Commit 07c8120b authored by Gerald Pfeifer's avatar Gerald Pfeifer Committed by Alexandre Julliard

wined3d: Remove variable dlc_tmp which is not really used from shader_arb_generate_pshader.

parent dec98a59
......@@ -3309,7 +3309,7 @@ static GLuint shader_arb_generate_pshader(IWineD3DPixelShaderImpl *This, struct
char fragcolor[16];
DWORD *lconst_map = local_const_mapping((IWineD3DBaseShaderImpl *) This), next_local, cur;
struct shader_arb_ctx_priv priv_ctx;
BOOL dcl_tmp = args->super.srgb_correction, dcl_td = FALSE;
BOOL dcl_td = FALSE;
BOOL want_nv_prog = FALSE;
struct arb_pshader_private *shader_priv = This->baseShader.backend_data;
GLint errPos;
......@@ -3331,7 +3331,6 @@ static GLuint shader_arb_generate_pshader(IWineD3DPixelShaderImpl *This, struct
switch(found) {
case 4: dcl_tmp = FALSE; break;
case 0:
sprintf(srgbtmp[0], "TA");
sprintf(srgbtmp[1], "TB");
......@@ -3351,6 +3350,8 @@ static GLuint shader_arb_generate_pshader(IWineD3DPixelShaderImpl *This, struct
case 3:
sprintf(srgbtmp[3], "TA");
case 4:
/* Create the hw ARB shader */
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