 *	National Language Support library
 *	Copyright 1995	Martin von Loewis
 *      Copyright 1998  David Lee Lambert
 *      Copyright 2000  Julio C�sar G�zquez
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#include "config.h"
#include "wine/port.h"

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <locale.h>

#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "wingdi.h"
#include "winuser.h"
#include "winternl.h"
#include "wine/unicode.h"
#include "winver.h"
#include "winnls.h"
#include "winreg.h"
#include "winerror.h"
#include "wine/debug.h"


static const unsigned char LCM_Unicode_LUT[] = {
  6      ,   3, /*   -   1 */
  6      ,   4, /*   -   2 */
  6      ,   5, /*   -   3 */
  6      ,   6, /*   -   4 */
  6      ,   7, /*   -   5 */
  6      ,   8, /*   -   6 */
  6      ,   9, /*   -   7 */
  6      ,  10, /*   -   8 */
  7      ,   5, /*   -   9 */
  7      ,   6, /*   -  10 */
  7      ,   7, /*   -  11 */
  7      ,   8, /*   -  12 */
  7      ,   9, /*   -  13 */
  6      ,  11, /*   -  14 */
  6      ,  12, /*   -  15 */
  6      ,  13, /*   -  16 */
  6      ,  14, /*   -  17 */
  6      ,  15, /*   -  18 */
  6      ,  16, /*   -  19 */
  6      ,  17, /*   -  20 */
  6      ,  18, /*   -  21 */
  6      ,  19, /*   -  22 */
  6      ,  20, /*   -  23 */
  6      ,  21, /*   -  24 */
  6      ,  22, /*   -  25 */
  6      ,  23, /*   -  26 */
  6      ,  24, /*   -  27 */
  6      ,  25, /*   -  28 */
  6      ,  26, /*   -  29 */
  6      ,  27, /*   -  30 */
  6      ,  28, /*   -  31 */
  7      ,   2, /*   -  32 */
  7      ,  28, /* ! -  33 */
  7      ,  29, /* " -  34 */ /* " */
  7      ,  31, /* # -  35 */
  7      ,  33, /* $ -  36 */
  7      ,  35, /* % -  37 */
  7      ,  37, /* & -  38 */
  6      , 128, /* ' -  39 */
  7      ,  39, /* ( -  40 */
  7      ,  42, /* ) -  41 */
  7      ,  45, /* * -  42 */
  8      ,   3, /* + -  43 */
  7      ,  47, /* , -  44 */
  6      , 130, /* - -  45 */
  7      ,  51, /* . -  46 */
  7      ,  53, /* / -  47 */
 12      ,   3, /* 0 -  48 */
 12      ,  33, /* 1 -  49 */
 12      ,  51, /* 2 -  50 */
 12      ,  70, /* 3 -  51 */
 12      ,  88, /* 4 -  52 */
 12      , 106, /* 5 -  53 */
 12      , 125, /* 6 -  54 */
 12      , 144, /* 7 -  55 */
 12      , 162, /* 8 -  56 */
 12      , 180, /* 9 -  57 */
  7      ,  55, /* : -  58 */
  7      ,  58, /* ; -  59 */
  8      ,  14, /* < -  60 */
  8      ,  18, /* = -  61 */
  8      ,  20, /* > -  62 */
  7      ,  60, /* ? -  63 */
  7      ,  62, /* @ -  64 */
 14      ,   2, /* A -  65 */
 14      ,   9, /* B -  66 */
 14      ,  10, /* C -  67 */
 14      ,  26, /* D -  68 */
 14      ,  33, /* E -  69 */
 14      ,  35, /* F -  70 */
 14      ,  37, /* G -  71 */
 14      ,  44, /* H -  72 */
 14      ,  50, /* I -  73 */
 14      ,  53, /* J -  74 */
 14      ,  54, /* K -  75 */
 14      ,  72, /* L -  76 */
 14      ,  81, /* M -  77 */
 14      , 112, /* N -  78 */
 14      , 124, /* O -  79 */
 14      , 126, /* P -  80 */
 14      , 137, /* Q -  81 */
 14      , 138, /* R -  82 */
 14      , 145, /* S -  83 */
 14      , 153, /* T -  84 */
 14      , 159, /* U -  85 */
 14      , 162, /* V -  86 */
 14      , 164, /* W -  87 */
 14      , 166, /* X -  88 */
 14      , 167, /* Y -  89 */
 14      , 169, /* Z -  90 */
  7      ,  63, /* [ -  91 */
  7      ,  65, /* \ -  92 */
  7      ,  66, /* ] -  93 */
  7      ,  67, /* ^ -  94 */
  7      ,  68, /* _ -  95 */
  7      ,  72, /* ` -  96 */
 14      ,   2, /* a -  97 */
 14      ,   9, /* b -  98 */
 14      ,  10, /* c -  99 */
 14      ,  26, /* d - 100 */
 14      ,  33, /* e - 101 */
 14      ,  35, /* f - 102 */
 14      ,  37, /* g - 103 */
 14      ,  44, /* h - 104 */
 14      ,  50, /* i - 105 */
 14      ,  53, /* j - 106 */
 14      ,  54, /* k - 107 */
 14      ,  72, /* l - 108 */
 14      ,  81, /* m - 109 */
 14      , 112, /* n - 110 */
 14      , 124, /* o - 111 */
 14      , 126, /* p - 112 */
 14      , 137, /* q - 113 */
 14      , 138, /* r - 114 */
 14      , 145, /* s - 115 */
 14      , 153, /* t - 116 */
 14      , 159, /* u - 117 */
 14      , 162, /* v - 118 */
 14      , 164, /* w - 119 */
 14      , 166, /* x - 120 */
 14      , 167, /* y - 121 */
 14      , 169, /* z - 122 */
  7      ,  74, /* { - 123 */
  7      ,  76, /* | - 124 */
  7      ,  78, /* } - 125 */
  7      ,  80, /* ~ - 126 */
  6      ,  29, /*  - 127 */
  6      ,  30, /* � - 128 */
  6      ,  31, /* � - 129 */
  7      , 123, /* � - 130 */
 14      ,  35, /* � - 131 */
  7      , 127, /* � - 132 */
 10      ,  21, /* � - 133 */
 10      ,  15, /* � - 134 */
 10      ,  16, /* � - 135 */
  7      ,  67, /* � - 136 */
 10      ,  22, /* � - 137 */
 14      , 145, /* � - 138 */
  7      , 136, /* � - 139 */
 14 + 16 , 124, /* � - 140 */
  6      ,  43, /* � - 141 */
  6      ,  44, /* � - 142 */
  6      ,  45, /* � - 143 */
  6      ,  46, /* � - 144 */
  7      , 121, /* � - 145 */
  7      , 122, /* � - 146 */
  7      , 125, /* � - 147 */
  7      , 126, /* � - 148 */
 10      ,  17, /* � - 149 */
  6      , 137, /* � - 150 */
  6      , 139, /* � - 151 */
  7      ,  93, /* � - 152 */
 14      , 156, /* � - 153 */
 14      , 145, /* � - 154 */
  7      , 137, /* � - 155 */
 14 + 16 , 124, /* � - 156 */
  6      ,  59, /* � - 157 */
  6      ,  60, /* � - 158 */
 14      , 167, /* � - 159 */
  7      ,   4, /* � - 160 */
  7      ,  81, /* � - 161 */
 10      ,   2, /* � - 162 */
 10      ,   3, /* � - 163 */
 10      ,   4, /* � - 164 */
 10      ,   5, /* � - 165 */
  7      ,  82, /* � - 166 */
 10      ,   6, /* � - 167 */
  7      ,  83, /* � - 168 */
 10      ,   7, /* � - 169 */
 14      ,   2, /* � - 170 */
  8      ,  24, /* � - 171 */
 10      ,   8, /* � - 172 */
  6      , 131, /* � - 173 */
 10      ,   9, /* � - 174 */
  7      ,  84, /* � - 175 */
 10      ,  10, /* � - 176 */
  8      ,  23, /* � - 177 */
 12      ,  51, /* � - 178 */
 12      ,  70, /* � - 179 */
  7      ,  85, /* � - 180 */
 10      ,  11, /* � - 181 */
 10      ,  12, /* � - 182 */
 10      ,  13, /* � - 183 */
  7      ,  86, /* � - 184 */
 12      ,  33, /* � - 185 */
 14      , 124, /* � - 186 */
  8      ,  26, /* � - 187 */
 12      ,  21, /* � - 188 */
 12      ,  25, /* � - 189 */
 12      ,  29, /* � - 190 */
  7      ,  87, /* � - 191 */
 14      ,   2, /* � - 192 */
 14      ,   2, /* � - 193 */
 14      ,   2, /* � - 194 */
 14      ,   2, /* � - 195 */
 14      ,   2, /* � - 196 */
 14      ,   2, /* � - 197 */
 14 + 16 ,   2, /* � - 198 */
 14      ,  10, /* � - 199 */
 14      ,  33, /* � - 200 */
 14      ,  33, /* � - 201 */
 14      ,  33, /* � - 202 */
 14      ,  33, /* � - 203 */
 14      ,  50, /* � - 204 */
 14      ,  50, /* � - 205 */
 14      ,  50, /* � - 206 */
 14      ,  50, /* � - 207 */
 14      ,  26, /* � - 208 */
 14      , 112, /* � - 209 */
 14      , 124, /* � - 210 */
 14      , 124, /* � - 211 */
 14      , 124, /* � - 212 */
 14      , 124, /* � - 213 */
 14      , 124, /* � - 214 */
  8      ,  28, /* � - 215 */
 14      , 124, /* � - 216 */
 14      , 159, /* � - 217 */
 14      , 159, /* � - 218 */
 14      , 159, /* � - 219 */
 14      , 159, /* � - 220 */
 14      , 167, /* � - 221 */
 14 + 32 , 153, /* � - 222 */
 14 + 48 , 145, /* � - 223 */
 14      ,   2, /* � - 224 */
 14      ,   2, /* � - 225 */
 14      ,   2, /* � - 226 */
 14      ,   2, /* � - 227 */
 14      ,   2, /* � - 228 */
 14      ,   2, /* � - 229 */
 14 + 16 ,   2, /* � - 230 */
 14      ,  10, /* � - 231 */
 14      ,  33, /* � - 232 */
 14      ,  33, /* � - 233 */
 14      ,  33, /* � - 234 */
 14      ,  33, /* � - 235 */
 14      ,  50, /* � - 236 */
 14      ,  50, /* � - 237 */
 14      ,  50, /* � - 238 */
 14      ,  50, /* � - 239 */
 14      ,  26, /* � - 240 */
 14      , 112, /* � - 241 */
 14      , 124, /* � - 242 */
 14      , 124, /* � - 243 */
 14      , 124, /* � - 244 */
 14      , 124, /* � - 245 */
 14      , 124, /* � - 246 */
  8      ,  29, /* � - 247 */
 14      , 124, /* � - 248 */
 14      , 159, /* � - 249 */
 14      , 159, /* � - 250 */
 14      , 159, /* � - 251 */
 14      , 159, /* � - 252 */
 14      , 167, /* � - 253 */
 14 + 32 , 153, /* � - 254 */
 14      , 167  /* � - 255 */ };

static const unsigned char LCM_Unicode_LUT_2[] = { 33, 44, 145 };

