/* * Copyright (C) 2005 Mike McCormack * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef _EVNTRACE_ #define _EVNTRACE_ #include <guiddef.h> typedef ULONG64 TRACEHANDLE, *PTRACEHANDLE; struct _EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEA; struct _EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEW; typedef struct _EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEA EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEA, *PEVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEA; typedef struct _EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEW EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEW, *PEVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEW; typedef ULONG (WINAPI * PEVENT_TRACE_BUFFER_CALLBACKA)( PEVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEA ); typedef ULONG (WINAPI * PEVENT_TRACE_BUFFER_CALLBACKW)( PEVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEW ); typedef ULONG (WINAPI * WMIDPREQUEST)( WMIDPREQUESTCODE, PVOID, ULONG*, PVOID ); typedef struct _TRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION { LPCGUID Guid; HANDLE RegHandle; } TRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION, *PTRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION; typedef struct _EVENT_TRACE_HEADER { USHORT Size; union { USHORT FieldTypeFlags; struct { UCHAR HeaderType; UCHAR MarkerFlags; } DUMMYSTRUCTNAME; } DUMMYUNIONNAME; union { ULONG Version; struct { UCHAR Type; UCHAR Level; USHORT Version; } Class; } DUMMYUNIONNAME1; ULONG ThreadId; ULONG ProcessId; LARGE_INTEGER TimeStamp; union { GUID Guid; ULONGLONG GuidPtr; } DUMMYUNIONNAME2; union { struct { ULONG ClientContext; ULONG Flags; } DUMMYSTRUCTNAME1; struct { ULONG KernelTime; ULONG UserTime; } DUMMYSTRUCTNAME2; } DUMMYUNIONNAME3; } EVENT_TRACE_HEADER, *PEVENT_TRACE_HEADER; typedef struct _EVENT_TRACE { EVENT_TRACE_HEADER Header; ULONG InstanceId; ULONG ParentInstanceId; GUID ParentGuid; PVOID MofData; ULONG MofLength; ULONG ClientContext; } EVENT_TRACE, *PEVENT_TRACE; typedef VOID (WINAPI * PEVENT_CALLBACK)( PEVENT_TRACE ); typedef struct _TRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER { ULONG BufferSize; union { ULONG Version; struct { UCHAR MajorVersion; UCHAR MinorVersion; UCHAR SubVersion; UCHAR SubMinorVersion; } VersionDetail; } DUMMYUNIONNAME; ULONG ProviderVersion; ULONG NumberOfProcessors; LARGE_INTEGER EndTime; ULONG TimerResolution; ULONG MaximumFileSize; ULONG LogFileMode; ULONG BuffersWritten; union { GUID LogInstanceGuid; struct { ULONG StartBuffers; ULONG PointerSize; ULONG EventsLost; ULONG CpuSpeedInMHZ; } DUMMYSTRUCTNAME; } DUMMYUNIONNAME1; LPWSTR LoggerName; LPWSTR LogFileName; TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION TimeZone; LARGE_INTEGER BootTime; LARGE_INTEGER PerfFreq; LARGE_INTEGER StartTime; ULONG ReservedTime; ULONG BuffersLost; } TRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER, *PTRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER; struct _EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEW { LPWSTR LogFileName; LPWSTR LoggerName; LONGLONG CurrentTime; ULONG LogFileMode; EVENT_TRACE CurrentEvent; TRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER LogfileHeader; PEVENT_TRACE_BUFFER_CALLBACKW BufferCallback; ULONG BufferSize; ULONG Filled; ULONG EventsLost; PEVENT_CALLBACK EventCallback; PVOID Context; }; struct _EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEA { LPSTR LogFileName; LPSTR LoggerName; LONGLONG CurrentTime; ULONG LogFileMode; EVENT_TRACE CurrentEvent; TRACE_LOGFILE_HEADER LogfileHeader; PEVENT_TRACE_BUFFER_CALLBACKA BufferCallback; ULONG BufferSize; ULONG Filled; ULONG EventsLost; PEVENT_CALLBACK EventCallback; PVOID Context; }; ULONG WINAPI CloseTrace(TRACEHANDLE); ULONG WINAPI EnableTrace(ULONG,ULONG,ULONG,LPCGUID,TRACEHANDLE); ULONG WINAPI RegisterTraceGuidsA(WMIDPREQUEST,PVOID,LPCGUID,ULONG,PTRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION,LPCSTR,LPCSTR,PTRACEHANDLE); ULONG WINAPI RegisterTraceGuidsW(WMIDPREQUEST,PVOID,LPCGUID,ULONG,PTRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION,LPCWSTR,LPCWSTR,PTRACEHANDLE); #define RegisterTraceGuids WINELIB_NAME_AW(RegisterTraceGuids) #endif /* _EVNTRACE_ */