Commit 07588027 authored by James Hawkins's avatar James Hawkins Committed by Alexandre Julliard

propsys: Add a stub implementation of propsys.dll.

parent fa6042fc
......@@ -354,6 +354,7 @@ ALL_MAKEFILES = \
dlls/pdh/tests/Makefile \
dlls/powrprof/Makefile \
dlls/printui/Makefile \
dlls/propsys/Makefile \
dlls/psapi/Makefile \
dlls/psapi/tests/Makefile \
dlls/pstorec/Makefile \
......@@ -739,6 +740,7 @@ dlls/pdh/Makefile: dlls/pdh/ dlls/Makedll.rules
dlls/pdh/tests/Makefile: dlls/pdh/tests/ dlls/Maketest.rules
dlls/powrprof/Makefile: dlls/powrprof/ dlls/Makedll.rules
dlls/printui/Makefile: dlls/printui/ dlls/Makedll.rules
dlls/propsys/Makefile: dlls/propsys/ dlls/Makedll.rules
dlls/psapi/Makefile: dlls/psapi/ dlls/Makedll.rules
dlls/psapi/tests/Makefile: dlls/psapi/tests/ dlls/Maketest.rules
dlls/pstorec/Makefile: dlls/pstorec/ dlls/Makedll.rules
......@@ -21499,6 +21499,8 @@ ac_config_files="$ac_config_files dlls/powrprof/Makefile"
ac_config_files="$ac_config_files dlls/printui/Makefile"
ac_config_files="$ac_config_files dlls/propsys/Makefile"
ac_config_files="$ac_config_files dlls/psapi/Makefile"
ac_config_files="$ac_config_files dlls/psapi/tests/Makefile"
......@@ -22609,6 +22611,7 @@ do
"dlls/pdh/tests/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES dlls/pdh/tests/Makefile" ;;
"dlls/powrprof/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES dlls/powrprof/Makefile" ;;
"dlls/printui/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES dlls/printui/Makefile" ;;
"dlls/propsys/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES dlls/propsys/Makefile" ;;
"dlls/psapi/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES dlls/psapi/Makefile" ;;
"dlls/psapi/tests/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES dlls/psapi/tests/Makefile" ;;
"dlls/pstorec/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES dlls/pstorec/Makefile" ;;
......@@ -1851,6 +1851,7 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([dlls/pdh/Makefile])
......@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ BASEDIRS = \
pdh \
powrprof \
printui \
propsys \
psapi \
pstorec \
qcap \
TOPSRCDIR = @top_srcdir@
SRCDIR = @srcdir@
VPATH = @srcdir@
MODULE = propsys.dll
IMPORTS = kernel32
C_SRCS = \
@DEPENDENCIES@ # everything below this line is overwritten by make depend
3 stub GetProxyDllInfo
400 stub @
402 stub @
403 stub @
404 stub @
405 stub @
406 stub @
407 stub @
408 stub @
409 stub @
410 stub @
411 stub @
412 stub @
413 stub @
414 stub @
415 stub @
416 stub @
417 stub @
418 stub @
420 stub @
421 stub @
422 stub @
@ stub ClearPropVariantArray
@ stub ClearVariantArray
@ stub DllCanUnloadNow
@ stub DllGetClassObject
@ stub DllRegisterServer
@ stub DllUnregisterServer
@ stub InitPropVariantFromBooleanVector
@ stub InitPropVariantFromBuffer
@ stub InitPropVariantFromCLSID
@ stub InitPropVariantFromDoubleVector
@ stub InitPropVariantFromFileTime
@ stub InitPropVariantFromFileTimeVector
@ stub InitPropVariantFromGUIDAsString
@ stub InitPropVariantFromInt16Vector
@ stub InitPropVariantFromInt32Vector
@ stub InitPropVariantFromInt64Vector
@ stub InitPropVariantFromPropVariantVectorElem
@ stub InitPropVariantFromResource
@ stub InitPropVariantFromStrRet
@ stub InitPropVariantFromStringAsVector
@ stub InitPropVariantFromStringVector
@ stub InitPropVariantFromUInt16Vector
@ stub InitPropVariantFromUInt32Vector
@ stub InitPropVariantFromUInt64Vector
@ stub InitPropVariantVectorFromPropVariant
@ stub InitVariantFromBooleanArray
@ stub InitVariantFromBuffer
@ stub InitVariantFromDoubleArray
@ stub InitVariantFromFileTime
@ stub InitVariantFromFileTimeArray
@ stub InitVariantFromGUIDAsString
@ stub InitVariantFromInt16Array
@ stub InitVariantFromInt32Array
@ stub InitVariantFromInt64Array
@ stub InitVariantFromResource
@ stub InitVariantFromStrRet
@ stub InitVariantFromStringArray
@ stub InitVariantFromUInt16Array
@ stub InitVariantFromUInt32Array
@ stub InitVariantFromUInt64Array
@ stub InitVariantFromVariantArrayElem
@ stub PSCoerceToCanonicalValue
@ stub PSCreateAdapterFromPropertyStore
@ stub PSCreateDelayedMultiplexPropertyStore
@ stub PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore
@ stub PSCreateMultiplexPropertyStore
@ stub PSCreatePropertyChangeArray
@ stub PSCreatePropertyStoreFromObject
@ stub PSCreatePropertyStoreFromPropertySetStorage
@ stub PSCreateSimplePropertyChange
@ stub PSEnumeratePropertyDescriptions
@ stub PSFormatForDisplay
@ stub PSFormatForDisplayAlloc
@ stub PSFormatPropertyValue
@ stub PSGetItemPropertyHandler