#define LCM_Diacritic_Start 131

static const unsigned char LCM_Diacritic_LUT[] = {
123,  /* � - 131 */
  2,  /* � - 132 */
  2,  /* � - 133 */
  2,  /* � - 134 */
  2,  /* � - 135 */
  3,  /* � - 136 */
  2,  /* � - 137 */
 20,  /* � - 138 */
  2,  /* � - 139 */
  2,  /* � - 140 */
  2,  /* � - 141 */
  2,  /* � - 142 */
  2,  /* � - 143 */
  2,  /* � - 144 */
  2,  /* � - 145 */
  2,  /* � - 146 */
  2,  /* � - 147 */
  2,  /* � - 148 */
  2,  /* � - 149 */
  2,  /* � - 150 */
  2,  /* � - 151 */
  2,  /* � - 152 */
  2,  /* � - 153 */
 20,  /* � - 154 */
  2,  /* � - 155 */
  2,  /* � - 156 */
  2,  /* � - 157 */
  2,  /* � - 158 */
 19,  /* � - 159 */
  2,  /* � - 160 */
  2,  /* � - 161 */
  2,  /* � - 162 */
  2,  /* � - 163 */
  2,  /* � - 164 */
  2,  /* � - 165 */
  2,  /* � - 166 */
  2,  /* � - 167 */
  2,  /* � - 168 */
  2,  /* � - 169 */
  3,  /* � - 170 */
  2,  /* � - 171 */
  2,  /* � - 172 */
  2,  /* � - 173 */
  2,  /* � - 174 */
  2,  /* � - 175 */
  2,  /* � - 176 */
  2,  /* � - 177 */
  2,  /* � - 178 */
  2,  /* � - 179 */
  2,  /* � - 180 */
  2,  /* � - 181 */
  2,  /* � - 182 */
  2,  /* � - 183 */
  2,  /* � - 184 */
  2,  /* � - 185 */
  3,  /* � - 186 */
  2,  /* � - 187 */
  2,  /* � - 188 */
  2,  /* � - 189 */
  2,  /* � - 190 */
  2,  /* � - 191 */
 15,  /* � - 192 */
 14,  /* � - 193 */
 18,  /* � - 194 */
 25,  /* � - 195 */
 19,  /* � - 196 */
 26,  /* � - 197 */
  2,  /* � - 198 */
 28,  /* � - 199 */
 15,  /* � - 200 */
 14,  /* � - 201 */
 18,  /* � - 202 */
 19,  /* � - 203 */
 15,  /* � - 204 */
 14,  /* � - 205 */
 18,  /* � - 206 */
 19,  /* � - 207 */
104,  /* � - 208 */
 25,  /* � - 209 */
 15,  /* � - 210 */
 14,  /* � - 211 */
 18,  /* � - 212 */
 25,  /* � - 213 */
 19,  /* � - 214 */
  2,  /* � - 215 */
 33,  /* � - 216 */
 15,  /* � - 217 */
 14,  /* � - 218 */
 18,  /* � - 219 */
 19,  /* � - 220 */
 14,  /* � - 221 */
  2,  /* � - 222 */
  2,  /* � - 223 */
 15,  /* � - 224 */
 14,  /* � - 225 */
 18,  /* � - 226 */
 25,  /* � - 227 */
 19,  /* � - 228 */
 26,  /* � - 229 */
  2,  /* � - 230 */
 28,  /* � - 231 */
 15,  /* � - 232 */
 14,  /* � - 233 */
 18,  /* � - 234 */
 19,  /* � - 235 */
 15,  /* � - 236 */
 14,  /* � - 237 */
 18,  /* � - 238 */
 19,  /* � - 239 */
104,  /* � - 240 */
 25,  /* � - 241 */
 15,  /* � - 242 */
 14,  /* � - 243 */
 18,  /* � - 244 */
 25,  /* � - 245 */
 19,  /* � - 246 */
  2,  /* � - 247 */
 33,  /* � - 248 */
 15,  /* � - 249 */
 14,  /* � - 250 */
 18,  /* � - 251 */
 19,  /* � - 252 */
 14,  /* � - 253 */
  2,  /* � - 254 */
 19,  /* � - 255 */
} ;

 * OLE2NLS_isPunctuation [INTERNAL]
static int OLE2NLS_isPunctuation(unsigned char c)
  /* "punctuation character" in this context is a character which is
     considered "less important" during word sort comparison.
     See LCMapString implementation for the precise definition
     of "less important". */

  return (LCM_Unicode_LUT[-2+2*c]==6);

 * OLE2NLS_isNonSpacing [INTERNAL]
static int OLE2NLS_isNonSpacing(unsigned char c)
  /* This function is used by LCMapStringA.  Characters
     for which it returns true are ignored when mapping a
     string with NORM_IGNORENONSPACE */
  return ((c==136) || (c==170) || (c==186));

 * OLE2NLS_isSymbol [INTERNAL]
 * FIXME: handle current locale
static int OLE2NLS_isSymbol(unsigned char c)
  /* This function is used by LCMapStringA.  Characters
     for which it returns true are ignored when mapping a
     string with NORM_IGNORESYMBOLS */
  return ( (c!=0) && !(isalpha(c) || isdigit(c)) );

 *		identity	[Internal]
static int identity(int c)
  return c;

 *              LCMapStringA                [KERNEL32.@]
 * Convert a string, or generate a sort key from it.
 *    Success: The length of the string written to dststr.
 *    Failure: 0.
 *   -If mapflags includes LCMAP_SORTKEY, the function will generate a
 *    sort key for srcstr. Otherwise, srcstr is converted according to
 *    mapflags.
 *   -If scrlen is -1, the function will compute the length of strsrc
 *    (which must be NUL terminated)  itself.
 *   -If dstlen is 0, The return value is the buffer length that is needed.
 *   -NORM_IGNOREWIDTH means to compare ASCII and wide characters
 *    as if they are equal.
 *    In the only code page implemented so far, there may not be
 *    wide characters in strings passed to this function,
 *    so there is nothing to be done for this flag.
	LCID lcid,      /* [in] Locale Id */
	DWORD mapflags, /* [in] Flags */
	LPCSTR srcstr,  /* [in] Source buffer */
	INT srclen,     /* [in] Length of srcstr */
	LPSTR dststr,   /* [out] Destination buffer */
	INT dstlen)     /* [in] Length of dststr */
  int i;


  if ( ((dstlen!=0) && (dststr==NULL)) || (srcstr==NULL) )
    ERR("(src=%s,dest=%s): Invalid NULL string\n",
	debugstr_an(srcstr,srclen), dststr);
    return 0;
  if (srclen == -1)
    srclen = strlen(srcstr) + 1 ;    /* (include final '\0') */

                                        LCMAP_LOWERCASE     | \
                                        LCMAP_SORTKEY       | \
                                        NORM_IGNORECASE     | \
                                        NORM_IGNORENONSPACE | \
                                        SORT_STRINGSORT     | \
                                        NORM_IGNOREWIDTH    | \
  /* FIXME: as long as we don't support Katakana nor Hiragana
   * characters, we can support NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE
    FIXME("(0x%04lx,0x%08lx,%p,%d,%p,%d): "
	  "unimplemented flags: 0x%08lx\n",

  if ( !(mapflags & LCMAP_SORTKEY) )
    int i,j;
    int (*f)(int) = identity;
    int flag_ignorenonspace = mapflags & NORM_IGNORENONSPACE;
    int flag_ignoresymbols = mapflags & NORM_IGNORESYMBOLS;

    if (flag_ignorenonspace || flag_ignoresymbols)
      /* For some values of mapflags, the length of the resulting
	 string is not known at this point.  Windows does map the string
	 and does not SetLastError ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER in
	 these cases. */
      if (dstlen==0)
	/* Compute required length */
	for (i=j=0; i < srclen; i++)
	  if ( !(flag_ignorenonspace && OLE2NLS_isNonSpacing(srcstr[i]))
	       && !(flag_ignoresymbols && OLE2NLS_isSymbol(srcstr[i])) )
	return j;
      if (dstlen==0)
	return srclen;
      if (dstlen<srclen)
	     return 0;
    if (mapflags & LCMAP_UPPERCASE)
      f = toupper;
    else if (mapflags & LCMAP_LOWERCASE)
      f = tolower;
    /* FIXME: NORM_IGNORENONSPACE requires another conversion */
    for (i=j=0; (i<srclen) && (j<dstlen) ; i++)
      if ( !(flag_ignorenonspace && OLE2NLS_isNonSpacing(srcstr[i]))
	   && !(flag_ignoresymbols && OLE2NLS_isSymbol(srcstr[i])) )
	dststr[j] = (CHAR) f(srcstr[i]);
    return j;

  /* FIXME: This function completely ignores the "lcid" parameter. */
  /* else ... (mapflags & LCMAP_SORTKEY)  */
    int unicode_len=0;
    int case_len=0;
    int diacritic_len=0;
    int delayed_punctuation_len=0;
    char *case_component;
    char *diacritic_component;
    char *delayed_punctuation_component;
    int room,count;
    int flag_stringsort = mapflags & SORT_STRINGSORT;

