Commit df91150e authored by Dan Hipschman's avatar Dan Hipschman Committed by Alexandre Julliard

widl: Generate GUID (infile_i.c) files.

parent 23027f54
......@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ int is_void(const type_t *t, const var_t *v)
return 0;
static void write_guid(const char *guid_prefix, const char *name, const UUID *uuid)
void write_guid(FILE *f, const char *guid_prefix, const char *name, const UUID *uuid)
if (!uuid) return;
fprintf(header, "DEFINE_GUID(%s_%s, 0x%08lx, 0x%04x, 0x%04x, 0x%02x,0x%02x, 0x%02x,"
fprintf(f, "DEFINE_GUID(%s_%s, 0x%08lx, 0x%04x, 0x%04x, 0x%02x,0x%02x, 0x%02x,"
guid_prefix, name, uuid->Data1, uuid->Data2, uuid->Data3, uuid->Data4[0],
uuid->Data4[1], uuid->Data4[2], uuid->Data4[3], uuid->Data4[4], uuid->Data4[5],
......@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ void write_externdef(const var_t *v)
void write_library(const char *name, const attr_t *attr) {
const UUID *uuid = get_attrp(attr, ATTR_UUID);
fprintf(header, "\n");
write_guid("LIBID", name, uuid);
write_guid(header, "LIBID", name, uuid);
fprintf(header, "\n");
......@@ -846,19 +846,19 @@ void write_forward(type_t *iface)
static void write_iface_guid(const type_t *iface)
const UUID *uuid = get_attrp(iface->attrs, ATTR_UUID);
write_guid("IID", iface->name, uuid);
write_guid(header, "IID", iface->name, uuid);
static void write_dispiface_guid(const type_t *iface)
const UUID *uuid = get_attrp(iface->attrs, ATTR_UUID);
write_guid("DIID", iface->name, uuid);
write_guid(header, "DIID", iface->name, uuid);
static void write_coclass_guid(type_t *cocl)
const UUID *uuid = get_attrp(cocl->attrs, ATTR_UUID);
write_guid("CLSID", cocl->name, uuid);
write_guid(header, "CLSID", cocl->name, uuid);
static void write_com_interface(type_t *iface)
......@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ extern void write_library(const char *name, const attr_t *attr);
extern void write_user_types(void);
extern const var_t* get_explicit_handle_var(const func_t* func);
extern int has_out_arg_or_return(const func_t *func);
extern void write_guid(FILE *f, const char *guid_prefix, const char *name,
const UUID *uuid);
static inline int is_string_type(const attr_t *attrs, int ptr_level, const expr_t *array)
......@@ -96,6 +96,11 @@ static int get_struct_type(var_t *fields);
static var_t *reg_const(var_t *var);
static var_t *find_const(char *name, int f);
static void write_libid(const char *name, const attr_t *attr);
static void write_clsid(type_t *cls);
static void write_diid(type_t *iface);
static void write_iid(type_t *iface);
#define tsENUM 1
#define tsSTRUCT 2
#define tsUNION 3
......@@ -299,7 +304,9 @@ importlib: tIMPORTLIB '(' aSTRING ')' { if(!parse_only) add_importlib($3); }
libraryhdr: tLIBRARY aIDENTIFIER { $$ = $2; }
library_start: attributes libraryhdr '{' { start_typelib($2, $1);
if (!parse_only && do_header) write_library($2, $1); }
if (!parse_only && do_header) write_library($2, $1);
if (!parse_only && do_idfile) write_libid($2, $1);
librarydef: library_start imp_statements '}' { end_typelib(); }
......@@ -649,6 +656,8 @@ coclasshdr: attributes coclass { $$ = $2;
$$->attrs = $1;
if (!parse_only && do_header)
if (!parse_only && do_idfile)
......@@ -698,10 +707,12 @@ dispinterfacedef: dispinterfacehdr '{'
$$->fields = $3;
$$->funcs = $4;
if (!parse_only && do_header) write_dispinterface($$);
if (!parse_only && do_idfile) write_diid($$);
/* FIXME: not sure how to handle this yet
| dispinterfacehdr '{' interface '}' { $$ = $1;
if (!parse_only && do_header) write_interface($$);
if (!parse_only && do_idfile) write_iid($$);
......@@ -727,6 +738,7 @@ interfacedef: interfacehdr inherit
$$->ref = $2;
$$->funcs = $4;
if (!parse_only && do_header) write_interface($$);
if (!parse_only && do_idfile) write_iid($$);
/* MIDL is able to import the definition of a base class from inside the
* definition of a derived class, I'll try to support it with this rule */
......@@ -736,6 +748,7 @@ interfacedef: interfacehdr inherit
if (!$$->ref) yyerror("base class '%s' not found in import", $3);
$$->funcs = $6;
if (!parse_only && do_header) write_interface($$);
if (!parse_only && do_idfile) write_iid($$);
| dispinterfacedef { $$ = $1; }
......@@ -1505,3 +1518,27 @@ static var_t *find_const(char *name, int f)
return cur->var;
static void write_libid(const char *name, const attr_t *attr)
