Commit e34cb913 authored by Hans Leidekker's avatar Hans Leidekker Committed by Alexandre Julliard

rpcrt4: Also set the Content-Length header explicitly on the in pipe request.

parent 90027800
......@@ -2230,6 +2230,17 @@ static RPC_STATUS send_echo_request(HINTERNET req, RpcHttpAsyncData *async_data,
return RPC_S_OK;
static RPC_STATUS insert_content_length_header(HINTERNET request, DWORD len)
static const WCHAR fmtW[] =
{'C','o','n','t','e','n','t','-','L','e','n','g','t','h',':',' ','%','u','\r','\n',0};
WCHAR header[sizeof(fmtW) / sizeof(fmtW[0]) + 10];
sprintfW(header, fmtW, len);
if ((HttpAddRequestHeadersW(request, header, -1, HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE))) return RPC_S_OK;
/* prepare the in pipe for use by RPC packets */
static RPC_STATUS rpcrt4_http_prepare_in_pipe(HINTERNET in_request, RpcHttpAsyncData *async_data, HANDLE cancel_event,
const UUID *connection_uuid, const UUID *in_pipe_uuid,
......@@ -2251,6 +2262,9 @@ static RPC_STATUS rpcrt4_http_prepare_in_pipe(HINTERNET in_request, RpcHttpAsync
buffers_in.dwStructSize = sizeof(buffers_in);
/* FIXME: get this from the registry */
buffers_in.dwBufferTotal = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; /* 1Gb */
status = insert_content_length_header(in_request, buffers_in.dwBufferTotal);
if (status != RPC_S_OK) return status;
ret = HttpSendRequestExW(in_request, &buffers_in, NULL, 0, 0);
status = wait_async_request(async_data, ret, cancel_event);
......@@ -2321,17 +2335,14 @@ static RPC_STATUS rpcrt4_http_prepare_out_pipe(HINTERNET out_request, RpcHttpAsy
const UUID *out_pipe_uuid, ULONG *flow_control_increment,
BOOL authorized)
static const WCHAR fmtW[] =
{'C','o','n','t','e','n','t','-','L','e','n','g','t','h',':',' ','%','u','\r','\n',0};
BOOL ret;
RPC_STATUS status;
RpcPktHdr *hdr;
BYTE *data_from_server;
RpcPktHdr pkt_from_server;
ULONG field1, field3;
DWORD bytes_read, len;
DWORD bytes_read;
BYTE buf[20];
WCHAR header[sizeof(fmtW) / sizeof(fmtW[0]) + 10];
if (!authorized)
......@@ -2345,10 +2356,16 @@ static RPC_STATUS rpcrt4_http_prepare_out_pipe(HINTERNET out_request, RpcHttpAsy
hdr = RPCRT4_BuildHttpConnectHeader(TRUE, connection_uuid, out_pipe_uuid, NULL);
if (!hdr) return RPC_S_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
status = insert_content_length_header(out_request, hdr->common.frag_len);
if (status != RPC_S_OK)
return status;
TRACE("sending HTTP connect header to server\n");
len = sprintfW(header, fmtW, hdr->common.frag_len);
ret = HttpSendRequestW(out_request, header, len, hdr, hdr->common.frag_len);
ret = HttpSendRequestW(out_request, NULL, 0, hdr, hdr->common.frag_len);
status = wait_async_request(async_data, ret, cancel_event);
if (status != RPC_S_OK) return status;
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