@ stub PSGetItemPropertyHandlerWithCreateObject
@ stub PSGetNameFromPropertyKey
@ stub PSGetNamedPropertyFromPropertyStorage
@ stub PSGetPropertyDescription
@ stub PSGetPropertyDescriptionByName
@ stub PSGetPropertyDescriptionListFromString
@ stub PSGetPropertyFromPropertyStorage
@ stub PSGetPropertyKeyFromName
@ stub PSGetPropertySystem
@ stub PSGetPropertyValue
@ stub PSLookupPropertyHandlerCLSID
@ stub PSPropertyKeyFromString
@ stub PSRefreshPropertySchema
@ stub PSRegisterPropertySchema
@ stub PSSetPropertyValue
@ stub PSStringFromPropertyKey
@ stub PSUnregisterPropertySchema
@ stub PropVariantChangeType
@ stub PropVariantCompareEx
@ stub PropVariantGetBooleanElem
@ stub PropVariantGetDoubleElem
@ stub PropVariantGetElementCount
@ stub PropVariantGetFileTimeElem
@ stub PropVariantGetInt16Elem
@ stub PropVariantGetInt32Elem
@ stub PropVariantGetInt64Elem
@ stub PropVariantGetStringElem
@ stub PropVariantGetUInt16Elem
@ stub PropVariantGetUInt32Elem
@ stub PropVariantGetUInt64Elem
@ stub PropVariantToBSTR
@ stub PropVariantToBoolean
@ stub PropVariantToBooleanVector
@ stub PropVariantToBooleanVectorAlloc
@ stub PropVariantToBooleanWithDefault
@ stub PropVariantToBuffer
@ stub PropVariantToDouble
@ stub PropVariantToDoubleVector
@ stub PropVariantToDoubleVectorAlloc
@ stub PropVariantToDoubleWithDefault
@ stub PropVariantToFileTime
@ stub PropVariantToFileTimeVector
@ stub PropVariantToFileTimeVectorAlloc
@ stub PropVariantToGUID
@ stub PropVariantToInt16
@ stub PropVariantToInt16Vector
@ stub PropVariantToInt16VectorAlloc
@ stub PropVariantToInt16WithDefault
@ stub PropVariantToInt32
@ stub PropVariantToInt32Vector
@ stub PropVariantToInt32VectorAlloc
@ stub PropVariantToInt32WithDefault
@ stub PropVariantToInt64
@ stub PropVariantToInt64Vector
@ stub PropVariantToInt64VectorAlloc
@ stub PropVariantToInt64WithDefault
@ stub PropVariantToStrRet
@ stub PropVariantToString
@ stub PropVariantToStringAlloc
@ stub PropVariantToStringVector
@ stub PropVariantToStringVectorAlloc
@ stub PropVariantToStringWithDefault
@ stub PropVariantToUInt16
@ stub PropVariantToUInt16Vector
@ stub PropVariantToUInt16VectorAlloc
@ stub PropVariantToUInt16WithDefault
@ stub PropVariantToUInt32
@ stub PropVariantToUInt32Vector
@ stub PropVariantToUInt32VectorAlloc
@ stub PropVariantToUInt32WithDefault
@ stub PropVariantToUInt64
@ stub PropVariantToUInt64Vector
@ stub PropVariantToUInt64VectorAlloc
@ stub PropVariantToUInt64WithDefault
@ stub PropVariantToVariant
@ stub StgDeserializePropVariant
@ stub StgSerializePropVariant
@ stub VariantCompare
@ stub VariantGetBooleanElem
@ stub VariantGetDoubleElem
@ stub VariantGetElementCount
@ stub VariantGetInt16Elem
@ stub VariantGetInt32Elem
@ stub VariantGetInt64Elem
@ stub VariantGetStringElem
@ stub VariantGetUInt16Elem
@ stub VariantGetUInt32Elem
@ stub VariantGetUInt64Elem
@ stub VariantToBoolean
@ stub VariantToBooleanArray
@ stub VariantToBooleanArrayAlloc
@ stub VariantToBooleanWithDefault
@ stub VariantToBuffer
@ stub VariantToDosDateTime
@ stub VariantToDouble
@ stub VariantToDoubleArray
@ stub VariantToDoubleArrayAlloc
@ stub VariantToDoubleWithDefault
@ stub VariantToFileTime
@ stub VariantToGUID
@ stub VariantToInt16
@ stub VariantToInt16Array
@ stub VariantToInt16ArrayAlloc
@ stub VariantToInt16WithDefault
@ stub VariantToInt32
@ stub VariantToInt32Array
@ stub VariantToInt32ArrayAlloc
@ stub VariantToInt32WithDefault
@ stub VariantToInt64
@ stub VariantToInt64Array
@ stub VariantToInt64ArrayAlloc
@ stub VariantToInt64WithDefault
@ stub VariantToPropVariant
@ stub VariantToStrRet
@ stub VariantToString
@ stub VariantToStringAlloc
@ stub VariantToStringArray
@ stub VariantToStringArrayAlloc
@ stub VariantToStringWithDefault
@ stub VariantToUInt16
@ stub VariantToUInt16Array
@ stub VariantToUInt16ArrayAlloc
@ stub VariantToUInt16WithDefault
@ stub VariantToUInt32
@ stub VariantToUInt32Array
@ stub VariantToUInt32ArrayAlloc
@ stub VariantToUInt32WithDefault
@ stub VariantToUInt64
@ stub VariantToUInt64Array
@ stub VariantToUInt64ArrayAlloc
@ stub VariantToUInt64WithDefault
* propsys main
* Copyright 2008 James Hawkins
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "config.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "wine/debug.h"
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
TRACE("(0x%p, %d, %p)\n", hinstDLL, fdwReason, lpvReserved);
switch (fdwReason)
return FALSE; /* prefer native version */
return TRUE;
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