    /* compute how much room we will need */
    for (i=0;i<srclen;i++)
      int ofs;
      unsigned char source_char = srcstr[i];
      if (source_char!='\0')
	if (flag_stringsort || !OLE2NLS_isPunctuation(source_char))
	  if ( LCM_Unicode_LUT[-2+2*source_char] & ~15 )
	    unicode_len++;             /* double letter */

      if (isupper(source_char))

      ofs = source_char - LCM_Diacritic_Start;
      if ((ofs>=0) && (LCM_Diacritic_LUT[ofs]!=2))

    if (mapflags & NORM_IGNORECASE)
    if (mapflags & NORM_IGNORENONSPACE)

    room =  2 * unicode_len              /* "unicode" component */
      +     diacritic_len                /* "diacritic" component */
      +     case_len                     /* "case" component */
      +     4 * delayed_punctuation_len  /* punctuation in word sort mode */
      +     4                            /* four '\1' separators */
      +     1  ;                         /* terminal '\0' */
    if (dstlen==0)
      return room;
    else if (dstlen<room)
      return 0;
#if 0
    /*FIXME the Pointercheck should not be nessesary */
    if (IsBadWritePtr (dststr,room))
    { ERR("bad destination buffer (dststr) : %p,%d\n",dststr,dstlen);
      return 0;
    /* locate each component, write separators */
    diacritic_component = dststr + 2*unicode_len ;
    *diacritic_component++ = '\1';
    case_component = diacritic_component + diacritic_len ;
    *case_component++ = '\1';
    delayed_punctuation_component = case_component + case_len ;
    *delayed_punctuation_component++ = '\1';
    *delayed_punctuation_component++ = '\1';

    /* read source string char by char, write
       corresponding weight in each component. */
    for (i=0,count=0;i<srclen;i++)
      unsigned char source_char=srcstr[i];
      if (source_char!='\0')
	int type,longcode;
	type = LCM_Unicode_LUT[-2+2*source_char];
	longcode = type >> 4;
	type &= 15;
	if (!flag_stringsort && OLE2NLS_isPunctuation(source_char))
	  WORD encrypted_location = (1<<15) + 7 + 4*count;
	  *delayed_punctuation_component++ = (unsigned char) (encrypted_location>>8);
	  *delayed_punctuation_component++ = (unsigned char) (encrypted_location&255);
                     /* big-endian is used here because it lets string comparison be
			compatible with numerical comparison */

	  *delayed_punctuation_component++ = type;
	  *delayed_punctuation_component++ = LCM_Unicode_LUT[-1+2*source_char];
                     /* assumption : a punctuation character is never a
			double or accented letter */
	  dststr[2*count] = type;
	  dststr[2*count+1] = LCM_Unicode_LUT[-1+2*source_char];
	  if (longcode)
	    if (count<case_len)
	      case_component[count] = ( isupper(source_char) ? 18 : 2 ) ;
	    if (count<diacritic_len)
	      diacritic_component[count] = 2; /* assumption: a double letter
						 is never accented */

	    dststr[2*count] = type;
	    dststr[2*count+1] = *(LCM_Unicode_LUT_2 - 1 + longcode);
	    /* 16 in the first column of LCM_Unicode_LUT  -->  longcode = 1
	       32 in the first column of LCM_Unicode_LUT  -->  longcode = 2
	       48 in the first column of LCM_Unicode_LUT  -->  longcode = 3 */

	  if (count<case_len)
	    case_component[count] = ( isupper(source_char) ? 18 : 2 ) ;
	  if (count<diacritic_len)
	    int ofs = source_char - LCM_Diacritic_Start;
	    diacritic_component[count] = (ofs>=0 ? LCM_Diacritic_LUT[ofs] : 2);
    dststr[room-1] = '\0';
    return room;

 *              LCMapStringW                [KERNEL32.@]
 * See LCMapStringA.
	LCID lcid,DWORD mapflags,LPCWSTR srcstr,INT srclen,LPWSTR dststr,
	INT dstlen)
  int i;

                 lcid, mapflags, srcstr, srclen, dststr, dstlen);

  if ( ((dstlen!=0) && (dststr==NULL)) || (srcstr==NULL) )
    ERR("(src=%p,dst=%p): Invalid NULL string\n", srcstr, dststr);
    return 0;
  if (srclen==-1)
    srclen = strlenW(srcstr)+1;

  /* FIXME: Both this function and it's companion LCMapStringA()
   * completely ignore the "lcid" parameter.  In place of the "lcid"
   * parameter the application must set the "LC_COLLATE" or "LC_ALL"
   * environment variable prior to invoking this function.  */
  if (mapflags & LCMAP_SORTKEY)
      /* Possible values of LC_COLLATE. */
      char *lc_collate_default = 0; /* value prior to this function */
      char *lc_collate_env = 0;     /* value retrieved from the environment */

      /* General purpose index into strings of any type. */
      int str_idx = 0;

      /* Lengths of various strings where the length is measured in
       * wide characters for wide character strings and in bytes for
       * native strings.  The lengths include the NULL terminator.  */
      size_t returned_len    = 0;
      size_t src_native_len  = 0;
      size_t dst_native_len  = 0;
      size_t dststr_libc_len = 0;

      /* Native (character set determined by locale) versions of the
       * strings source and destination strings.  */
      LPSTR src_native = 0;
      LPSTR dst_native = 0;

      /* Version of the source and destination strings using the
       * "wchar_t" Unicode data type needed by various libc functions.  */
      wchar_t *srcstr_libc = 0;
      wchar_t *dststr_libc = 0;

      if(!(srcstr_libc = (wchar_t *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
                                       srclen * sizeof(wchar_t))))
          ERR("Unable to allocate %d bytes for srcstr_libc\n",
              srclen * sizeof(wchar_t));
          return 0;

      /* Convert source string to a libc Unicode string. */
      for(str_idx = 0; str_idx < srclen; str_idx++)
          srcstr_libc[str_idx] = srcstr[str_idx];

      /* src_native should contain at most 3 bytes for each
       * multibyte characters in the original srcstr string.  */
      src_native_len = 3 * srclen;
      if(!(src_native = (LPSTR)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
          ERR("Unable to allocate %d bytes for src_native\n", src_native_len);
          if(srcstr_libc) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, srcstr_libc);
          return 0;

      /* FIXME: Prior to to setting the LC_COLLATE locale category the
       * current value is backed up so it can be restored after the
       * last LC_COLLATE sensitive function returns.
       * Even though the locale is adjusted for a minimum amount of
       * time a race condition exists where other threads may be
       * affected if they invoke LC_COLLATE sensitive functions.  One
       * possible solution is to wrap all LC_COLLATE sensitive Wine
       * functions, like LCMapStringW(), in a mutex.
       * Another enhancement to the following would be to set the
       * LC_COLLATE locale category as a function of the "lcid"
       * parameter instead of the "LC_COLLATE" environment variable. */
      if(!(lc_collate_default = setlocale(LC_COLLATE, NULL)))
          ERR("Unable to query the LC_COLLATE catagory\n");
          if(srcstr_libc) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, srcstr_libc);
          if(src_native) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, src_native);
          return 0;

      if(!(lc_collate_env = setlocale(LC_COLLATE, "")))
          ERR("Unable to inherit the LC_COLLATE locale category from the "
              "environment.  The \"LC_COLLATE\" environment variable is "
              "\"%s\".\n", getenv("LC_COLLATE") ?
              getenv("LC_COLLATE") : "<unset>");
          if(srcstr_libc) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, srcstr_libc);
          if(src_native) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, src_native);
          return 0;

      TRACE("lc_collate_default = %s\n", lc_collate_default);
      TRACE("lc_collate_env = %s\n", lc_collate_env);

      /* Convert the libc Unicode string to a native multibyte character
       * string. */
      returned_len = wcstombs(src_native, srcstr_libc, src_native_len) + 1;
      if(returned_len == 0)
          ERR("wcstombs failed.  The string specified (%s) may contain an invalid character.\n",
          if(srcstr_libc) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, srcstr_libc);
          if(src_native) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, src_native);
          setlocale(LC_COLLATE, lc_collate_default);
          return 0;
      else if(returned_len > src_native_len)
          src_native[src_native_len - 1] = 0;
          ERR("wcstombs returned a string (%s) that was longer (%d bytes) "
              "than expected (%d bytes).\n", src_native, returned_len,

          /* Since this is an internal error I'm not sure what the correct
           * error code is.  */

          if(srcstr_libc) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, srcstr_libc);
          if(src_native) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, src_native);
          setlocale(LC_COLLATE, lc_collate_default);
          return 0;
      src_native_len = returned_len;

      TRACE("src_native = %s  src_native_len = %d\n",
             src_native, src_native_len);

      /* dst_native seems to contain at most 4 bytes for each byte in
       * the original src_native string.  Change if need be since this
       * isn't documented by the strxfrm() man page. */
      dst_native_len = 4 * src_native_len;
      if(!(dst_native = (LPSTR)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dst_native_len)))
          ERR("Unable to allocate %d bytes for dst_native\n", dst_native_len);
          if(srcstr_libc) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, srcstr_libc);
          if(src_native) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, src_native);
          setlocale(LC_COLLATE, lc_collate_default);
          return 0;

      /* The actual translation is done by the following call to
       * strxfrm().  The surrounding code could have been simplified
       * by calling wcsxfrm() instead except that wcsxfrm() is not
       * available on older Linux systems (RedHat 4.1 with
       * libc-5.3.12-17).
       * Also, it is possible that the translation could be done by
       * various tables as it is done in LCMapStringA().  However, I'm
       * not sure what those tables are. */
      returned_len = strxfrm(dst_native, src_native, dst_native_len) + 1;

      if(returned_len > dst_native_len)
          dst_native[dst_native_len - 1] = 0;
          ERR("strxfrm returned a string (%s) that was longer (%d bytes) "
              "than expected (%d bytes).\n", dst_native, returned_len,

          /* Since this is an internal error I'm not sure what the correct
           * error code is.  */

          if(srcstr_libc) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, srcstr_libc);
          if(src_native) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, src_native);
          if(dst_native) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dst_native);
          setlocale(LC_COLLATE, lc_collate_default);
          return 0;
      dst_native_len = returned_len;

      TRACE("dst_native = %s  dst_native_len = %d\n",
             dst_native, dst_native_len);

      dststr_libc_len = dst_native_len;
      if(!(dststr_libc = (wchar_t *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
                                       dststr_libc_len * sizeof(wchar_t))))
          ERR("Unable to allocate %d bytes for dststr_libc\n",
              dststr_libc_len * sizeof(wchar_t));
          if(srcstr_libc) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, srcstr_libc);
          if(src_native) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, src_native);
          if(dst_native) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dst_native);
          setlocale(LC_COLLATE, lc_collate_default);
          return 0;

      /* Convert the native multibyte string to a libc Unicode string. */
      returned_len = mbstowcs(dststr_libc, dst_native, dst_native_len) + 1;

