Commit d8e990c1 authored by Dmitry Timoshkov's avatar Dmitry Timoshkov Committed by Alexandre Julliard

- Make new tests pass on win2k SP4 and win95 OSR2.

- Add logging of some useful messages in the parent window. - Add logging of wparam for WM_IME_SETCONTEXT.
parent 53a20f3a
......@@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ static const struct message WmSWP_ShowOverlappedSeq[] = {
{ WM_ERASEBKGND, sent|optional },
{ HCBT_ACTIVATE, hook },
{ WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE, sent|wparam|lparam|optional, 0, 0 },
{ WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, sent|wparam, 0 },
{ WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, sent|wparam|optional, 0 }, /* Win9x: SWP_NOSENDCHANGING */
{ WM_ACTIVATEAPP, sent|wparam, 1 },
{ WM_NCACTIVATE, sent|wparam, 1 },
{ WM_GETTEXT, sent|defwinproc|optional },
{ WM_ACTIVATE, sent|wparam, 1 },
{ HCBT_SETFOCUS, hook },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|defwinproc|optional },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|wparam|defwinproc|optional, 1 },
{ WM_SETFOCUS, sent|wparam|defwinproc, 0 },
{ WM_NCPAINT, sent|wparam|optional, 1 },
{ WM_GETTEXT, sent|defwinproc|optional },
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ static const struct message WmShowOverlappedSeq[] = {
{ WM_GETTEXT, sent|defwinproc|optional },
{ WM_ACTIVATE, sent|wparam, 1 },
{ HCBT_SETFOCUS, hook },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|defwinproc|optional },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|wparam|defwinproc|optional, 1 },
{ WM_SETFOCUS, sent|wparam|defwinproc, 0 },
{ WM_NCPAINT, sent|wparam|optional, 1 },
{ WM_GETTEXT, sent|defwinproc|optional },
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ static const struct message WmHideOverlappedSeq[] = {
{ WM_ACTIVATE, sent|wparam, 0 },
{ WM_ACTIVATEAPP, sent|wparam, 0 },
{ WM_KILLFOCUS, sent|wparam, 0 },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|optional },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|wparam|optional, 0 },
{ 0 }
/* DestroyWindow for a visible overlapped window */
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ static const struct message WmDestroyOverlappedSeq[] = {
{ WM_ACTIVATE, sent|wparam, 0 },
{ WM_ACTIVATEAPP, sent|wparam, 0 },
{ WM_KILLFOCUS, sent|wparam, 0 },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|optional },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|wparam|optional, 0 },
{ WM_DESTROY, sent },
{ WM_NCDESTROY, sent },
{ 0 }
......@@ -206,7 +206,8 @@ static const struct message WmShowVisiblePopupSeq_3[] = {
{ WM_ACTIVATE, sent|wparam, 1 },
{ HCBT_SETFOCUS, hook },
{ WM_KILLFOCUS, sent|parent },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|defwinproc|optional },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|parent|wparam|optional, 0 },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|wparam|defwinproc|optional, 1 },
{ WM_SETFOCUS, sent|defwinproc },
{ 0 }
......@@ -257,7 +258,9 @@ static const struct message WmDestroyChildSeq[] = {
{ WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED, sent|wparam, 0 },
{ HCBT_SETFOCUS, hook }, /* set focus to a parent */
{ WM_KILLFOCUS, sent },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|optional },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|wparam|optional, 0 },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|wparam|parent|optional, 1 },
{ WM_SETFOCUS, sent|parent },
{ WM_DESTROY, sent },
{ WM_DESTROY, sent|optional }, /* a bug in win2k sp4 ? */
{ WM_NCDESTROY, sent },
......@@ -372,7 +375,8 @@ static const struct message WmCreateCustomDialogSeq[] = {
{ WM_GETTEXT, sent|optional|defwinproc },
{ WM_ACTIVATE, sent|wparam, 1 },
{ WM_KILLFOCUS, sent|parent },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|optional },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|parent|wparam|optional, 0 },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|wparam|optional, 1 },
{ WM_SETFOCUS, sent },
{ WM_GETDLGCODE, sent|defwinproc|wparam, 0 },
{ WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, sent|wparam, 0 },
......@@ -422,12 +426,16 @@ static const struct message WmEndCustomDialogSeq[] = {
{ WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, sent|optional },
{ HCBT_SETFOCUS, hook },
{ WM_KILLFOCUS, sent },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|wparam|optional, 0 },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|parent|wparam|defwinproc|optional, 1 },
{ WM_SETFOCUS, sent|parent|defwinproc },
{ 0 }
/* Creation and destruction of a modal dialog (32) */
static const struct message WmModalDialogSeq[] = {
{ WM_CANCELMODE, sent|parent },
{ WM_KILLFOCUS, sent|parent },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|parent|wparam|optional, 0 },
{ WM_ENABLE, sent|parent|wparam, 0 },
{ WM_SETFONT, sent },
{ WM_INITDIALOG, sent },
......@@ -453,16 +461,17 @@ static const struct message WmModalDialogSeq[] = {
{ WM_GETICON, sent|optional },
{ WM_GETICON, sent|optional },
{ WM_GETTEXT, sent|optional },
{ WM_NCCALCSIZE, sent },
{ WM_NCPAINT, sent },
{ WM_NCCALCSIZE, sent|optional },
{ WM_NCPAINT, sent|optional },
{ WM_GETICON, sent|optional },
{ WM_GETICON, sent|optional },
{ WM_GETICON, sent|optional },
{ WM_GETTEXT, sent|optional },
{ WM_ERASEBKGND, sent },
{ WM_PAINT, sent },
{ WM_ERASEBKGND, sent|optional },
{ WM_CTLCOLORDLG, sent|optional },
{ WM_PAINT, sent|optional },
{ WM_ENTERIDLE, sent|parent },
{ WM_TIMER, sent },
{ WM_ENABLE, sent|parent|wparam, 1 },
......@@ -480,6 +489,8 @@ static const struct message WmModalDialogSeq[] = {
{ WM_ACTIVATE, sent|wparam, 0 },
{ WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, sent|optional },
{ HCBT_SETFOCUS, hook },
{ WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|parent|wparam|defwinproc|optional, 1 },
{ WM_SETFOCUS, sent|parent|defwinproc },
{ WM_DESTROY, sent },
{ WM_NCDESTROY, sent },
{ 0 }
......@@ -969,7 +980,9 @@ static LRESULT WINAPI ParentMsgCheckProcA(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam
trace("parent: %p, %04x, %08x, %08lx\n", hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
if (message == WM_PARENTNOTIFY || message == WM_CANCELMODE ||
message == WM_KILLFOCUS || message == WM_ENABLE)
message == WM_SETFOCUS || message == WM_KILLFOCUS ||
message == WM_ENABLE || message == WM_ENTERIDLE ||
msg.message = message;
msg.flags = sent|parent|wparam|lparam;
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