• Alexandros Frantzis's avatar
    winewayland.drv: Handle xdg_toplevel configure event size hint. · 6e903b79
    Alexandros Frantzis authored
    Use the size hint provided by the compositor to resize the window
    associated with a Wayland toplevel surface.
    A surface config moves through the following stages (each stage may hold
    a different event):
    1. Pending: In the process of being populated from separate Wayland
    2. Requested: A fully formed config which hasn't been handled yet. A new
       finalized Pending event will always be promoted to a Requested event
       (so we will skip previous events if new ones arrive quickly enough).
    3. Processing: A config that is being processed. When processing is
       done, we mark it with `wayland_surface_config.processed = TRUE`.
    4. Current: The config has been acknowledged, i.e., we are promising to
       respect any implied content constraints.
window.c 12.5 KB