      /* Restore LC_COLLATE now that the last LC_COLLATE sensitive
       * function has returned. */
      setlocale(LC_COLLATE, lc_collate_default);

      if(returned_len == 0)
          ERR("mbstowcs failed.  The native version of the translated string "
              "(%s) may contain an invalid character.\n", dst_native);
          if(srcstr_libc) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, srcstr_libc);
          if(src_native) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, src_native);
          if(dst_native) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dst_native);
          if(dststr_libc) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dststr_libc);
          return 0;
          if(returned_len > dstlen)
              ERR("mbstowcs returned a string that was longer (%d chars) "
                  "than the buffer provided (%d chars).\n", returned_len,
              if(srcstr_libc) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, srcstr_libc);
              if(src_native) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, src_native);
              if(dst_native) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dst_native);
              if(dststr_libc) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dststr_libc);
              return 0;
          dstlen = returned_len;

          /* Convert a libc Unicode string to the destination string. */
          for(str_idx = 0; str_idx < dstlen; str_idx++)
              dststr[str_idx] = dststr_libc[str_idx];
          TRACE("1st 4 int sized chunks of dststr = %x %x %x %x\n",
                         *(((int *)dststr) + 0),
                         *(((int *)dststr) + 1),
                         *(((int *)dststr) + 2),
                         *(((int *)dststr) + 3));
          dstlen = returned_len;
      TRACE("dstlen (return) = %d\n", dstlen);
      if(srcstr_libc) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, srcstr_libc);
      if(src_native) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, src_native);
      if(dst_native) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dst_native);
      if(dststr_libc) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dststr_libc);
      return dstlen;
    int (*f)(int)=identity;

    if (dstlen==0)
        return srclen;
    if (dstlen<srclen)
        return 0;

    if (mapflags & LCMAP_UPPERCASE)
      f = toupper;
    else if (mapflags & LCMAP_LOWERCASE)
      f = tolower;
    for (i=0; i < srclen; i++)
      dststr[i] = (WCHAR) f(srcstr[i]);
    return srclen;

 *           OLE2NLS_EstimateMappingLength
 * Estimates the number of characters required to hold the string
 * computed by LCMapStringA.
 * The size is always over-estimated, with a fixed limit on the
 * amount of estimation error.
 * Note that len == -1 is not permitted.
static inline int OLE2NLS_EstimateMappingLength(LCID lcid, DWORD dwMapFlags,
						LPCSTR str, DWORD len)
    /* Estimate only for small strings to keep the estimation error from
     * becoming too large. */
    if (len < 128) return len * 8 + 5;
    else return LCMapStringA(lcid, dwMapFlags, str, len, NULL, 0);

 *		CompareStringA	[KERNEL32.@]
 * Compares two strings using locale
 * failure: 0
 * Defaults to a word sort, but uses a string sort if
 * This implementation ignores the locale
 * Quite inefficient.
int WINAPI CompareStringA(
    LCID lcid,      /* [in] locale ID */
    DWORD fdwStyle, /* [in] comparison-style options */
    LPCSTR s1,      /* [in] first string */
    int l1,         /* [in] length of first string */
    LPCSTR s2,      /* [in] second string */
    int l2)         /* [in] length of second string */
  int mapstring_flags;
  int len1,len2;
  int result;
  LPSTR sk1,sk2;
  TRACE("%s and %s\n",
	debugstr_an (s1,l1), debugstr_an (s2,l2));

  if ( (s1==NULL) || (s2==NULL) )
    ERR("(s1=%s,s2=%s): Invalid NULL string\n",
	debugstr_an(s1,l1), debugstr_an(s2,l2));
    return 0;

    FIXME("IGNORESYMBOLS not supported\n");

  if (l1 == -1) l1 = strlen(s1);
  if (l2 == -1) l2 = strlen(s2);

  mapstring_flags = LCMAP_SORTKEY | fdwStyle ;
  len1 = OLE2NLS_EstimateMappingLength(lcid, mapstring_flags, s1, l1);
  len2 = OLE2NLS_EstimateMappingLength(lcid, mapstring_flags, s2, l2);

  if ((len1==0)||(len2==0))
    return 0;     /* something wrong happened */

  sk1 = (LPSTR)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, len1 + len2);
  sk2 = sk1 + len1;
  if ( (!LCMapStringA(lcid,mapstring_flags,s1,l1,sk1,len1))
	 || (!LCMapStringA(lcid,mapstring_flags,s2,l2,sk2,len2)) )
    ERR("Bug in LCmapStringA.\n");
    result = 0;
    /* strcmp doesn't necessarily return -1, 0, or 1 */
    result = strcmp(sk1,sk2);

  if (result < 0)
    return 1;
  if (result == 0)
    return 2;

  /* must be greater, if we reach this point */
  return 3;

 *		CompareStringW	[KERNEL32.@]
 * This implementation ignores the locale
 * FIXME :  Does only string sort.  Should
 * be reimplemented the same way as CompareStringA.
int WINAPI CompareStringW(LCID lcid, DWORD fdwStyle,
                          LPCWSTR s1, int l1, LPCWSTR s2, int l2)
	int len,ret;
		FIXME("IGNORENONSPACE not supported\n");
		FIXME("IGNORESYMBOLS not supported\n");

    if(s1==NULL || s2==NULL)
        return 0;
	/* Is strcmp defaulting to string sort or to word sort?? */
	l1 = (l1==-1)?strlenW(s1):l1;
	l2 = (l2==-1)?strlenW(s2):l2;
	len = l1<l2 ? l1:l2;
	ret = (fdwStyle & NORM_IGNORECASE) ? strncmpiW(s1,s2,len) : strncmpW(s1,s2,len);
	/* not equal, return 1 or 3 */
	if(ret!=0) {
		/* need to translate result */
		return ((int)ret < 0) ? 1 : 3;
	/* same len, return 2 */
	if(l1==l2) return 2;
	/* the longer one is lexically greater */
	return (l1<l2)? 1 : 3;

 *           lstrcmp    (KERNEL32.@)
 *           lstrcmpA   (KERNEL32.@)
INT WINAPI lstrcmpA( LPCSTR str1, LPCSTR str2 )
    return CompareStringA(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT,0,str1,-1,str2,-1) - 2 ;

 *           lstrcmpW   (KERNEL32.@)
 * FIXME : should call CompareStringW, when it is implemented.
 *    This implementation is not "word sort", as it should.
INT WINAPI lstrcmpW( LPCWSTR str1, LPCWSTR str2 )
    TRACE("%s and %s\n",
		   debugstr_w (str1), debugstr_w (str2));
    if (!str1 || !str2) {
	return 0;
    while (*str1 && (*str1 == *str2)) { str1++; str2++; }
    return (INT)(*str1 - *str2);

 *           lstrcmpi    (KERNEL32.@)
 *           lstrcmpiA   (KERNEL32.@)
INT WINAPI lstrcmpiA( LPCSTR str1, LPCSTR str2 )
{    TRACE("strcmpi %s and %s\n",
		   debugstr_a (str1), debugstr_a (str2));
    return CompareStringA(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT,NORM_IGNORECASE,str1,-1,str2,-1)-2;

 *           lstrcmpiW   (KERNEL32.@)
INT WINAPI lstrcmpiW( LPCWSTR str1, LPCWSTR str2 )
    if (!str1 || !str2) {
	return 0;
    return strcmpiW( str1, str2 );

 *		OLE_GetFormatW	[Internal]
 * dateformat is set TRUE if being called for a date, false for a time

 This function implements stuff for GetDateFormat() and

  d    single-digit (no leading zero) day (of month)
  dd   two-digit day (of month)
  ddd  short day-of-week name
  dddd long day-of-week name
  M    single-digit month
  MM   two-digit month
  MMM  short month name
  MMMM full month name
  y    two-digit year, no leading 0
  yy   two-digit year
  yyyy four-digit year
  gg   era string
  h    hours with no leading zero (12-hour)
  hh   hours with full two digits
  H    hours with no leading zero (24-hour)
  HH   hours with full two digits
  m    minutes with no leading zero
  mm   minutes with full two digits
  s    seconds with no leading zero
  ss   seconds with full two digits
  t    time marker (A or P)
  tt   time marker (AM, PM)
  ''   used to quote literal characters
  ''   (within a quoted string) indicates a literal '

 If TIME_NOMINUTESORSECONDS or TIME_NOSECONDS is specified, the function 
  removes the separator(s) preceding the minutes and/or seconds element(s).

 If TIME_NOTIMEMARKER is specified, the function removes the separator(s) 
  preceding and following the time marker.

 If TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT is specified, the function displays any existing 
  time marker, unless the TIME_NOTIMEMARKER flag is also set.

 These functions REQUIRE valid locale, date,  and format.

 If the time or date is invalid, return 0 and set ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER

 Return value is the number of characters written, or if outlen is zero
	it is the number of characters required for the output including
	the terminating null.
static INT OLE_GetFormatW(LCID locale, DWORD flags, DWORD tflags,
			    const SYSTEMTIME* xtime,
			    LPCWSTR format,
			    LPWSTR output, INT outlen, int dateformat)
   INT     outpos;
   INT	   lastFormatPos; /* the position in the output buffer of */
			  /* the end of the output from the last formatting */
			  /* character */
   BOOL	   dropUntilNextFormattingChar = FALSE; /* TIME_NOTIMEMARKER drops 
				all of the text around the dropped marker,
				eg. "h@!t@!m" becomes "hm" */

   /* make a debug report */
   TRACE("args: 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, time(d=%d,h=%d,m=%d,s=%d), fmt:%s (at %p), "
   	      "%p with max len %d\n",
	 locale, flags, tflags,
	 xtime->wDay, xtime->wHour, xtime->wMinute, xtime->wSecond,
	 debugstr_w(format), format, output, outlen);

   /* initialize state variables */
   outpos = 0;
   lastFormatPos = 0;

   while (*format) {
      /* Literal string: Maybe terminated early by a \0 */
      if (*format == (WCHAR) '\'')

	 /* We loop while we haven't reached the end of the format string */
	 /* and until we haven't found another "'" character */
	 while (*format)
	    /* we found what might be the close single quote mark */
	    /* we need to make sure there isn't another single quote */
	    /* after it, if there is we need to skip over this quote mark */
	    /* as the user is trying to put a single quote mark in their output */
            if (*format == (WCHAR) '\'')
               if (*format != '\'')
                  break; /* It was a terminating quote */

