Commit d22e7d6a authored by Zebediah Figura's avatar Zebediah Figura Committed by Alexandre Julliard

setupapi: Check for compatible platforms in SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList().

parent 8369f60c
......@@ -4111,10 +4111,37 @@ static BOOL device_matches_id(const struct device *device, const WCHAR *id_type,
return FALSE;
static BOOL version_is_compatible(const WCHAR *version)
const WCHAR *machine_ext = NtPlatformExtension + 1, *p;
size_t len = strlenW(version);
BOOL wow64;
/* We are only concerned with architecture. */
if ((p = strchrW(version, '.')))
len = p - version;
if (!strncmpiW(version, NtExtension + 1, len))
return TRUE;
if (IsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), &wow64) && wow64)
#ifdef __i386__
static const WCHAR wow_ext[] = {'N','T','a','m','d','6','4',0};
machine_ext = wow_ext;
#elif defined(__arm__)
static const WCHAR wow_ext[] = {'N','T','a','r','m','6','4',0};
machine_ext = wow_ext;
return !strncmpiW(version, machine_ext, len);
static void enum_compat_drivers_from_file(struct device *device, const WCHAR *path)
static const WCHAR manufacturerW[] = {'M','a','n','u','f','a','c','t','u','r','e','r',0};
WCHAR mfg_name[LINE_LEN], mfg_key[LINE_LEN], mfg_key_ext[LINE_LEN], id[MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN];
WCHAR mfg_name[LINE_LEN], mfg_key[LINE_LEN], mfg_key_ext[LINE_LEN], id[MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN], version[MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN];
DWORD i, j, k;
HINF hinf;
......@@ -4130,6 +4157,21 @@ static void enum_compat_drivers_from_file(struct device *device, const WCHAR *pa
if (!SetupGetStringFieldW(&ctx, 1, mfg_key, ARRAY_SIZE(mfg_key), NULL))
strcpyW(mfg_key, mfg_name);
if (SetupGetFieldCount(&ctx) >= 2)
BOOL compatible = FALSE;
for (j = 2; SetupGetStringFieldW(&ctx, j, version, ARRAY_SIZE(version), NULL); ++j)
if (version_is_compatible(version))
compatible = TRUE;
if (!compatible)
if (!SetupDiGetActualSectionToInstallW(hinf, mfg_key, mfg_key_ext, ARRAY_SIZE(mfg_key_ext), NULL, NULL))
WARN("Failed to find section for %s, skipping.\n", debugstr_w(mfg_key));
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