Commit e4df032c authored by Iván Matellanes's avatar Iván Matellanes Committed by Alexandre Julliard

msvcirt: Implement ostream::operator<< for floats.

parent c969efca
......@@ -2631,6 +2631,47 @@ static ostream* ostream_internal_print_integer(ostream *ostr, int n, BOOL unsig,
return ostr;
static ostream* ostream_internal_print_float(ostream *ostr, double d, BOOL dbl)
ios *base = ostream_get_ios(ostr);
char prefix_str[2] = {0}, number_str[24], sprintf_fmt[6] = {'%','.','*','f',0};
int prec, max_prec = dbl ? 15 : 6;
int str_length = 1; /* null end char */
TRACE("(%p %lf %d)\n", ostr, d, dbl);
if (ostream_opfx(ostr)) {
if ((base->flags & FLAGS_showpos) && d > 0) {
prefix_str[0] = '+';
str_length++; /* plus sign */
if ((base->flags & (FLAGS_scientific|FLAGS_fixed)) == FLAGS_scientific)
sprintf_fmt[3] = (base->flags & FLAGS_uppercase) ? 'E' : 'e';
else if ((base->flags & (FLAGS_scientific|FLAGS_fixed)) != FLAGS_fixed)
sprintf_fmt[3] = (base->flags & FLAGS_uppercase) ? 'G' : 'g';
if (base->flags & FLAGS_showpoint) {
sprintf_fmt[4] = sprintf_fmt[3];
sprintf_fmt[3] = sprintf_fmt[2];
sprintf_fmt[2] = sprintf_fmt[1];
sprintf_fmt[1] = '#';
prec = (base->precision >= 0 && base->precision <= max_prec) ? base->precision : max_prec;
str_length += _scprintf(sprintf_fmt, prec, d); /* number representation */
if (str_length > 24) {
/* when the output length exceeds 24 characters, Windows prints an empty string with padding */
ostream_writepad(ostr, "", "");
} else {
if (sprintf(number_str, sprintf_fmt, prec, d) > 0)
ostream_writepad(ostr, prefix_str, number_str);
base->state |= IOSTATE_failbit;
return ostr;
/* ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@C@Z */
/* ??6ostream@@QEAAAEAV0@C@Z */
/* ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@D@Z */
......@@ -2721,8 +2762,7 @@ ostream* __thiscall ostream_print_unsigned_int(ostream *this, unsigned int n)
DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(ostream_print_float, 8)
ostream* __thiscall ostream_print_float(ostream *this, float f)
FIXME("(%p %f) stub\n", this, f);
return this;
return ostream_internal_print_float(this, f, FALSE);
/* ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@N@Z */
......@@ -2732,8 +2772,7 @@ ostream* __thiscall ostream_print_float(ostream *this, float f)
DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(ostream_print_double, 12)
ostream* __thiscall ostream_print_double(ostream *this, double d)
FIXME("(%p %lf) stub\n", this, d);
return this;
return ostream_internal_print_float(this, d, TRUE);
/* ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@PBX@Z */
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