Commit fab25802 authored by Dylan Smith's avatar Dylan Smith Committed by Alexandre Julliard

richedit: Fixed bugs in handling unterminated nested tables in RTF.

parent 0d8e9e62
......@@ -1461,8 +1461,6 @@ static LRESULT ME_StreamIn(ME_TextEditor *editor, DWORD format, EDITSTREAM *stre
if (!invalidRTF && !inStream.editstream->dwError)
if (format & SF_RTF) {
ME_DisplayItem *para;
/* setup the RTF parser */
memset(&parser, 0, sizeof parser);
RTFSetEditStream(&parser, &inStream);
......@@ -1486,13 +1484,13 @@ static LRESULT ME_StreamIn(ME_TextEditor *editor, DWORD format, EDITSTREAM *stre
if (!editor->bEmulateVersion10) { /* v4.1 */
if (parser.tableDef && parser.tableDef->tableRowStart)
if (parser.tableDef && parser.tableDef->tableRowStart &&
(parser.nestingLevel > 0 || parser.canInheritInTbl))
/* Delete any incomplete table row at the end of the rich text. */
int nOfs, nChars;
ME_DisplayItem *pCell;
para = parser.tableDef->tableRowStart;
ME_DisplayItem *para;
parser.rtfMinor = rtfRow;
/* Complete the table row before deleting it.
......@@ -1501,14 +1499,14 @@ static LRESULT ME_StreamIn(ME_TextEditor *editor, DWORD format, EDITSTREAM *stre
* will be added for this change to the current paragraph format. */
if (parser.nestingLevel > 0)
while (parser.nestingLevel--)
while (parser.nestingLevel > 1)
ME_RTFSpecialCharHook(&parser); /* Decrements nestingLevel */
para = parser.tableDef->tableRowStart;
} else if (parser.canInheritInTbl) {
} else {
para = parser.tableDef->tableRowStart;
if (parser.tableDef && parser.tableDef->tableRowStart &&
para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWEND)
assert(para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWEND);
para = para->member.para.next_para;
pCell = para->member.para.pCell;
......@@ -1518,6 +1516,7 @@ static LRESULT ME_StreamIn(ME_TextEditor *editor, DWORD format, EDITSTREAM *stre
nOfs = ME_GetCursorOfs(editor, 1);
nChars = ME_GetCursorOfs(editor, 0) - nOfs;
ME_InternalDeleteText(editor, nOfs, nChars, TRUE);
if (parser.tableDef)
parser.tableDef->tableRowStart = NULL;
......@@ -242,8 +242,6 @@ void RTFInit(RTF_Info *info)
info->cpOutputBuffer = heap_alloc(info->dwMaxCPOutputCount);
if (info->tableDef)
ZeroMemory(info->tableDef, sizeof(info->tableDef));
info->tableDef = NULL;
info->nestingLevel = 0;
info->canInheritInTbl = FALSE;
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