Commit 893ac008 authored by Piotr Caban's avatar Piotr Caban Committed by Alexandre Julliard

winedump: Add prefix when dumping EMF files.

parent 4d649c62
......@@ -74,10 +74,11 @@ static unsigned int read_int(const unsigned char *buffer)
+ (buffer[3]<<24);
#define EMRCASE(x) case x: printf("%-20s %08x\n", #x, length); break
#define EMRPLUSCASE(x) case x: printf(" %-20s %04x %08x %08x\n", #x, (UINT)header->Flags, (UINT)header->Size, (UINT)header->DataSize); break
#define EMRCASE(x) case x: printf("%s%-20s %08x\n", pfx, #x, length); break
#define EMRPLUSCASE(x) case x: printf("%s %-20s %04x %08x %08x\n", pfx, #x, \
(UINT)header->Flags, (UINT)header->Size, (UINT)header->DataSize); break
unsigned long dump_emfrecord(unsigned long offset)
unsigned long dump_emfrecord(const char *pfx, unsigned long offset)
const unsigned char* ptr;
unsigned int type, length, i;
......@@ -94,12 +95,12 @@ unsigned long dump_emfrecord(unsigned long offset)
const ENHMETAHEADER *header = PRD(offset, sizeof(*header));
printf("%-20s %08x\n", "EMR_HEADER", length);
printf("bounds (%s) frame (%s) signature %#x version %#x bytes %#x records %#x\n"
"handles %#x reserved %#x palette entries %#x px %dx%d mm %dx%d μm %dx%d opengl %d description %s\n",
debugstr_rect( &header->rclBounds ), debugstr_rect( &header->rclFrame ),
printf("%s%-20s %08x\n", pfx, "EMR_HEADER", length);
printf("%sbounds (%s) frame (%s) signature %#x version %#x bytes %#x records %#x\n"
"%shandles %#x reserved %#x palette entries %#x px %dx%d mm %dx%d μm %dx%d opengl %d description %s\n",
pfx, debugstr_rect( &header->rclBounds ), debugstr_rect( &header->rclFrame ),
(UINT)header->dSignature, (UINT)header->nVersion, (UINT)header->nBytes,
(UINT)header->nRecords, (UINT)header->nHandles, header->sReserved, (UINT)header->nPalEntries,
(UINT)header->nRecords, pfx, (UINT)header->nHandles, header->sReserved, (UINT)header->nPalEntries,
(UINT)header->, (UINT)header->,
(UINT)header->, (UINT)header->,
(UINT)header->, (UINT)header->,
......@@ -141,8 +142,8 @@ unsigned long dump_emfrecord(unsigned long offset)
const EMRINTERSECTCLIPRECT *clip = PRD(offset, sizeof(*clip));
printf("%-20s %08x\n", "EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT", length);
printf("rect %s\n", debugstr_rect( &clip->rclClip ));
printf("%s%-20s %08x\n", pfx, "EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT", length);
printf("%srect %s\n", pfx, debugstr_rect( &clip->rclClip ));
......@@ -187,7 +188,7 @@ unsigned long dump_emfrecord(unsigned long offset)
printf("%-20s %08x\n", "EMR_GDICOMMENT", length);
printf("%s%-20s %08x\n", pfx, "EMR_GDICOMMENT", length);
/* Handle EMF+ records */
if (length >= 16 && !memcmp((char*)PRD(offset + 12, sizeof(unsigned int)), "EMF+", 4))
......@@ -198,7 +199,7 @@ unsigned long dump_emfrecord(unsigned long offset)
offset += 8;
length -= 8;
data_size = PRD(offset, sizeof(*data_size));
printf("data size = %x\n", *data_size);
printf("%sdata size = %x\n", pfx, *data_size);
offset += 8;
length -= 8;
......@@ -269,8 +270,8 @@ unsigned long dump_emfrecord(unsigned long offset)
