Commit 091aeca7 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

windowscodecs/tests: Use nameless unions/structs.

parent 534476a0
......@@ -993,14 +993,14 @@ static void check_tiff_format(IStream *stream, const WICPixelFormatGUID *format)
id.vt = VT_UI2;
U(id).uiVal = tag[i].id;
id.uiVal = tag[i].id;
hr = IWICMetadataReader_GetValue(reader, NULL, &id, &value);
ok(hr == S_OK || (tag[i].id == 0x140 && hr == WINCODEC_ERR_PROPERTYNOTFOUND),
"GetValue(%04x) error %#lx\n", tag[i].id, hr);
if (hr == S_OK)
ok(value.vt == VT_UI2 || value.vt == VT_UI4 || value.vt == (VT_UI2 | VT_VECTOR), "wrong vt: %d\n", value.vt);
tag[i].value[0] = U(value).uiVal;
tag[i].value[0] = value.uiVal;
tag[i].value[0] = -1;
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