WM_Timer(WND *wnd, EDITSTATE *es);
static LRESULT EDIT_WM_VScroll(WND *wnd, EDITSTATE *es, INT action, INT pos);
......@@ -378,7 +379,7 @@ static DWORD get_app_version(void)
* The messages are in the order of the actual integer values
* (which can be found in include/windows.h)
* Whereever possible the 16 bit versions are converted to
* Wherever possible the 16 bit versions are converted to
* the 32 bit ones, so that we can 'fall through' to the
* helper functions. These are mostly 32 bit (with a few
* exceptions, clearly indicated by a '16' extension to their
......@@ -848,6 +849,10 @@ static LRESULT WINAPI EditWndProc_locked( WND *wnd, UINT msg,
result = EDIT_EM_CharFromPos(wnd, es, SLOWORD(lParam), SHIWORD(lParam));
/* End of the EM_ messages which were in numerical order; what order
* are these in? vaguely alphabetical?
......@@ -1051,6 +1056,16 @@ static LRESULT WINAPI EditWndProc_locked( WND *wnd, UINT msg,
EDIT_WM_Size(wnd, es, (UINT)wParam, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));
result = EDIT_WM_StyleChanged (wnd, es, wParam, (const STYLESTRUCT *)lParam);
result = 0; /* See EDIT_WM_StyleChanged */
result = EDIT_WM_SysKeyDown(wnd, es, (INT)wParam, (DWORD)lParam);
......@@ -4386,6 +4401,7 @@ static LRESULT EDIT_WM_MouseMove(WND *wnd, EDITSTATE *es, INT x, INT y)
* See also EDIT_WM_StyleChanged
static LRESULT EDIT_WM_NCCreate(WND *wnd, DWORD style, HWND hwndParent, BOOL unicode)
......@@ -4436,6 +4452,15 @@ static LRESULT EDIT_WM_NCCreate(WND *wnd, DWORD style, HWND hwndParent, BOOL uni
if (es->style & ES_COMBO)
es->hwndListBox = GetDlgItem(hwndParent, ID_CB_LISTBOX);
/* Number overrides lowercase overrides uppercase (at least it
* does in Win95). However I'll bet that ES_NUMBER would be
* invalid under Win 3.1.
if (es->style & ES_NUMBER) {
; /* do not override the ES_NUMBER */
} else if (es->style & ES_LOWERCASE) {
es->style &= ~ES_UPPERCASE;
if (es->style & ES_MULTILINE) {
es->buffer_limit = BUFLIMIT_MULTI;
if (es->style & WS_VSCROLL)
......@@ -4444,6 +4469,7 @@ static LRESULT EDIT_WM_NCCreate(WND *wnd, DWORD style, HWND hwndParent, BOOL uni
es->style |= ES_AUTOHSCROLL;
es->style &= ~ES_PASSWORD;
if ((es->style & ES_CENTER) || (es->style & ES_RIGHT)) {
/* Confirmed - RIGHT overrides CENTER */
if (es->style & ES_RIGHT)
es->style &= ~ES_CENTER;
es->style &= ~WS_HSCROLL;
......@@ -4454,17 +4480,18 @@ static LRESULT EDIT_WM_NCCreate(WND *wnd, DWORD style, HWND hwndParent, BOOL uni
es->style |= ES_AUTOVSCROLL;
} else {
es->buffer_limit = BUFLIMIT_SINGLE;
es->style &= ~ES_CENTER;
es->style &= ~ES_RIGHT;
if (WIN31_LOOK == TWEAK_WineLook ||
WIN95_LOOK == TWEAK_WineLook) {
es->style &= ~ES_CENTER;
es->style &= ~ES_RIGHT;
} else {
if (es->style & ES_RIGHT)
es->style &= ~ES_CENTER;
es->style &= ~WS_HSCROLL;
es->style &= ~WS_VSCROLL;
es->style &= ~ES_AUTOVSCROLL;
es->style &= ~ES_WANTRETURN;
if (es->style & ES_UPPERCASE) {
es->style &= ~ES_LOWERCASE;
es->style &= ~ES_NUMBER;
} else if (es->style & ES_LOWERCASE)
es->style &= ~ES_NUMBER;
if (es->style & ES_PASSWORD)
es->password_char = '*';
......@@ -4719,6 +4746,66 @@ static void EDIT_WM_Size(WND *wnd, EDITSTATE *es, UINT action, INT width, INT he
* This message is sent by SetWindowLong on having changed either the Style
* or the extended style.
* We ensure that the window's version of the styles and the EDITSTATE's agree.
* See also EDIT_WM_NCCreate
* It appears that the Windows version of the edit control allows the style
* (as retrieved by GetWindowLong) to be any value and maintains an internal
* style variable which will generally be different. In this function we
* update the internal style based on what changed in the externally visible
* style.
* Much of this content as based upon the MSDN, especially:
* Platform SDK Documentation -> User Interface Services ->
* Windows User Interface -> Edit Controls -> Edit Control Reference ->
* Edit Control Styles
static LRESULT EDIT_WM_StyleChanged (WND *wnd,
WPARAM which,
const STYLESTRUCT *style)
if (GWL_STYLE == which) {
DWORD style_change_mask;
DWORD new_style;
/* Only a subset of changes can be applied after the control
* has been created.
style_change_mask = ES_UPPERCASE | ES_LOWERCASE |
if (es->style & ES_MULTILINE)
style_change_mask |= ES_WANTRETURN;
new_style = style->styleNew & style_change_mask;
/* Number overrides lowercase overrides uppercase (at least it
* does in Win95). However I'll bet that ES_NUMBER would be
* invalid under Win 3.1.
if (new_style & ES_NUMBER) {
; /* do not override the ES_NUMBER */
} else if (new_style & ES_LOWERCASE) {
new_style &= ~ES_UPPERCASE;
es->style = (es->style & ~style_change_mask) | new_style;
} else if (GWL_EXSTYLE == which) {
; /* FIXME - what is needed here */
} else {
WARN ("Invalid style change %d\n",which);
return 0;
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