printf(" unknown EMF+ record %x %04x %08x\n",
(UINT)header->Type, (UINT)header->Flags, (UINT)header->Size);
printf("%s unknown EMF+ record %x %04x %08x\n",
pfx, (UINT)header->Type, (UINT)header->Flags, (UINT)header->Size);
......@@ -283,7 +284,7 @@ unsigned long dump_emfrecord(unsigned long offset)
for (i=0; i<header->Size-sizeof(*header); i+=4)
if (i%16 == 0)
printf(" ");
printf("%s ", pfx);
if (!(ptr = PRD(offset, 4))) return 0;
length -= 4;
offset += 4;
......@@ -314,10 +315,10 @@ unsigned long dump_emfrecord(unsigned long offset)
if (length >= sizeof(*clip) + sizeof(*data))
rc_count = data->rdh.nCount;
printf("%-20s %08x\n", "EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN", length);
printf("mode %d, rects %d\n", (UINT)clip->iMode, rc_count);
printf("%s%-20s %08x\n", pfx, "EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN", length);
printf("%smode %d, rects %d\n", pfx, (UINT)clip->iMode, rc_count);
for (i = 0, rc = (const RECTL *)data->Buffer; i < rc_count; i++)
printf(" (%s)", debugstr_rect( &rc[i] ));
printf("%s (%s)", pfx, debugstr_rect( &rc[i] ));
if (rc_count != 0) printf("\n");
......@@ -329,19 +330,19 @@ unsigned long dump_emfrecord(unsigned long offset)
const EMRSTRETCHBLT *blt = PRD(offset, sizeof(*blt));
const BITMAPINFOHEADER *bmih = (const BITMAPINFOHEADER *)((const unsigned char *)blt + blt->offBmiSrc);
printf("%-20s %08x\n", "EMR_STRETCHBLT", length);
printf("bounds (%s) dst %d,%d %dx%d src %d,%d %dx%d rop %#x xform (%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f)\n"
"bk_color %#x usage %#x bmi_offset %#x bmi_size %#x bits_offset %#x bits_size %#x\n",
debugstr_rect( &blt->rclBounds ), (UINT)blt->xDest, (UINT)blt->yDest, (UINT)blt->cxDest, (UINT)blt->cyDest,
printf("%s%-20s %08x\n", pfx, "EMR_STRETCHBLT", length);
printf("%sbounds (%s) dst %d,%d %dx%d src %d,%d %dx%d rop %#x xform (%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f)\n"
"%sbk_color %#x usage %#x bmi_offset %#x bmi_size %#x bits_offset %#x bits_size %#x\n",
pfx, debugstr_rect( &blt->rclBounds ), (UINT)blt->xDest, (UINT)blt->yDest, (UINT)blt->cxDest, (UINT)blt->cyDest,
(UINT)blt->xSrc, (UINT)blt->ySrc, (UINT)blt->cxSrc, (UINT)blt->cySrc, (UINT)blt->dwRop,
blt->xformSrc.eM11, blt->xformSrc.eM12, blt->xformSrc.eM21,
blt->xformSrc.eM22, blt->xformSrc.eDx, blt->xformSrc.eDy,
(UINT)blt->crBkColorSrc, (UINT)blt->iUsageSrc, (UINT)blt->offBmiSrc, (UINT)blt->cbBmiSrc,
pfx, (UINT)blt->crBkColorSrc, (UINT)blt->iUsageSrc, (UINT)blt->offBmiSrc, (UINT)blt->cbBmiSrc,
(UINT)blt->offBitsSrc, (UINT)blt->cbBitsSrc);
printf("BITMAPINFOHEADER biSize %#x biWidth %d biHeight %d biPlanes %d biBitCount %d biCompression %#x\n"
"biSizeImage %#x biXPelsPerMeter %d biYPelsPerMeter %d biClrUsed %#x biClrImportant %#x\n",
(UINT)bmih->biSize, (UINT)bmih->biWidth, (UINT)bmih->biHeight, (UINT)bmih->biPlanes,
(UINT)bmih->biBitCount, (UINT)bmih->biCompression, (UINT)bmih->biSizeImage,
printf("%sBITMAPINFOHEADER biSize %#x biWidth %d biHeight %d biPlanes %d biBitCount %d biCompression %#x\n"
