Commit dc8ef759 authored by Francois Gouget's avatar Francois Gouget Committed by Alexandre Julliard

winetest: Create the -d directory if it does not exist already.

'winetest.exe' automatically creates '%TEMP%\wct' (or an alternative new directory). 'winetext.exe -x DIR' automatically creates DIR. 'winetest.exe -d DIR' now automatically creates DIR too. In all cases newly created directories are removed after the tests. Signed-off-by: 's avatarFrancois Gouget <> Signed-off-by: 's avatarAlexandre Julliard <>
parent 20fff538
......@@ -1024,6 +1024,7 @@ run_tests (char *logname, char *outdir)
DWORD strsize;
char tmppath[MAX_PATH], tempdir[MAX_PATH+4];
BOOL newdir;
DWORD needed;
HMODULE kernel32;
......@@ -1064,22 +1065,23 @@ run_tests (char *logname, char *outdir)
if (logfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
report (R_FATAL, "Could not open logfile: %u", GetLastError());
/* try stable path for ZoneAlarm */
if (!outdir) {
if (outdir)
strcpy( tempdir, outdir);
strcpy( tempdir, tmppath );
strcat( tempdir, "wct" );
if (!CreateDirectoryA( tempdir, NULL ))
strcat( tempdir, "wct" ); /* try stable path for ZoneAlarm */
newdir = CreateDirectoryA( tempdir, NULL );
if (!newdir && !outdir)
if (!GetTempFileNameA( tmppath, "wct", 0, tempdir ))
report (R_FATAL, "Can't name temporary dir (check %%TEMP%%).");
DeleteFileA( tempdir );
if (!CreateDirectoryA( tempdir, NULL ))
report (R_FATAL, "Could not create directory: %s", tempdir);
newdir = CreateDirectoryA( tempdir, NULL );
strcpy( tempdir, outdir);
if (!newdir && (!outdir || GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS))
report (R_FATAL, "Could not create directory %s (%d)", tempdir, GetLastError());
report (R_DIR, tempdir);
......@@ -1172,7 +1174,7 @@ run_tests (char *logname, char *outdir)
report (R_STATUS, "Cleaning up - %u failures", failures);
CloseHandle( logfile );
logfile = 0;
if (!outdir)
if (newdir)
remove_dir (tempdir);
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