	    /* if outlen is zero then we are couting the number of */
	    /* characters of space we need to output this text, don't */
	    /* modify the output buffer */
            if (!outlen)
               outpos++;   /* We are counting */;
            }  else if (outpos >= outlen)
               goto too_short;
            } else 
               /* even drop literal strings */
                 output[outpos] = *format;
      } else if ( (dateformat &&  (*format=='d' ||
				   *format=='M' ||
				   *format=='y' ||
				   *format=='g')  ) ||
		  (!dateformat && (*format=='H' ||
				   *format=='h' ||
				   *format=='m' ||
				   *format=='s' ||
				   *format=='t') )    ) 
     /* if processing a date and we have a date formatting character, OR */
     /* if we are processing a time and we have a time formatting character */
         int type, count;
         char    tmp[16];
         WCHAR   buf[40];
         int     buflen=0;
         type = *format;

	 /* clear out the drop text flag if we are in here */
	 dropUntilNextFormattingChar = FALSE;

         /* count up the number of the same letter values in a row that */
	 /* we get, this lets us distinguish between "s" and "ss" and it */
	 /* eliminates the duplicate to simplify the below case statement */
         for (count = 1; *format == type; format++)

	 buf[0] = 0; /* always null terminate the buffer */

          case 'd':
	    if        (count >= 4) {
			     LOCALE_SDAYNAME1 + (xtime->wDayOfWeek +6)%7,
			     buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(WCHAR) );
	    } else if (count == 3) {
				(xtime->wDayOfWeek +6)%7,
				buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(WCHAR) );
	    } else {
                sprintf( tmp, "%.*d", count, xtime->wDay );
                MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, tmp, -1, buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(WCHAR) );

          case 'M':
	    if        (count >= 4) {
	       GetLocaleInfoW(locale,  LOCALE_SMONTHNAME1 +
				xtime->wMonth -1, buf,
				sizeof(buf)/sizeof(WCHAR) );
	    } else if (count == 3) {
	       GetLocaleInfoW(locale,  LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME1 +
				xtime->wMonth -1, buf,
				sizeof(buf)/sizeof(WCHAR) );
	    } else {
                sprintf( tmp, "%.*d", count, xtime->wMonth );
                MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, tmp, -1, buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(WCHAR) );
          case 'y':
	    if        (count >= 4) {
                sprintf( tmp, "%d", xtime->wYear );
	    } else {
                sprintf( tmp, "%.*d", count > 2 ? 2 : count, xtime->wYear % 100 );
            MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, tmp, -1, buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(WCHAR) );

          case 'g':
	    if        (count == 2) {
	       FIXME("LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE unimplemented\n");
               strcpy( tmp, "AD" );
	    } else {
	       /* Win API sez we copy it verbatim */
                strcpy( tmp, "g" );
            MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, tmp, -1, buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(WCHAR) );

          case 'h':
	      /* fallthrough if we are forced to output in 24 hour format */
	      if(!(tflags & TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT))
                /* hours 1:00-12:00 --- is this right? */
		/* NOTE: 0000 hours is also 12 midnight */
                sprintf( tmp, "%.*d", count > 2 ? 2 : count, 
			xtime->wHour == 0 ? 12 : (xtime->wHour-1)%12 +1);
                MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, tmp, -1, buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(WCHAR) );
          case 'H':
              sprintf( tmp, "%.*d", count > 2 ? 2 : count, xtime->wHour );
              MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, tmp, -1, buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(WCHAR) );

          case 'm':
	      /* if TIME_NOMINUTESORSECONDS don't display minutes */
	      if(!(tflags & TIME_NOMINUTESORSECONDS))
                sprintf( tmp, "%.*d", count > 2 ? 2 : count, xtime->wMinute );
                MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, tmp, -1, buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(WCHAR) );
	      } else
		outpos = lastFormatPos;

          case 's':
			flag then don't display seconds */
	      if(!(tflags & TIME_NOSECONDS) && !(tflags & 
                sprintf( tmp, "%.*d", count > 2 ? 2 : count, xtime->wSecond );
                MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, tmp, -1, buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(WCHAR) );
	      } else
		outpos = lastFormatPos;

          case 't':
	    if(!(tflags & TIME_NOTIMEMARKER))
  	      GetLocaleInfoW(locale, (xtime->wHour < 12) ?
			     LOCALE_S1159 : LOCALE_S2359,
			     buf, sizeof(buf) );
  	      if (count == 1)
	         buf[1] = 0;
            } else
		outpos = lastFormatPos; /* remove any prior text up until 
			the output due to formatting characters */
 		dropUntilNextFormattingChar = TRUE; /* drop everything 
			until we hit the next formatting character */

	 /* cat buf onto the output */
	 buflen = strlenW(buf);

	 /* we are counting how many characters we need for output */
	 /* don't modify the output buffer... */
         if (!outlen)
            /* We are counting */;
         else if (outpos + buflen < outlen) {
            strcpyW( output + outpos, buf );
	 } else {
            lstrcpynW( output + outpos, buf, outlen - outpos );
            /* Is this an undocumented feature we are supporting? */
            goto too_short;
	 outpos += buflen;
	 lastFormatPos = outpos; /* record the end of the formatting text we just output */
      } else /* we are processing a NON formatting character */
         /* a literal character */
         if (!outlen)
            outpos++;   /* We are counting */;
         else if (outpos >= outlen)
            goto too_short;
         else /* just copy the character into the output buffer */
	    /* unless we are dropping characters */
	       output[outpos] = *format;

   /* final string terminator and sanity check */
   if (!outlen)
      /* We are counting */;
   else if (outpos >= outlen)
      goto too_short;
      output[outpos] = '\0';

   outpos++; /* add one for the terminating null character */

   TRACE(" returning %d %s\n", outpos, debugstr_w(output));
   return outpos;

   WARN(" buffer overflow\n");
   return 0;

 *		GetDateFormatA	[KERNEL32.@]
 * Makes an ASCII string of the date
 * Acts the same as GetDateFormatW(),  except that it's ASCII.
INT WINAPI GetDateFormatA(LCID locale,DWORD flags,
			      const SYSTEMTIME* xtime,
			      LPCSTR format, LPSTR date, INT datelen)
  INT ret;
  LPWSTR wformat = NULL;
  LPWSTR wdate = NULL;  

  if (format)
    wformat = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
                        (strlen(format) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));

    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, format, -1, wformat, strlen(format) + 1);

  if (date && datelen)
    wdate = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
                      (datelen + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));

  ret = GetDateFormatW(locale, flags, xtime, wformat, wdate, datelen);

  if (wdate)
    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wdate, ret, date, datelen, NULL, NULL);
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, wdate);

  if (wformat)
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, wformat);

  return ret;

 *		GetDateFormatW	[KERNEL32.@]
 * Makes a Unicode string of the date
 * This function uses format to format the date,  or,  if format
 * is NULL, uses the default for the locale.  format is a string
 * of literal fields and characters as follows:
 * - d    single-digit (no leading zero) day (of month)
 * - dd   two-digit day (of month)
 * - ddd  short day-of-week name
 * - dddd long day-of-week name
 * - M    single-digit month
 * - MM   two-digit month
 * - MMM  short month name
 * - MMMM full month name
 * - y    two-digit year, no leading 0
 * - yy   two-digit year
 * - yyyy four-digit year
 * - gg   era string
 * Accepts & returns sizes as counts of Unicode characters.
INT WINAPI GetDateFormatW(LCID locale,DWORD flags,
			      const SYSTEMTIME* xtime,
			      LPCWSTR format,
			      LPWSTR date, INT datelen)
    WCHAR format_buf[40];
    LPCWSTR thisformat;
    LPSYSTEMTIME thistime;
    LCID thislocale;
    INT ret;
    FILETIME ft;
    BOOL res;
    /* Tests */
    if (flags && format) /* if lpFormat is non-null then flags must be zero */
        SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS);
	return 0;
    if (datelen && !date)
	return 0;
    if (!locale)
    if (locale == LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT)
	thislocale = GetSystemDefaultLCID();
    } else if (locale == LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT)
	thislocale = GetUserDefaultLCID();
    } else
	thislocale = locale;

    /* check for invalid flag combinations */
    if((flags & DATE_LTRREADING) && (flags & DATE_RTLREADING))
        SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS);
	return 0;

    /* exclusive */    
	 && !((flags & DATE_SHORTDATE) ^ (flags & 
        DATE_LONGDATE) ^ (flags & DATE_YEARMONTH)))
        SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS);
	return 0;

    /* if the user didn't pass in a pointer to the current time we read it */    
    /* here */
    if (xtime == NULL)
    } else
        /* NOTE: check here before we perform the SystemTimeToFileTime conversion */
        /*  because this conversion will fix invalid time values */
        /* check to see if the time/date is valid */
        /* set ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER and return 0 if invalid */
        if((xtime->wDay > 31) || (xtime->wMonth > 12))
          return 0;
        /* For all we know the day of week and the time may be absolute
         * rubbish.  Therefore if we are going to use conversion through
         * FileTime we had better use a clean time (and hopefully we won't
         * fall over any timezone complications).
         * If we go with an alternative method of correcting the day of week
         * (e.g. Zeller's congruence) then we won't need to, but we will need
         * to check the date.
        memset (&t, 0, sizeof(t));
        t.wYear = xtime->wYear;
        t.wMonth = xtime->wMonth;
        t.wDay = xtime->wDay;

	/* Silently correct wDayOfWeek by transforming to FileTime and back again */

	/* Check year(?)/month and date for range and set ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER  on error */
	    return 0;
    thistime = &t;
    if (format == NULL)
	GetLocaleInfoW(thislocale, ((flags&DATE_LONGDATE)
		       format_buf, sizeof(format_buf)/sizeof(*format_buf));
	thisformat = format_buf;
    } else
	thisformat = format;
    ret = OLE_GetFormatW(thislocale, flags, 0, thistime, thisformat,
			 date, datelen, 1);
    TRACE("GetDateFormatW() returning %d, with data=%s\n",
	  ret, debugstr_w(date));
    return ret;

