fprintf(stderr,"There are both a NEUTRAL and a MASTER version for %s, along with additional localized versions. The NEUTRAL versions will not be checked against other versions.\n",res_names[res_type]);
fprintf(stderr,"There are no MASTER version, but there are some NEUTRAL versions for %s, so will use those instead of MASTER for comparison.\n",res_names[res_type]);
fprintf(stderr,"There are no NEUTRAL nor MASTER versions for %s, but there are some other localized versions. No comparison will be done at all.\n",res_names[res_type]);
fprintf(stderr,"There are both a NEUTRAL and a MASTER versions for %s, but no other localized version. No comparison will be done at all.\n",res_names[res_type]);
/* fprintf(stderr, "Differences in type %s, ID %s, for language %s\n", res_names[res_type], nameid, get_language_name(get_language_id(list_resources[res_type][lang_type_normal][i]))); */