"%sbiSizeImage %#x biXPelsPerMeter %d biYPelsPerMeter %d biClrUsed %#x biClrImportant %#x\n",
pfx, (UINT)bmih->biSize, (UINT)bmih->biWidth, (UINT)bmih->biHeight, (UINT)bmih->biPlanes,
(UINT)bmih->biBitCount, (UINT)bmih->biCompression, pfx, (UINT)bmih->biSizeImage,
(UINT)bmih->biXPelsPerMeter, (UINT)bmih->biYPelsPerMeter, (UINT)bmih->biClrUsed,
......@@ -357,9 +358,9 @@ unsigned long dump_emfrecord(unsigned long offset)
const EMREXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW *pf = PRD(offset, sizeof(*pf));
const LOGFONTW *plf = &pf->elfw.elfLogFont;
printf("%-20s %08x\n", "EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW", length);
printf("(%d %d %d %d %x out %d clip %x quality %d charset %d) %s %s %s %s\n",
(UINT)plf->lfHeight, (UINT)plf->lfWidth, (UINT)plf->lfEscapement, (UINT)plf->lfOrientation,
printf("%s%-20s %08x\n", pfx, "EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW", length);
printf("%s(%d %d %d %d %x out %d clip %x quality %d charset %d) %s %s %s %s\n",
pfx, (UINT)plf->lfHeight, (UINT)plf->lfWidth, (UINT)plf->lfEscapement, (UINT)plf->lfOrientation,
(UINT)plf->lfPitchAndFamily, (UINT)plf->lfOutPrecision, (UINT)plf->lfClipPrecision,
plf->lfQuality, plf->lfCharSet,
debugstr_wn(plf->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE),
......@@ -376,13 +377,13 @@ unsigned long dump_emfrecord(unsigned long offset)
const EMREXTTEXTOUTW *etoW = PRD(offset, sizeof(*etoW));
const int *dx = (const int *)((const BYTE *)etoW + etoW->emrtext.offDx);
printf("%-20s %08x\n", "EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW", length);
printf("bounds (%s) mode %#x x_scale %f y_scale %f pt (%d,%d) rect (%s) flags %#x, %s\n",
debugstr_rect( &etoW->rclBounds ), (UINT)etoW->iGraphicsMode, etoW->exScale, etoW->eyScale,
printf("%s%-20s %08x\n", pfx, "EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW", length);
printf("%sbounds (%s) mode %#x x_scale %f y_scale %f pt (%d,%d) rect (%s) flags %#x, %s\n",
pfx, debugstr_rect( &etoW->rclBounds ), (UINT)etoW->iGraphicsMode, etoW->exScale, etoW->eyScale,
(UINT)etoW->emrtext.ptlReference.x, (UINT)etoW->emrtext.ptlReference.y,
debugstr_rect( &etoW->emrtext.rcl ), (UINT)etoW->emrtext.fOptions,
debugstr_wn((LPCWSTR)((const BYTE *)etoW + etoW->emrtext.offString), etoW->emrtext.nChars));
printf("dx_offset %u {", (UINT)etoW->emrtext.offDx);
printf("%sdx_offset %u {", pfx, (UINT)etoW->emrtext.offDx);
for (i = 0; i < etoW->emrtext.nChars; ++i)
printf("%d", dx[i]);
......@@ -428,19 +429,19 @@ unsigned long dump_emfrecord(unsigned long offset)
const EMRALPHABLEND *blend = PRD(offset, sizeof(*blend));
const BITMAPINFOHEADER *bmih = (const BITMAPINFOHEADER *)((const unsigned char *)blend + blend->offBmiSrc);
printf("%-20s %08x\n", "EMR_ALPHABLEND", length);
printf("bounds (%s) dst %d,%d %dx%d src %d,%d %dx%d rop %#x xform (%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f)\n"
"bk_color %#x usage %#x bmi_offset %#x bmi_size %#x bits_offset %#x bits_size %#x\n",
debugstr_rect( &blend->rclBounds ), (UINT)blend->xDest, (UINT)blend->yDest, (UINT)blend->cxDest, (UINT)blend->cyDest,
