Commit c45f6045 authored by Zebediah Figura's avatar Zebediah Figura Committed by Alexandre Julliard

user32: Allow clicking the restore and maximize boxes for on minimized windows.

parent 3765b330
......@@ -473,7 +473,6 @@ LRESULT NC_HandleNCHitTest( HWND hwnd, POINT pt )
style = GetWindowLongW( hwnd, GWL_STYLE );
ex_style = GetWindowLongW( hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE );
if (style & WS_MINIMIZE) return HTCAPTION;
if (PtInRect( &rcClient, pt )) return HTCLIENT;
......@@ -305,11 +305,6 @@ HWND WINPOS_WindowFromPoint( HWND hwndScope, POINT pt, INT *hittest )
LONG style = GetWindowLongW( list[i], GWL_STYLE );
/* If window is minimized or disabled, return at once */
if (style & WS_MINIMIZE)
*hittest = HTCAPTION;
if (style & WS_DISABLED)
*hittest = HTERROR;
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