Commit cfaf0994 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

winebuild: Make the syscall thunks position-independent on ARM64.

parent 40c1c498
......@@ -1484,8 +1484,11 @@ void output_syscalls( DLLSPEC *spec )
output_seh( ".seh_endprologue" );
output( "\tmov x8, #%u\n", id );
output( "\tmov x9, x30\n" );
output( "\tbl %s\n", asm_name("__wine_syscall" ));
output( "\tldr x16, 1f\n" );
output( "\tldr x16, [x16]\n" );
output( "\tblr x16\n" );
output( "\tret\n" );
output( "1:\t.quad %s\n", asm_name("__wine_syscall_dispatcher") );
output_seh( ".seh_endproc" );
......@@ -1523,14 +1526,6 @@ void output_syscalls( DLLSPEC *spec )
if (UsePIC) output( "2:\t.long %s-1b-%u\n", asm_name("__wine_syscall_dispatcher"), thumb_mode ? 4 : 8 );
output_function_size( "__wine_syscall" );
case CPU_ARM64:
output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(16) );
output( "\t%s\n", func_declaration("__wine_syscall") );
output( "%s:\n", asm_name("__wine_syscall") );
output( "\tadrp x16, %s\n", arm64_page( asm_name("__wine_syscall_dispatcher") ) );
output( "\tldr x16, [x16, #%s]\n", arm64_pageoff( asm_name("__wine_syscall_dispatcher") ) );
output( "\tbr x16\n");
output_function_size( "__wine_syscall" );
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