Commit b47f0593 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

wineprefixcreate: Fixed datadir path. Added dependency on relpath.

parent b1be7245
......@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ sfnt2fnt$(EXEEXT): sfnt2fnt.o
bin2res$(EXEEXT): bin2res.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ bin2res.o $(LIBPORT)
sed -e "s,@bintodlldir\@,`$(RELPATH) $(bindir) $(dlldir)`,g" -e "s,@bintodatadir\@,`$(RELPATH) $(bindir) $(datadir)`,g" $(SRCDIR)/ >$@ || ($(RM) $@ && false)
wineprefixcreate: relpath$(EXEEXT)
sed -e "s,@bintodlldir\@,`$(RELPATH) $(bindir) $(dlldir)`,g" -e "s,@bintodatadir\@,`$(RELPATH) $(bindir) $(datadir)/wine`,g" $(SRCDIR)/ >$@ || ($(RM) $@ && false)
chmod +x wineprefixcreate
install install-lib:: wineprefixcreate
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