const UUID *uuid = get_attrp(attr, ATTR_UUID);
write_guid(idfile, "LIBID", name, uuid);
static void write_clsid(type_t *cls)
const UUID *uuid = get_attrp(cls->attrs, ATTR_UUID);
write_guid(idfile, "CLSID", cls->name, uuid);
static void write_diid(type_t *iface)
const UUID *uuid = get_attrp(iface->attrs, ATTR_UUID);
write_guid(idfile, "DIID", iface->name, uuid);
static void write_iid(type_t *iface)
const UUID *uuid = get_attrp(iface->attrs, ATTR_UUID);
write_guid(idfile, "IID", iface->name, uuid);
......@@ -46,8 +46,6 @@
/* A = ACF input filename */
/* J = do not search standard include path */
/* O = generate interpreted stubs */
/* u = UUID file only? */
/* U = UUID filename */
/* w = select win16/win32 output (?) */
static char usage[] =
......@@ -68,6 +66,8 @@ static char usage[] =
" -S file Name of server stub file (default is infile_s.c)\n"
" -t Generate typelib\n"
" -T file Name of typelib file (default is infile.tlb)\n"
" -u Generate interface identifiers file\n"
" -U file Name of interface identifiers file (default is infile_i.c)\n"
" -V Print version and exit\n"
" -W Enable pedantic warnings\n"
"Debug level 'n' is a bitmask with following meaning:\n"
......@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ int do_typelib = 0;
int do_proxies = 0;
int do_client = 0;
int do_server = 0;
int do_idfile = 0;
int no_preprocess = 0;
int old_names = 0;
......@@ -107,17 +108,20 @@ char *client_name;
char *client_token;
char *server_name;
char *server_token;
char *idfile_name;
char *idfile_token;
char *temp_name;
int line_number = 1;
FILE *header;
FILE *proxy;
FILE *idfile;
time_t now;
static const char *short_options =
static struct option long_options[] = {
{ "oldnames", 0, 0, 1 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
......@@ -231,6 +235,13 @@ int main(int argc,char *argv[])
case 'T':
typelib_name = strdup(optarg);
case 'u':
do_everything = 0;
do_idfile = 1;
case 'U':
idfile_name = strdup(optarg);
case 'V':
return 0;
......@@ -244,7 +255,7 @@ int main(int argc,char *argv[])
if(do_everything) {
do_header = do_typelib = do_proxies = do_client = do_server = 1;
do_header = do_typelib = do_proxies = do_client = do_server = do_idfile = 1;
if(optind < argc) {
input_name = xstrdup(argv[optind]);
......@@ -292,6 +303,11 @@ int main(int argc,char *argv[])
strcat(server_name, "_s.c");
if (!idfile_name && do_idfile) {
idfile_name = dup_basename(input_name, ".idl");
strcat(idfile_name, "_i.c");
if (do_proxies) proxy_token = dup_basename_token(proxy_name,"_p.c");
if (do_client) client_token = dup_basename_token(client_name,"_c.c");
if (do_server) server_token = dup_basename_token(server_name,"_s.c");
......@@ -343,6 +359,26 @@ int main(int argc,char *argv[])
fprintf(header, "#endif\n");
if (do_idfile) {
idfile_token = make_token(idfile_name);
idfile = fopen(idfile_name, "w");
if (! idfile) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s for output\n", idfile_name);
return 1;
fprintf(idfile, "/*** Autogenerated by WIDL %s ", PACKAGE_VERSION);
fprintf(idfile, "from %s - Do not edit ***/\n\n", input_name);
fprintf(idfile, "#include <rpc.h>\n");
fprintf(idfile, "#include <rpcndr.h>\n\n");
fprintf(idfile, "#define INITGUID\n");
fprintf(idfile, "#include <guiddef.h>\n\n");
fprintf(idfile, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
fprintf(idfile, "extern \"C\" {\n");
fprintf(idfile, "#endif\n\n");
ret = yyparse();
if(do_header) {
......@@ -359,6 +395,15 @@ int main(int argc,char *argv[])
if (do_idfile) {
fprintf(idfile, "\n");
fprintf(idfile, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n");
fprintf(idfile, "}\n");
fprintf(idfile, "#endif\n");
if(ret) {
......@@ -367,6 +412,7 @@ int main(int argc,char *argv[])
header_name = NULL;
client_name = NULL;
server_name = NULL;
idfile_name = NULL;
return 0;
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ extern int do_typelib;
extern int do_proxies;
extern int do_client;
extern int do_server;
extern int do_idfile;
extern int old_names;
extern char *input_name;
......@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ extern int line_number;
extern int char_number;
extern FILE* header;
extern FILE* idfile;
extern void write_proxies(ifref_t *ifaces);
extern void write_client(ifref_t *ifaces);
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