Commit afb19e07 authored by Owen Rudge's avatar Owen Rudge Committed by Alexandre Julliard

wsdapi: Add support for parsing AppSequence header.

parent 4c5d24ae
......@@ -1127,6 +1127,54 @@ static LPWSTR xml_text_to_wide_string(void *parent_memory, WS_XML_TEXT *text)
return NULL;
static inline BOOL read_isspace(unsigned int ch)
return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n';
static HRESULT str_to_uint64(const unsigned char *str, ULONG len, UINT64 max, UINT64 *ret)
const unsigned char *ptr = str;
*ret = 0;
while (len && read_isspace(*ptr)) { ptr++; len--; }
while (len && read_isspace(ptr[len - 1])) { len--; }
if (!len) return WS_E_INVALID_FORMAT;
while (len--)
unsigned int val;
if (!isdigit(*ptr)) return WS_E_INVALID_FORMAT;
val = *ptr - '0';
if ((*ret > max / 10 || *ret * 10 > max - val)) return WS_E_NUMERIC_OVERFLOW;
*ret = *ret * 10 + val;
return S_OK;
#define MAX_UINT64 (((UINT64)0xffffffff << 32) | 0xffffffff)
static HRESULT wide_text_to_ulonglong(LPCWSTR text, ULONGLONG *value)
char *utf8_text;
int utf8_length;
utf8_text = wide_to_utf8(text, &utf8_length);
if (utf8_text == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (utf8_length == 1) return E_FAIL;
ret = str_to_uint64((const unsigned char *) utf8_text, utf8_length - 1, MAX_UINT64, value);
return ret;
static HRESULT move_to_element(WS_XML_READER *reader, const char *element_name, WS_XML_STRING *uri)
WS_XML_STRING envelope;
......@@ -1442,7 +1490,7 @@ static WSDXML_TYPE *generate_type(LPCWSTR uri, void *parent)
HRESULT read_message(const char *xml, int xml_length, WSD_SOAP_MESSAGE **out_msg, int *msg_type)
WSDXML_ELEMENT *envelope = NULL, *header_element, *body_element;
WSDXML_ELEMENT *envelope = NULL, *header_element, *appsequence_element, *body_element;
WS_XML_ELEMENT_NODE *envelope_node;
......@@ -1561,6 +1609,48 @@ HRESULT read_message(const char *xml, int xml_length, WSD_SOAP_MESSAGE **out_msg
soap_msg->Header.MessageID = duplicate_string(soap_msg, value);
if (soap_msg->Header.MessageID == NULL) goto outofmemory;
/* Look for optional AppSequence element */
appsequence_element = find_element(header_element, appSequenceString, discoveryNsUri);
if (appsequence_element != NULL)
WSDXML_ATTRIBUTE *current_attrib;
soap_msg->Header.AppSequence = WSDAllocateLinkedMemory(soap_msg, sizeof(WSD_APP_SEQUENCE));
if (soap_msg->Header.AppSequence == NULL) goto outofmemory;
ZeroMemory(soap_msg->Header.AppSequence, sizeof(WSD_APP_SEQUENCE));
current_attrib = appsequence_element->FirstAttribute;
while (current_attrib != NULL)
if (lstrcmpW(current_attrib->Name->Space->Uri, discoveryNsUri) != 0)
current_attrib = current_attrib->Next;
if (lstrcmpW(current_attrib->Name->LocalName, instanceIdString) == 0)
ret = wide_text_to_ulonglong(current_attrib->Value, &soap_msg->Header.AppSequence->InstanceId);
if (FAILED(ret)) goto cleanup;
else if (lstrcmpW(current_attrib->Name->LocalName, messageNumberString) == 0)
ret = wide_text_to_ulonglong(current_attrib->Value, &soap_msg->Header.AppSequence->MessageNumber);
if (FAILED(ret)) goto cleanup;
else if (lstrcmpW(current_attrib->Name->LocalName, sequenceIdString) == 0)
soap_msg->Header.AppSequence->SequenceId = duplicate_string(soap_msg, current_attrib->Value);
if (soap_msg->Header.AppSequence->SequenceId == NULL) goto outofmemory;
current_attrib = current_attrib->Next;
/* Now detach and free known headers to leave the "any" elements */
remove_element(find_element(header_element, actionString, addressingNsUri));
remove_element(find_element(header_element, toString, addressingNsUri));
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