 *              EnumDateFormatsA	(KERNEL32.@)
BOOL WINAPI EnumDateFormatsA(
  DATEFMT_ENUMPROCA lpDateFmtEnumProc, LCID Locale,  DWORD dwFlags)
  LCID Loc = GetUserDefaultLCID();
      return FALSE;

  switch( Loc )

   case 0x00000407:  /* (Loc,"de_DE") */
      case DATE_SHORTDATE:
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd.MM.yy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d.M.yyyy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d.MM.yy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d.M.yy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
      case DATE_LONGDATE:
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dddd,d. MMMM yyyy")) return TRUE;
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d. MMMM yyyy")) return TRUE;
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d. MMM yyyy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
	FIXME("Unknown date format (%ld)\n", dwFlags);
	return FALSE;

   case 0x0000040c:  /* (Loc,"fr_FR") */
      case DATE_SHORTDATE:
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd/MM/yy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd.MM.yy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd-MM-yy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd/MM/yyyy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
      case DATE_LONGDATE:
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dddd d MMMM yyyy")) return TRUE;
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d MMM yy")) return TRUE;
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d MMMM yyyy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
	FIXME("Unknown date format (%ld)\n", dwFlags);
	return FALSE;

   case 0x00000c0c:  /* (Loc,"fr_CA") */
      case DATE_SHORTDATE:
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("yy-MM-dd")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd-MM-yy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("yy MM dd")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd/MM/yy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
      case DATE_LONGDATE:
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d MMMM, yyyy")) return TRUE;
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d MMM yyyy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
	FIXME("Unknown date format (%ld)\n", dwFlags);
	return FALSE;

   case 0x00000809:  /* (Loc,"en_UK") */
      case DATE_SHORTDATE:
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd/MM/yy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd/MM/yyyy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d/M/yy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d.M.yy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
      case DATE_LONGDATE:
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd MMMM yyyy")) return TRUE;
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d MMMM yyyy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
	FIXME("Unknown date format (%ld)\n", dwFlags);
	return FALSE;

   case 0x00000c09:  /* (Loc,"en_AU") */
      case DATE_SHORTDATE:
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d/MM/yy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d/M/yy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd/MM/yy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
      case DATE_LONGDATE:
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dddd,d MMMM yyyy")) return TRUE;
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d MMMM yyyy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
	FIXME("Unknown date format (%ld)\n", dwFlags);
	return FALSE;

   case 0x00001009:  /* (Loc,"en_CA") */
      case DATE_SHORTDATE:
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd/MM/yy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d/M/yy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("yy-MM-dd")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("M/dd/yy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
      case DATE_LONGDATE:
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d-MMM-yy")) return TRUE;
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("MMMM d, yyyy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
	FIXME("Unknown date format (%ld)\n", dwFlags);
	return FALSE;

   case 0x00001409:  /* (Loc,"en_NZ") */
      case DATE_SHORTDATE:
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d/MM/yy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd/MM/yy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d.MM.yy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
      case DATE_LONGDATE:
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d MMMM yyyy")) return TRUE;
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dddd, d MMMM yyyy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
	FIXME("Unknown date format (%ld)\n", dwFlags);
	return FALSE;

   case 0x00001809:  /* (Loc,"en_IE") */
      case DATE_SHORTDATE:
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd/MM/yy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d/M/yy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d.M.yy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
      case DATE_LONGDATE:
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd MMMM yyyy")) return TRUE;
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("d MMMM yyyy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
	FIXME("Unknown date format (%ld)\n", dwFlags);
	return FALSE;

   case 0x00001c09:  /* (Loc,"en_ZA") */
      case DATE_SHORTDATE:
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("yy/MM/dd")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
      case DATE_LONGDATE:
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd MMMM yyyy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
	FIXME("Unknown date format (%ld)\n", dwFlags);
	return FALSE;

   case 0x00002009:  /* (Loc,"en_JM") */
      case DATE_SHORTDATE:
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd/MM/yyyy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
      case DATE_LONGDATE:
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dddd,MMMM dd,yyyy")) return TRUE;
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("MMMM dd,yyyy")) return TRUE;
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dddd,dd MMMM,yyyy")) return TRUE;
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd MMMM,yyyy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
	FIXME("Unknown date format (%ld)\n", dwFlags);
	return FALSE;

   case 0x00002809:  /* (Loc,"en_BZ") */
   case 0x00002c09:  /* (Loc,"en_TT") */
      case DATE_SHORTDATE:
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd/MM/yyyy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
      case DATE_LONGDATE:
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dddd,dd MMMM yyyy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
	FIXME("Unknown date format (%ld)\n", dwFlags);
	return FALSE;

   default:  /* default to US English "en_US" */
      case DATE_SHORTDATE:
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("M/d/yy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("M/d/yyyy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("MM/dd/yy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("MM/dd/yyyy")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("yy/MM/dd")) return TRUE;
	if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd-MMM-yy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
      case DATE_LONGDATE:
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy")) return TRUE;
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("MMMM dd, yyyy")) return TRUE;
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy")) return TRUE;
        if(!(*lpDateFmtEnumProc)("dd MMMM, yyyy")) return TRUE;
	return TRUE;
	FIXME("Unknown date format (%ld)\n", dwFlags);
	return FALSE;

 *              EnumDateFormatsW	(KERNEL32.@)
BOOL WINAPI EnumDateFormatsW(
  DATEFMT_ENUMPROCW lpDateFmtEnumProc, LCID Locale, DWORD dwFlags)
  FIXME("(%p, %ld, %ld): stub\n", lpDateFmtEnumProc, Locale, dwFlags);
  return FALSE;

 *              EnumTimeFormatsA	(KERNEL32.@)
BOOL WINAPI EnumTimeFormatsA(
  TIMEFMT_ENUMPROCA lpTimeFmtEnumProc, LCID Locale, DWORD dwFlags)
  LCID Loc = GetUserDefaultLCID();
      return FALSE;
      FIXME("Unknown time format (%ld)\n", dwFlags);

  switch( Loc )
   case 0x00000407:  /* (Loc,"de_DE") */
    if(!(*lpTimeFmtEnumProc)("HH.mm")) return TRUE;
    if(!(*lpTimeFmtEnumProc)("HH:mm:ss")) return TRUE;
    if(!(*lpTimeFmtEnumProc)("H:mm:ss")) return TRUE;
    if(!(*lpTimeFmtEnumProc)("H.mm")) return TRUE;
    if(!(*lpTimeFmtEnumProc)("H.mm'Uhr'")) return TRUE;
    return TRUE;

   case 0x0000040c:  /* (Loc,"fr_FR") */
   case 0x00000c0c:  /* (Loc,"fr_CA") */
    if(!(*lpTimeFmtEnumProc)("H:mm")) return TRUE;
    if(!(*lpTimeFmtEnumProc)("HH:mm:ss")) return TRUE;
    if(!(*lpTimeFmtEnumProc)("H:mm:ss")) return TRUE;
    if(!(*lpTimeFmtEnumProc)("HH.mm")) return TRUE;
    if(!(*lpTimeFmtEnumProc)("HH'h'mm")) return TRUE;
    return TRUE;

   case 0x00000809:  /* (Loc,"en_UK") */
   case 0x00000c09:  /* (Loc,"en_AU") */
   case 0x00001409:  /* (Loc,"en_NZ") */
   case 0x00001809:  /* (Loc,"en_IE") */
    if(!(*lpTimeFmtEnumProc)("h:mm:ss tt")) return TRUE;
    if(!(*lpTimeFmtEnumProc)("HH:mm:ss")) return TRUE;
    if(!(*lpTimeFmtEnumProc)("H:mm:ss")) return TRUE;
    return TRUE;

   case 0x00001c09:  /* (Loc,"en_ZA") */
   case 0x00002809:  /* (Loc,"en_BZ") */
   case 0x00002c09:  /* (Loc,"en_TT") */
    if(!(*lpTimeFmtEnumProc)("h:mm:ss tt")) return TRUE;
    if(!(*lpTimeFmtEnumProc)("hh:mm:ss tt")) return TRUE;
    return TRUE;

   default:  /* default to US style "en_US" */
    if(!(*lpTimeFmtEnumProc)("h:mm:ss tt")) return TRUE;
    if(!(*lpTimeFmtEnumProc)("hh:mm:ss tt")) return TRUE;
    if(!(*lpTimeFmtEnumProc)("H:mm:ss")) return TRUE;
    if(!(*lpTimeFmtEnumProc)("HH:mm:ss")) return TRUE;
    return TRUE;

 *              EnumTimeFormatsW	(KERNEL32.@)
BOOL WINAPI EnumTimeFormatsW(
  TIMEFMT_ENUMPROCW lpTimeFmtEnumProc, LCID Locale, DWORD dwFlags)
  FIXME("(%p,%ld,%ld): stub\n", lpTimeFmtEnumProc, Locale, dwFlags);
  return FALSE;

 *           This function is used just locally !
 *  Description: Inverts a string.
static void OLE_InvertString(char* string)
    char    sTmpArray[128];
    INT     counter, i = 0;

    for (counter = strlen(string); counter > 0; counter--)
        memcpy(sTmpArray + i, string + counter-1, 1);
    memcpy(sTmpArray + i, "\0", 1);
    strcpy(string, sTmpArray);

 *           This function is used just locally !
 *  Description: Test if the given string (psNumber) is valid or not.
 *               The valid characters are the following:
 *               - Characters '0' through '9'.
 *               - One decimal point (dot) if the number is a floating-point value.
 *               - A minus sign in the first character position if the number is
 *                 a negative value.
 *              If the function succeeds, psBefore/psAfter will point to the string
 *              on the right/left of the decimal symbol. pbNegative indicates if the
 *              number is negative.
static INT OLE_GetNumberComponents(char* pInput, char* psBefore, char* psAfter, BOOL* pbNegative)
char	sNumberSet[] = "0123456789";
BOOL	bInDecimal = FALSE;

	/* Test if we do have a minus sign */
	if ( *pInput == '-' )
		*pbNegative = TRUE;
		pInput++; /* Jump to the next character. */

	while(*pInput != '\0')
		/* Do we have a valid numeric character */
		if ( strchr(sNumberSet, *pInput) != NULL )
			if (bInDecimal == TRUE)
                *psAfter++ = *pInput;
                *psBefore++ = *pInput;
			/* Is this a decimal point (dot) */
			if ( *pInput == '.' )
				/* Is it the first time we find it */
				if ((bInDecimal == FALSE))
					bInDecimal = TRUE;
					return -1; /* ERROR: Invalid parameter */
				/* It's neither a numeric character, nor a decimal point.
				 * Thus, return an error.
				return -1;

	/* Add an End of Line character to the output buffers */
	*psBefore = '\0';
	*psAfter = '\0';

	return 0;