printf("%s%-20s %08x\n", pfx, "EMR_ALPHABLEND", length);
printf("%sbounds (%s) dst %d,%d %dx%d src %d,%d %dx%d rop %#x xform (%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f)\n"
"%sbk_color %#x usage %#x bmi_offset %#x bmi_size %#x bits_offset %#x bits_size %#x\n",
pfx, debugstr_rect( &blend->rclBounds ), (UINT)blend->xDest, (UINT)blend->yDest, (UINT)blend->cxDest, (UINT)blend->cyDest,
(UINT)blend->xSrc, (UINT)blend->ySrc, (UINT)blend->cxSrc, (UINT)blend->cySrc,
(UINT)blend->dwRop, blend->xformSrc.eM11, blend->xformSrc.eM12, blend->xformSrc.eM21,
blend->xformSrc.eM22, blend->xformSrc.eDx, blend->xformSrc.eDy,
(UINT)blend->crBkColorSrc, (UINT)blend->iUsageSrc, (UINT)blend->offBmiSrc,
pfx, (UINT)blend->crBkColorSrc, (UINT)blend->iUsageSrc, (UINT)blend->offBmiSrc,
(UINT)blend->cbBmiSrc, (UINT)blend->offBitsSrc, (UINT)blend->cbBitsSrc);
printf("BITMAPINFOHEADER biSize %#x biWidth %d biHeight %d biPlanes %d biBitCount %d biCompression %#x\n"
"biSizeImage %#x biXPelsPerMeter %d biYPelsPerMeter %d biClrUsed %#x biClrImportant %#x\n",
(UINT)bmih->biSize, (UINT)bmih->biWidth, (UINT)bmih->biHeight, (UINT)bmih->biPlanes,
(UINT)bmih->biBitCount, (UINT)bmih->biCompression, (UINT)bmih->biSizeImage,
printf("%sBITMAPINFOHEADER biSize %#x biWidth %d biHeight %d biPlanes %d biBitCount %d biCompression %#x\n"
"%sbiSizeImage %#x biXPelsPerMeter %d biYPelsPerMeter %d biClrUsed %#x biClrImportant %#x\n",
pfx, (UINT)bmih->biSize, (UINT)bmih->biWidth, (UINT)bmih->biHeight, (UINT)bmih->biPlanes,
(UINT)bmih->biBitCount, (UINT)bmih->biCompression, pfx, (UINT)bmih->biSizeImage,
(UINT)bmih->biXPelsPerMeter, (UINT)bmih->biYPelsPerMeter, (UINT)bmih->biClrUsed,
......@@ -456,7 +457,7 @@ unsigned long dump_emfrecord(unsigned long offset)
printf("%u %08x\n", type, length);
printf("%s%u %08x\n", pfx, type, length);
......@@ -470,7 +471,7 @@ unsigned long dump_emfrecord(unsigned long offset)
for(i=0; i<length; i+=4)
if (i%16 == 0)
printf(" ");
printf("%s ", pfx);
if (!(ptr = PRD(offset, 4))) return 0;
offset += 4;
printf("%08x ", read_int(ptr));
......@@ -494,5 +495,5 @@ enum FileSig get_kind_emf(void)
void emf_dump(void)
unsigned long offset = 0;
while ((offset = dump_emfrecord(offset)));
while ((offset = dump_emfrecord("", offset)));
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ static unsigned long dump_emfspool_record(unsigned long off)
unsigned long emf_off = off + sizeof(*hdr);
while ((emf_off = dump_emfrecord(emf_off)) && emf_off < off + sizeof(*hdr) + hdr->cjSize);
while ((emf_off = dump_emfrecord(" ", emf_off)) && emf_off < off + sizeof(*hdr) + hdr->cjSize);
......@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ void dbg_dump( void );
enum FileSig get_kind_lnk(void);
void lnk_dump( void );
enum FileSig get_kind_emf(void);
unsigned long dump_emfrecord(unsigned long offset);
unsigned long dump_emfrecord(const char *pfx, unsigned long offset);
void emf_dump( void );
enum FileSig get_kind_emfspool(void);
void emfspool_dump(void);
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