/* * Copyright (C) 2005 Juan Lang * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #ifndef _WINE_SNMP_H #define _WINE_SNMP_H #ifndef __WINESRC__ # include <windows.h> #else # include <windef.h> #endif #include <pshpack4.h> typedef struct { BYTE *stream; UINT length; BOOL dynamic; } AsnOctetString; typedef struct { UINT idLength; UINT *ids; } AsnObjectIdentifier; typedef LONG AsnInteger32; typedef ULONG AsnUnsigned32; typedef ULARGE_INTEGER AsnCounter64; typedef AsnUnsigned32 AsnCounter32; typedef AsnUnsigned32 AsnGauge32; typedef AsnUnsigned32 AsnTimeticks; typedef AsnOctetString AsnBits; typedef AsnOctetString AsnSequence; typedef AsnOctetString AsnImplicitSequence; typedef AsnOctetString AsnIPAddress; typedef AsnOctetString AsnNetworkAddress; typedef AsnOctetString AsnDisplayString; typedef AsnOctetString AsnOpaque; typedef struct { BYTE asnType; union { AsnInteger32 number; AsnUnsigned32 unsigned32; AsnCounter64 counter64; AsnOctetString string; AsnBits bits; AsnObjectIdentifier object; AsnSequence sequence; AsnIPAddress address; AsnCounter32 counter; AsnGauge32 gauge; AsnTimeticks ticks; AsnOpaque arbitrary; } asnValue; } AsnAny; typedef AsnObjectIdentifier AsnObjectName; typedef AsnAny AsnObjectSyntax; typedef struct { AsnObjectName name; AsnObjectSyntax value; } SnmpVarBind; typedef struct { SnmpVarBind *list; UINT len; } SnmpVarBindList; #include <poppack.h> #define ASN_UNIVERSAL 0x00 #define ASN_APPLICATION 0x40 #define ASN_CONTEXT 0x80 #define ASN_PRIVATE 0xc0 #define ASN_PRIMITIVE 0x00 #define ASN_CONSTRUCTOR 0x20 #define SNMP_PDU_GET (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x00) #define SNMP_PDU_GETNEXT (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x01) #define SNMP_PDU_RESPONSE (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x02) #define SNMP_PDU_SET (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x03) #define SNMP_PDU_V1TRAP (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x04) #define SNMP_PDU_GETBULK (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x05) #define SNMP_PDU_INFORM (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x06) #define SNMP_PDU_TRAP (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x07) #define ASN_INTEGER (ASN_UNIVERSAL | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x02) #define ASN_BITS (ASN_UNIVERSAL | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x03) #define ASN_OCTETSTRING (ASN_UNIVERSAL | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x04) #define ASN_NULL (ASN_UNIVERSAL | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x05) #define ASN_OBJECTIDENTIFIER (ASN_UNIVERSAL | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x06) #define ASN_INTEGER32 ASN_INTEGER #define ASN_SEQUENCE (ASN_UNIVERSAL | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x10) #define ASN_SEQUENCEOF ASN_SEQUENCE #define ASN_IPADDRESS (ASN_APPLICATION | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x00) #define ASN_COUNTER32 (ASN_APPLICATION | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x01) #define ASN_GAUGE32 (ASN_APPLICATION | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x02) #define ASN_TIMETICKS (ASN_APPLICATION | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x03) #define ASN_OPAQUE (ASN_APPLICATION | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x04) #define ASN_COUNTER64 (ASN_APPLICATION | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x06) #define ASN_UNSIGNED32 (ASN_APPLICATION | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x07) #define SNMP_EXCEPTION_NOSUCHOBJECT (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x00) #define SNMP_EXCEPTION_NOSUCHINSTANCE (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x01) #define SNMP_EXCEPTION_ENDOFMIBVIEW (ASN_CONTEXT | ASN_PRIMITIVE | 0x02) #define SNMP_EXTENSION_GET SNMP_PDU_GET #define SNMP_EXTENSION_GET_NEXT SNMP_PDU_GETNEXT #define SNMP_EXTENSION_GET_BULK SNMP_PDU_GETBULK #define SNMP_EXTENSION_SET_TEST (ASN_PRIVATE | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x0) #define SNMP_EXTENSION_SET_COMMIT SNMP_PDU_SET #define SNMP_EXTENSION_SET_UNDO (ASN_PRIVATE | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x1) #define SNMP_EXTENSION_SET_CLEANUP (ASN_PRIVATE | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x2) #define SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_NOERROR 0 #define SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_TOOBIG 1 #define SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_NOSUCHNAME 2 #define SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_BADVALUE 3 #define SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_READONLY 4 #define SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_GENERR 5 #define SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_NOACCESS 6 #define SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_WRONGTYPE 7 #define SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_WRONGLENGTH 8 #define SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_WRONGENCODING 9 #define SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_WRONGVALUE 10 #define SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_NOCREATION 11 #define SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_INCONSISTENTVALUE 12 #define SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE 13 #define SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_COMMITFAILED 14 #define SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_UNDOFAILED 15 #define SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_AUTHORIZATIONERROR 16 #define SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_NOTWRITABLE 17 #define SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_INCONSISTENTNAME 18 #define SNMP_GENERICTRAP_COLDSTART 0 #define SNMP_GENERICTRAP_WARMSTART 1 #define SNMP_GENERICTRAP_LINKDOWN 2 #define SNMP_GENERICTRAP_LINKUP 3 #define SNMP_GENERICTRAP_AUTHFAILURE 4 #define SNMP_GENERICTRAP_EGPNEIGHLOSS 5 #define SNMP_GENERICTRAP_ENTERSPECIFIC 6 #define SNMP_ACCESS_NONE 0 #define SNMP_ACCESS_NOTIFY 1 #define SNMP_ACCESS_READ_ONLY 2 #define SNMP_ACCESS_READ_WRITE 3 #define SNMP_ACCESS_READ_CREATE 4 #define SNMP_LOG_SILENT 0 #define SNMP_LOG_FATAL 1 #define SNMP_LOG_ERROR 2 #define SNMP_LOG_WARNING 3 #define SNMP_LOG_TRACE 4 #define SNMP_LOG_VERBOSE 5 #define SNMP_OUTPUT_TO_CONSOLE 1 #define SNMP_OUTPUT_TO_LOGFILE 2 #define SNMP_OUTPUT_TO_EVENTLOG 4 #define SNMP_OUTPUT_TO_DEBUGGER 8 #define DEFINE_SIZEOF(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0])) #define DEFINE_OID(x) { DEFINE_SIZEOF(x),(x) } #define DEFINE_NULLOID() { 0, NULL } #define DEFINE_NULLOCTENTS() { NULL, 0, FALSE } #define DEFAULT_SNMP_PORT_UDP 161 #define DEFAULT_SNMP_PORT_IPX 36879 #define DEFAULT_SNMPTRAP_PORT_UDP 162 #define DEFAULT_SNMPTRAP_PORT_IPX 36880 #define SNMP_MAX_OID_LEN 128 #define SNMP_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR 0 #define SNMP_BERAPI_INVALID_LENGTH 10 #define SNMP_BERAPI_INVALID_TAG 11 #define SNMP_BERAPI_OVERFLOW 12 #define SNMP_BERAPI_SHORT_BUFFER 13 #define SNMP_BERAPI_INVALID_OBJELEM 14 #define SNMP_PDUAPI_UNRECOGNIZED_PDU 20 #define SNMP_PDUAPI_INVALID_ES 21 #define SNMP_PDUAPI_INVALID_GT 22 #define SNMP_AUTHAPI_INVALID_VERSION 30 #define SNMP_AUTHAPI_INVALID_MSG_TYPE 31 #define SNMP_AUTHAPI_TRIV_AUTH_FAILED 32 #define SNMPAPI_NOERROR TRUE #define SNMPAPI_ERROR