 *           This function is used just locally !
 *  Description: A number could be formatted using different numbers
 *               of "digits in group" (example: 4;3;2;0).
 *               The first parameter of this function is an array
 *               containing the rule to be used. Its format is the following:
 *               |NDG|DG1|DG2|...|0|
 *               where NDG is the number of used "digits in group" and DG1, DG2,
 *               are the corresponding "digits in group".
 *               Thus, this function returns the grouping value in the array
 *               pointed by the second parameter.
static INT OLE_GetGrouping(char* sRule, INT index)
    char    sData[2], sRuleSize[2];
    INT     nData, nRuleSize;

    memcpy(sRuleSize, sRule, 1);
    memcpy(sRuleSize+1, "\0", 1);
    nRuleSize = atoi(sRuleSize);

    if (index > 0 && index < nRuleSize)
        memcpy(sData, sRule+index, 1);
        memcpy(sData+1, "\0", 1);
        nData = atoi(sData);

        memcpy(sData, sRule+nRuleSize-1, 1);
        memcpy(sData+1, "\0", 1);
        nData = atoi(sData);

    return nData;

 *              GetNumberFormatA	(KERNEL32.@)
INT WINAPI GetNumberFormatA(LCID locale, DWORD dwflags,
			       LPCSTR lpvalue,   const NUMBERFMTA * lpFormat,
			       LPSTR lpNumberStr, int cchNumber)
    char   sNumberDigits[3], sDecimalSymbol[5], sDigitsInGroup[11], sDigitGroupSymbol[5], sILZero[2];
    INT    nNumberDigits, nNumberDecimal, i, j, nCounter, nStep, nRuleIndex, nGrouping, nDigits, retVal, nLZ;
    char   sNumber[128], sDestination[128], sDigitsAfterDecimal[10], sDigitsBeforeDecimal[128];
    char   sRule[10], sSemiColumn[]=";", sBuffer[5], sNegNumber[2];
    char   *pStr = NULL, *pTmpStr = NULL;
    LCID   systemDefaultLCID;
    BOOL   bNegative = FALSE;
    enum   Operations
    } used_operation;

    strncpy(sNumber, lpvalue, 128);
    sNumber[127] = '\0';

    /* Make sure we have a valid input string, get the number
     * of digits before and after the decimal symbol, and check
     * if this is a negative number.
    if ( OLE_GetNumberComponents(sNumber, sDigitsBeforeDecimal, sDigitsAfterDecimal, &bNegative) != -1)
        nNumberDecimal = strlen(sDigitsBeforeDecimal);
        nDigits = strlen(sDigitsAfterDecimal);
        return 0;

    /* Which source will we use to format the string */
    used_operation = RETURN_ERROR;
    if (lpFormat != NULL)
        if (dwflags == 0)
            used_operation = USE_PARAMETER;
        if (dwflags & LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE)
            used_operation = USE_SYSTEMDEFAULT;
            used_operation = USE_LOCALEINFO;

    /* Load the fields we need */
        GetLocaleInfoA(locale, LOCALE_IDIGITS, sNumberDigits, sizeof(sNumberDigits));
        GetLocaleInfoA(locale, LOCALE_SDECIMAL, sDecimalSymbol, sizeof(sDecimalSymbol));
        GetLocaleInfoA(locale, LOCALE_SGROUPING, sDigitsInGroup, sizeof(sDigitsInGroup));
        GetLocaleInfoA(locale, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, sDigitGroupSymbol, sizeof(sDigitGroupSymbol));
        GetLocaleInfoA(locale, LOCALE_ILZERO, sILZero, sizeof(sILZero));
        GetLocaleInfoA(locale, LOCALE_INEGNUMBER, sNegNumber, sizeof(sNegNumber));
        sprintf(sNumberDigits, "%d",lpFormat->NumDigits);
        strcpy(sDecimalSymbol, lpFormat->lpDecimalSep);
        sprintf(sDigitsInGroup, "%d;0",lpFormat->Grouping);
        /* Win95-WinME only allow 0-9 for grouping, no matter what MSDN says. */
        strcpy(sDigitGroupSymbol, lpFormat->lpThousandSep);
        sprintf(sILZero, "%d",lpFormat->LeadingZero);
        sprintf(sNegNumber, "%d",lpFormat->NegativeOrder);
        systemDefaultLCID = GetSystemDefaultLCID();
        GetLocaleInfoA(systemDefaultLCID, LOCALE_IDIGITS, sNumberDigits, sizeof(sNumberDigits));
        GetLocaleInfoA(systemDefaultLCID, LOCALE_SDECIMAL, sDecimalSymbol, sizeof(sDecimalSymbol));
        GetLocaleInfoA(systemDefaultLCID, LOCALE_SGROUPING, sDigitsInGroup, sizeof(sDigitsInGroup));
        GetLocaleInfoA(systemDefaultLCID, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, sDigitGroupSymbol, sizeof(sDigitGroupSymbol));
        GetLocaleInfoA(systemDefaultLCID, LOCALE_ILZERO, sILZero, sizeof(sILZero));
        GetLocaleInfoA(systemDefaultLCID, LOCALE_INEGNUMBER, sNegNumber, sizeof(sNegNumber));
        return 0;

    nNumberDigits = atoi(sNumberDigits);

    /* Remove the ";" */
    j = 1;
    for (nCounter=0; nCounter<strlen(sDigitsInGroup); nCounter++)
        if ( memcmp(sDigitsInGroup + nCounter, sSemiColumn, 1) != 0 )
            memcpy(sRule + j, sDigitsInGroup + nCounter, 1);
    sprintf(sBuffer, "%d", i);
    memcpy(sRule, sBuffer, 1); /* Number of digits in the groups ( used by OLE_GetGrouping() ) */
    memcpy(sRule + j, "\0", 1);

    /* First, format the digits before the decimal. */
    if ((nNumberDecimal>0) && (atoi(sDigitsBeforeDecimal) != 0))
        /* Working on an inverted string is easier ! */

        nStep = nCounter = i = j = 0;
        nRuleIndex = 1;
        nGrouping = OLE_GetGrouping(sRule, nRuleIndex);
        if (nGrouping == 0) /* If the first grouping is zero */
            nGrouping = nNumberDecimal; /* Don't do grouping */

        /* Here, we will loop until we reach the end of the string.
         * An internal counter (j) is used in order to know when to
         * insert the "digit group symbol".
        while (nNumberDecimal > 0)
            i = nCounter + nStep;
            memcpy(sDestination + i, sDigitsBeforeDecimal + nCounter, 1);
            if (j >= nGrouping)
                j = 0;
                if (nRuleIndex < sRule[0])
                nGrouping = OLE_GetGrouping(sRule, nRuleIndex);
                memcpy(sDestination + i+1, sDigitGroupSymbol, strlen(sDigitGroupSymbol));
                nStep+= strlen(sDigitGroupSymbol);


        memcpy(sDestination + i+1, "\0", 1);
        /* Get the string in the right order ! */
        nLZ = atoi(sILZero);
        if (nLZ != 0)
            /* Use 0.xxx instead of .xxx */
            memcpy(sDestination, "0", 1);
            memcpy(sDestination+1, "\0", 1);
            memcpy(sDestination, "\0", 1);


    /* Second, format the digits after the decimal. */
    j = 0;
    nCounter = nNumberDigits;
    if ( (nDigits>0) && (pStr = strstr (sNumber, ".")) )
        i = strlen(sNumber) - strlen(pStr) + 1;
        strncpy ( sDigitsAfterDecimal, sNumber + i, nNumberDigits);
        j = strlen(sDigitsAfterDecimal);
        if (j < nNumberDigits)
            nCounter = nNumberDigits-j;
    for (i=0;i<nCounter;i++)
         memcpy(sDigitsAfterDecimal+i+j, "0", 1);
    memcpy(sDigitsAfterDecimal + nNumberDigits, "\0", 1);

    i = strlen(sDestination);
    j = strlen(sDigitsAfterDecimal);
    /* Finally, construct the resulting formatted string. */

    for (nCounter=0; nCounter<i; nCounter++)
        memcpy(sNumber + nCounter, sDestination + nCounter, 1);

    memcpy(sNumber + nCounter, sDecimalSymbol, strlen(sDecimalSymbol));

    for (i=0; i<j; i++)
        memcpy(sNumber + nCounter+i+strlen(sDecimalSymbol), sDigitsAfterDecimal + i, 1);
    memcpy(sNumber + nCounter+i+ (i ? strlen(sDecimalSymbol) : 0), "\0", 1);

    /* Is it a negative number */
    if (bNegative == TRUE)
        i = atoi(sNegNumber);
        pStr = sDestination;
        pTmpStr = sNumber;
        switch (i)
        case 0:
            *pStr++ = '(';
            while (*sNumber != '\0')
                *pStr++ =  *pTmpStr++;
            *pStr++ = ')';
        case 1:
            *pStr++ = '-';
            while (*pTmpStr != '\0')
                *pStr++ =  *pTmpStr++;
        case 2:
            *pStr++ = '-';
            *pStr++ = ' ';
            while (*pTmpStr != '\0')
                *pStr++ =  *pTmpStr++;
        case 3:
            while (*pTmpStr != '\0')
                *pStr++ =  *pTmpStr++;
            *pStr++ = '-';
        case 4:
            while (*pTmpStr != '\0')
                *pStr++ =  *pTmpStr++;
            *pStr++ = ' ';
            *pStr++ = '-';
            while (*pTmpStr != '\0')
                *pStr++ =  *pTmpStr++;
        strcpy(sDestination, sNumber);

    /* If cchNumber is zero, then returns the number of bytes or characters
     * required to hold the formatted number string
    retVal = strlen(sDestination) + 1;
    if (cchNumber!=0)
        memcpy( lpNumberStr, sDestination, min(cchNumber, retVal) );
        if (cchNumber < retVal) {
            retVal = 0;
    return retVal;

 *              GetNumberFormatW	(KERNEL32.@)
INT WINAPI GetNumberFormatW(LCID locale, DWORD dwflags,
			       LPCWSTR lpvalue,  const NUMBERFMTW * lpFormat,
			       LPWSTR lpNumberStr, int cchNumber)
 FIXME("%s: stub, no reformatting done\n",debugstr_w(lpvalue));

 lstrcpynW( lpNumberStr, lpvalue, cchNumber );
 return cchNumber? strlenW( lpNumberStr ) : 0;

