Commit dfa73ca6 authored by Erich E. Hoover's avatar Erich E. Hoover Committed by Alexandre Julliard

server: Return STATUS_CANT_WAIT/WSAEWOULDBLOCK for non-overlapped…

server: Return STATUS_CANT_WAIT/WSAEWOULDBLOCK for non-overlapped SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE requests on non-blocking sockets. Signed-off-by: 's avatarErich E. Hoover <>
parent 00d966cd
......@@ -546,6 +546,11 @@ obj_handle_t sock_ioctl( struct fd *fd, ioctl_code_t code, const async_data_t *a
if ((sock->state & FD_WINE_NONBLOCKING) && !blocking)
set_error( STATUS_CANT_WAIT );
return 0;
if (!(ifchange_q = sock_get_ifchange_q( sock ))) return 0;
if (!(async = create_async( current, ifchange_q, async_data ))) return 0;
if (blocking) wait_handle = alloc_handle( current->process, async, SYNCHRONIZE, 0 );
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