Commit b5a82030 authored by Piotr Caban's avatar Piotr Caban Committed by Alexandre Julliard

jscript: Added calling Date as function implementation.

parent 8150960f
......@@ -455,9 +455,7 @@ static SYSTEMTIME create_systemtime(DOUBLE time)
return st;
/* ECMA-262 3rd Edition */
static HRESULT Date_toString(DispatchEx *dispex, LCID lcid, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *caller)
static inline HRESULT date_to_string(DOUBLE time, BOOL show_offset, int offset, VARIANT *retv)
static const WCHAR NaNW[] = { 'N','a','N',0 };
static const WCHAR formatW[] = { '%','s',' ','%','s',' ','%','d',' ',
......@@ -466,6 +464,9 @@ static HRESULT Date_toString(DispatchEx *dispex, LCID lcid, WORD flags, DISPPARA
static const WCHAR formatUTCW[] = { '%','s',' ','%','s',' ','%','d',' ',
'%','0','2','d',':','%','0','2','d',':','%','0','2','d',' ',
'U','T','C',' ','%','d','%','s',0 };
static const WCHAR formatNoOffsetW[] = { '%','s',' ','%','s',' ',
'%','d',' ','%','0','2','d',':','%','0','2','d',':',
'%','0','2','d',' ','%','d','%','s',0 };
static const WCHAR ADW[] = { 0 };
static const WCHAR BCW[] = { ' ','B','.','C','.',0 };
......@@ -481,23 +482,12 @@ static HRESULT Date_toString(DispatchEx *dispex, LCID lcid, WORD flags, DISPPARA
BOOL formatAD = TRUE;
BSTR week, month;
DateInstance *date;
BSTR date_str;
DOUBLE time;
int len, size, year, day, offset;
int len, size, year, day;
DWORD lcid_en, week_id, month_id;
WCHAR sign = '-';
if(!is_class(dispex, JSCLASS_DATE)) {
FIXME("throw TypeError\n");
return E_FAIL;
date = (DateInstance*)dispex;
if(isnan(date->time)) {
if(isnan(time)) {
if(retv) {
V_VT(retv) = VT_BSTR;
V_BSTR(retv) = SysAllocString(NaNW);
......@@ -507,8 +497,6 @@ static HRESULT Date_toString(DispatchEx *dispex, LCID lcid, WORD flags, DISPPARA
return S_OK;
time = local_time(date->time, date);
if(retv) {
len = 21;
......@@ -554,10 +542,8 @@ static HRESULT Date_toString(DispatchEx *dispex, LCID lcid, WORD flags, DISPPARA
} while(day);
day = date_from_time(time);
offset = date->bias +
daylight_saving_ta(time, date);
if(offset == 0) len -= 5;
if(!show_offset) len -= 9;
else if(offset == 0) len -= 5;
else if(offset < 0) {
sign = '+';
offset = -offset;
......@@ -570,15 +556,19 @@ static HRESULT Date_toString(DispatchEx *dispex, LCID lcid, WORD flags, DISPPARA
sprintfW(date_str, formatNoOffsetW, week, month, day,
(int)hour_from_time(time), (int)min_from_time(time),
(int)sec_from_time(time), year, formatAD?ADW:BCW);
else if(offset)
sprintfW(date_str, formatW, week, month, day,
(int)hour_from_time(time), (int)min_from_time(time),
(int)sec_from_time(time), sign, offset/60, offset%60,
year, formatAD?ADW:BCW);
sprintfW(date_str, formatUTCW, week, month, day,
(int)hour_from_time(time), (int)min_from_time(time),
(int)sec_from_time(time), year, formatAD?ADW:BCW);
(int)hour_from_time(time), (int)min_from_time(time),
(int)sec_from_time(time), year, formatAD?ADW:BCW);
......@@ -589,6 +579,29 @@ static HRESULT Date_toString(DispatchEx *dispex, LCID lcid, WORD flags, DISPPARA
return S_OK;
/* ECMA-262 3rd Edition */
static HRESULT Date_toString(DispatchEx *dispex, LCID lcid, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *caller)
DateInstance *date;
DOUBLE time;
int offset;
if(!is_class(dispex, JSCLASS_DATE)) {
FIXME("throw TypeError\n");
return E_FAIL;
date = (DateInstance*)dispex;
time = local_time(date->time, date);
offset = date->bias +
daylight_saving_ta(time, date);
return date_to_string(time, TRUE, offset, retv);
/* ECMA-262 3rd Edition */
static HRESULT Date_toLocaleString(DispatchEx *dispex, LCID lcid, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *caller)
......@@ -2652,6 +2665,18 @@ static HRESULT DateConstr_value(DispatchEx *dispex, LCID lcid, WORD flags, DISPP
V_DISPATCH(retv) = (IDispatch*)_IDispatchEx_(date);
return S_OK;
FILETIME system_time, local_time;
LONGLONG lltime;
FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&system_time, &local_time);
lltime = ((LONGLONG)local_time.dwHighDateTime<<32)
+ local_time.dwLowDateTime;
return date_to_string(lltime/10000-TIME_EPOCH, FALSE, 0, retv);
FIXME("unimplemented flags %x\n", flags);
return E_NOTIMPL;
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