 *              GetCurrencyFormatA	(KERNEL32.@)
INT WINAPI GetCurrencyFormatA(LCID locale, DWORD dwflags,
			       LPCSTR lpvalue,   const CURRENCYFMTA * lpFormat,
			       LPSTR lpCurrencyStr, int cchCurrency)
    UINT   nPosOrder, nNegOrder;
    INT    retVal;
    char   sDestination[128], sNegOrder[8], sPosOrder[8], sCurrencySymbol[8];
    char   *pDestination = sDestination;
    char   sNumberFormated[128];
    char   *pNumberFormated = sNumberFormated;
    LCID   systemDefaultLCID;
    BOOL   bIsPositive = FALSE, bValidFormat = FALSE;
    enum   Operations
    } used_operation;

    NUMBERFMTA  numberFmt;

    /* Which source will we use to format the string */
    used_operation = RETURN_ERROR;
    if (lpFormat != NULL)
        if (dwflags == 0)
            used_operation = USE_PARAMETER;
        if (dwflags & LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE)
            used_operation = USE_SYSTEMDEFAULT;
            used_operation = USE_LOCALEINFO;

    /* Load the fields we need */
        /* Specific to CURRENCYFMTA */
        GetLocaleInfoA(locale, LOCALE_INEGCURR, sNegOrder, sizeof(sNegOrder));
        GetLocaleInfoA(locale, LOCALE_ICURRENCY, sPosOrder, sizeof(sPosOrder));
        GetLocaleInfoA(locale, LOCALE_SCURRENCY, sCurrencySymbol, sizeof(sCurrencySymbol));

        nPosOrder = atoi(sPosOrder);
        nNegOrder = atoi(sNegOrder);
        /* Specific to CURRENCYFMTA */
        nNegOrder = lpFormat->NegativeOrder;
        nPosOrder = lpFormat->PositiveOrder;
        strcpy(sCurrencySymbol, lpFormat->lpCurrencySymbol);
        systemDefaultLCID = GetSystemDefaultLCID();
        /* Specific to CURRENCYFMTA */
        GetLocaleInfoA(systemDefaultLCID, LOCALE_INEGCURR, sNegOrder, sizeof(sNegOrder));
        GetLocaleInfoA(systemDefaultLCID, LOCALE_ICURRENCY, sPosOrder, sizeof(sPosOrder));
        GetLocaleInfoA(systemDefaultLCID, LOCALE_SCURRENCY, sCurrencySymbol, sizeof(sCurrencySymbol));

        nPosOrder = atoi(sPosOrder);
        nNegOrder = atoi(sNegOrder);
        return 0;

    /* Construct a temporary number format structure */
    if (lpFormat != NULL)
        numberFmt.NumDigits     = lpFormat->NumDigits;
        numberFmt.LeadingZero   = lpFormat->LeadingZero;
        numberFmt.Grouping      = lpFormat->Grouping;
        numberFmt.NegativeOrder = 0;
        numberFmt.lpDecimalSep = lpFormat->lpDecimalSep;
        numberFmt.lpThousandSep = lpFormat->lpThousandSep;
        bValidFormat = TRUE;

    /* Make a call to GetNumberFormatA() */
    if (*lpvalue == '-')
        bIsPositive = FALSE;
        retVal = GetNumberFormatA(locale,0,lpvalue+1,(bValidFormat)?&numberFmt:NULL,pNumberFormated,128);
        bIsPositive = TRUE;
        retVal = GetNumberFormatA(locale,0,lpvalue,(bValidFormat)?&numberFmt:NULL,pNumberFormated,128);

    if (retVal == 0)
        return 0;

    /* construct the formatted string */
    if (bIsPositive)
        switch (nPosOrder)
        case 0:   /* Prefix, no separation */
            strcpy (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
            strcat (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
        case 1:   /* Suffix, no separation */
            strcpy (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
            strcat (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
        case 2:   /* Prefix, 1 char separation */
            strcpy (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
            strcat (pDestination, " ");
            strcat (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
        case 3:   /* Suffix, 1 char separation */
            strcpy (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
            strcat (pDestination, " ");
            strcat (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
            return 0;
    else  /* negative number */
        switch (nNegOrder)
        case 0:   /* format: ($1.1) */
            strcpy (pDestination, "(");
            strcat (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
            strcat (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
            strcat (pDestination, ")");
        case 1:   /* format: -$1.1 */
            strcpy (pDestination, "-");
            strcat (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
            strcat (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
        case 2:   /* format: $-1.1 */
            strcpy (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
            strcat (pDestination, "-");
            strcat (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
        case 3:   /* format: $1.1- */
            strcpy (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
            strcat (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
            strcat (pDestination, "-");
        case 4:   /* format: (1.1$) */
            strcpy (pDestination, "(");
            strcat (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
            strcat (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
            strcat (pDestination, ")");
        case 5:   /* format: -1.1$ */
            strcpy (pDestination, "-");
            strcat (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
            strcat (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
        case 6:   /* format: 1.1-$ */
            strcpy (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
            strcat (pDestination, "-");
            strcat (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
        case 7:   /* format: 1.1$- */
            strcpy (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
            strcat (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
            strcat (pDestination, "-");
        case 8:   /* format: -1.1 $ */
            strcpy (pDestination, "-");
            strcat (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
            strcat (pDestination, " ");
            strcat (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
        case 9:   /* format: -$ 1.1 */
            strcpy (pDestination, "-");
            strcat (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
            strcat (pDestination, " ");
            strcat (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
        case 10:   /* format: 1.1 $- */
            strcpy (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
            strcat (pDestination, " ");
            strcat (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
            strcat (pDestination, "-");
        case 11:   /* format: $ 1.1- */
            strcpy (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
            strcat (pDestination, " ");
            strcat (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
            strcat (pDestination, "-");
        case 12:   /* format: $ -1.1 */
            strcpy (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
            strcat (pDestination, " ");
            strcat (pDestination, "-");
            strcat (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
        case 13:   /* format: 1.1- $ */
            strcpy (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
            strcat (pDestination, "-");
            strcat (pDestination, " ");
            strcat (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
        case 14:   /* format: ($ 1.1) */
            strcpy (pDestination, "(");
            strcat (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
            strcat (pDestination, " ");
            strcat (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
            strcat (pDestination, ")");
        case 15:   /* format: (1.1 $) */
            strcpy (pDestination, "(");
            strcat (pDestination, pNumberFormated);
            strcat (pDestination, " ");
            strcat (pDestination, sCurrencySymbol);
            strcat (pDestination, ")");
            return 0;

    retVal = strlen(pDestination) + 1;

    if (cchCurrency)
        memcpy( lpCurrencyStr, pDestination, min(cchCurrency, retVal) );
        if (cchCurrency < retVal) {
            retVal = 0;
    return retVal;

 *              GetCurrencyFormatW	(KERNEL32.@)
INT WINAPI GetCurrencyFormatW(LCID locale, DWORD dwflags,
			       LPCWSTR lpvalue,   const CURRENCYFMTW * lpFormat,
			       LPWSTR lpCurrencyStr, int cchCurrency)
    FIXME("This API function is NOT implemented !\n");
    return 0;

 *		OLE2NLS_CheckLocale	[intern]
static LCID OLE2NLS_CheckLocale (LCID locale)
	if (!locale)

  	{ return GetSystemDefaultLCID();
	else if (locale == LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT)
	{ return GetUserDefaultLCID();
	{ return locale;
 *		GetTimeFormatA	[KERNEL32.@]
 * Makes an ASCII string of the time
 * Formats date according to format,  or locale default if format is
 * NULL. The format consists of literal characters and fields as follows:
 * h  hours with no leading zero (12-hour)
 * hh hours with full two digits
 * H  hours with no leading zero (24-hour)
 * HH hours with full two digits
 * m  minutes with no leading zero
 * mm minutes with full two digits
 * s  seconds with no leading zero
 * ss seconds with full two digits
 * t  time marker (A or P)
 * tt time marker (AM, PM)
GetTimeFormatA(LCID locale,        /* [in]  */
	       DWORD flags,        /* [in]  */
	       const SYSTEMTIME* xtime, /* [in]  */
	       LPCSTR format,      /* [in]  */
	       LPSTR timestr,      /* [out] */
	       INT timelen         /* [in]  */)
  INT ret;
  LPWSTR wformat = NULL;
  LPWSTR wtime = NULL;  

  if (format)
    wformat = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
                        (strlen(format) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, format, -1, wformat, strlen(format) + 1);

  if (timestr && timelen)
    wtime = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
                      (timelen + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));

  ret = GetTimeFormatW(locale, flags, xtime, wformat, wtime, timelen);

  if (wtime)
    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wtime, ret, timestr, timelen, NULL, NULL);
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, wtime);

  if (wformat)
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, wformat);

  return ret;

 *		GetTimeFormatW	[KERNEL32.@]
 * Makes a Unicode string of the time
 * NOTE: See OLE_GetFormatW() for further documentation
GetTimeFormatW(LCID locale,        /* [in]  */
	       DWORD flags,        /* [in]  */
	       const SYSTEMTIME* xtime, /* [in]  */
	       LPCWSTR format,     /* [in]  */
	       LPWSTR timestr,     /* [out] */
	       INT timelen         /* [in]  */)
{	WCHAR format_buf[40];
	LPCWSTR thisformat;
	const SYSTEMTIME* thistime;
	LCID thislocale=0;
	DWORD thisflags=LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT; /* standard timeformat */
	INT ret;


	thislocale = OLE2NLS_CheckLocale ( locale );

	/* if the user didn't specify a format we use the default */
        /* format for this locale */
	if (format == NULL)
	  if (flags & LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE)  /* use system default */
            thislocale = GetSystemDefaultLCID();
	  GetLocaleInfoW(thislocale, thisflags, format_buf, 40);
	  thisformat = format_buf;
	  /* if non-null format and LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE then fail */ 
	  /* NOTE: this could be either invalid flags or invalid parameter */
	  /*  windows sets it to invalid flags */
	    return 0;

          thisformat = format;

	if (xtime == NULL) /* NULL means use the current local time */
	{ GetLocalTime(&t);
	  thistime = &t;
          /* check time values */
          if((xtime->wHour > 24) || (xtime->wMinute >= 60) || (xtime->wSecond >= 60))
            return 0;

          thistime = xtime;

	ret = OLE_GetFormatW(thislocale, thisflags, flags, thistime, thisformat,
  			 timestr, timelen, 0);
	return ret;

 *		EnumCalendarInfoA	[KERNEL32.@]
BOOL WINAPI EnumCalendarInfoA(
	CALINFO_ENUMPROCA calinfoproc,LCID locale,CALID calendar,CALTYPE caltype
) {
	return FALSE;