FALSE #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif BOOL WINAPI SnmpExtensionInit(DWORD dwUptimeReference, HANDLE *phSubagentTrapEvent, AsnObjectIdentifier *pFirstSupportedRegion); BOOL WINAPI SnmpExtensionInitEx(AsnObjectIdentifier *pNextSupportedRegion); BOOL WINAPI SnmpExtensionMonitor(LPVOID pAgentMgmtData); BOOL WINAPI SnmpExtensionQuery(BYTE bPduType, SnmpVarBindList *pVarBindList, AsnInteger32 *pErrorStatus, AsnInteger32 *pErrorIndex); BOOL WINAPI SnmpExtensionQueryEx(UINT nRequestType, UINT nTransactionId, SnmpVarBindList *pVarBindList, AsnOctetString *pContextInfo, AsnInteger32 *pErrorStatus, AsnInteger32 *pErrorIndex); BOOL WINAPI SnmpExtensionTrap(AsnObjectIdentifier *pEnterpriseOid, AsnInteger32 *pGenericTrapId, AsnInteger32 *pSpecificTrapId, AsnTimeticks *pTimeStamp, SnmpVarBindList *pVarBindList); VOID WINAPI SnmpExtensionClose(VOID); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNSNMPEXTENSIONINIT)(DWORD dwUptimeReference, HANDLE *phSubagentTrapEvent, AsnObjectIdentifier *pFirstSupportedRegion); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNSNMPEXTENSIONINITEX)( AsnObjectIdentifier *pNextSupportedRegion); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNSNMPEXTENSIONMONITOR)(LPVOID pAgentMgmtData); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNSNMPEXTENSIONQUERY)(BYTE bPduType, SnmpVarBindList *pVarBindList, AsnInteger32 *pErrorStatus, AsnInteger32 *pErrorIndex); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNSNMPEXTENSIONQUERYEX)(UINT nRequestType, UINT nTransactionId, SnmpVarBindList *pVarBindList, AsnOctetString *pContextInfo, AsnInteger32 *pErrorStatus, AsnInteger32 *pErrorIndex); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNSNMPEXTENSIONTRAP)(AsnObjectIdentifier *pEnterpriseOid, AsnInteger32 *pGenericTrapId, AsnInteger32 *pSpecificTrapId, AsnTimeticks *pTimeStamp, SnmpVarBindList *pVarBindList); typedef VOID (WINAPI *PFNSNMPEXTENSIONCLOSE)(VOID); INT WINAPI SnmpUtilOidCpy(AsnObjectIdentifier *pOidDst, AsnObjectIdentifier *pOidSrc); INT WINAPI SnmpUtilOidAppend(AsnObjectIdentifier *pOidDst, AsnObjectIdentifier *pOidSrc); INT WINAPI SnmpUtilOidCmp(AsnObjectIdentifier *pOid1, AsnObjectIdentifier *pOid2); INT WINAPI SnmpUtilOidNCmp(AsnObjectIdentifier *pOid1, AsnObjectIdentifier *pOid2, UINT nSubIds); VOID WINAPI SnmpUtilOidFree(AsnObjectIdentifier *pOid); INT WINAPI SnmpUtilOctetsCmp(AsnOctetString *pOctets1, AsnOctetString *pOctets2); INT WINAPI SnmpUtilOctetsNCmp(AsnOctetString *pOctets1, AsnOctetString *pOctets2, UINT nChars); INT WINAPI SnmpUtilOctetsCpy(AsnOctetString *pOctetsDst, AsnOctetString *pOctetsSrc); VOID WINAPI SnmpUtilOctetsFree(AsnOctetString *pOctets); INT WINAPI SnmpUtilAsnAnyCpy(AsnAny *pAnyDst, AsnAny *pAnySrc); VOID WINAPI SnmpUtilAsnAnyFree(AsnAny *pAny); INT WINAPI SnmpUtilVarBindCpy(SnmpVarBind *pVbDst, SnmpVarBind *pVbSrc); VOID WINAPI SnmpUtilVarBindFree(SnmpVarBind *pVb); INT WINAPI SnmpUtilVarBindListCpy(SnmpVarBindList *pVblDst, SnmpVarBindList *pVblSrc); VOID WINAPI SnmpUtilVarBindListFree(SnmpVarBindList *pVbl); LPVOID WINAPI SnmpUtilMemAlloc(UINT nBytes); LPVOID WINAPI SnmpUtilMemReAlloc(LPVOID pMem, UINT nBytes); VOID WINAPI SnmpUtilMemFree(LPVOID pMem); LPSTR WINAPI SnmpUtilOidToA(AsnObjectIdentifier *Oid); LPSTR WINAPI SnmpUtilIdsToA(UINT *Ids, UINT IdLength); VOID WINAPI SnmpUtilPrintOid(AsnObjectIdentifier *Oid); VOID WINAPI SnmpUtilPrintAsnAny(AsnAny *pAny); DWORD WINAPI SnmpSvcGetUptime(VOID); VOID WINAPI SnmpSvcSetLogLevel(INT nLogLevel); VOID WINAPI SnmpSvcSetLogType(INT nLogType); VOID WINAPIV SnmpUtilDbgPrint(INT nLogLevel, LPSTR szFormat, ...); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _WINE_SNMP_H */