Commit 0d2d994e authored by Francois Gouget's avatar Francois Gouget Committed by Alexandre Julliard

regedit: Remove cruft and make functions static, reordering where necessary to…

regedit: Remove cruft and make functions static, reordering where necessary to avoid forward declarations. Remove the command parameter of processRegLines() as it can only be used with processRegEntry().
parent de2fc93b
......@@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ static void AddEntryToList(HWND hwndLV, LPTSTR Name, DWORD dwValType,
index = ListView_InsertItem(hwndLV, &item);
if (index != -1) {
/* LPTSTR pszText = NULL; */
switch (dwValType) {
case REG_SZ:
......@@ -169,7 +168,6 @@ static void AddEntryToList(HWND hwndLV, LPTSTR Name, DWORD dwValType,
wsprintf(buf, _T("0x%08X (%d)"), *(DWORD*)ValBuf, *(DWORD*)ValBuf);
ListView_SetItemText(hwndLV, index, 2, buf);
/* lpsRes = convertHexToDWORDStr(lpbData, dwLen); */
case REG_BINARY: {
unsigned int i;
......@@ -188,7 +186,6 @@ static void AddEntryToList(HWND hwndLV, LPTSTR Name, DWORD dwValType,
/* lpsRes = convertHexToHexCSV(lpbData, dwLen); */
TCHAR szText[128];
ListView_SetItemText(hwndLV, index, 2, szText);
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ static BOOL PerformRegAction(REGEDIT_ACTION action, LPSTR s)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: Can't open file \"%s\"\n", getAppName(), filename);
processRegLines(reg_file, doSetValue);
if (realname)
......@@ -68,38 +68,9 @@ if (!(p)) \
* This is a replacement for strsep which is not portable (missing on Solaris).
#if 0
char* getToken(char** str, const char* delims)
char* token;
if (*str==NULL) {
/* No more tokens */
return NULL;
while (**str!='\0') {
if (strchr(delims,**str)!=NULL) {
return token;
/* There is no other token */
return token;
* Converts a hex representation of a DWORD into a DWORD.
DWORD convertHexToDWord(char *str, BYTE *buf)
static DWORD convertHexToDWord(char *str, BYTE *buf)
char xbuf[9];
......@@ -115,7 +86,7 @@ DWORD convertHexToDWord(char *str, BYTE *buf)
* Converts a hex comma separated values list into a hex list.
* The Hex input string must be in exactly the correct form.
DWORD convertHexCSVToHex(char *str, BYTE *buf, ULONG bufLen)
static DWORD convertHexCSVToHex(char *str, BYTE *buf, ULONG bufLen)
char *s = str; /* Pointer to current */
char *b = (char*) buf; /* Pointer to result */
......@@ -161,7 +132,7 @@ DWORD convertHexCSVToHex(char *str, BYTE *buf, ULONG bufLen)
* Note: Updated based on the algorithm used in 'server/registry.c'
DWORD getDataType(LPSTR *lpValue, DWORD* parse_type)
static DWORD getDataType(LPSTR *lpValue, DWORD* parse_type)
struct data_type { const char *tag; int len; int type; int parse_type; };
......@@ -202,33 +173,6 @@ DWORD getDataType(LPSTR *lpValue, DWORD* parse_type)
* Returns an allocated buffer with a cleaned copy (removed the surrounding
* dbl quotes) of the passed value.
LPSTR getArg( LPSTR arg)
ULONG len;
if (arg == NULL)
return NULL;
* Get rid of surrounding quotes
len = strlen(arg);
if( arg[len-1] == '\"' ) arg[len-1] = '\0';
if( arg[0] == '\"' ) arg++;
tmp = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen(arg)+1);
strcpy(tmp, arg);
return tmp;
* Replaces escape sequences with the characters.
static void REGPROC_unescape_string(LPSTR str)
......@@ -268,10 +212,10 @@ static void REGPROC_unescape_string(LPSTR str)
* val_name - name of the registry value
* val_data - registry value data
HRESULT setValue(LPSTR val_name, LPSTR val_data)
static HRESULT setValue(LPSTR val_name, LPSTR val_data)
DWORD dwDataType, dwParseType;
DWORD dwDataType, dwParseType = 0;
LPBYTE lpbData;
BYTE convert[KEY_MAX_LEN];
BYTE *bBigBuffer = 0;
......@@ -332,51 +276,51 @@ HRESULT setValue(LPSTR val_name, LPSTR val_data)
* Open the key
* Extracts from [HKEY\some\key\path] or HKEY\some\key\path types of line
* the key class (what ends before the first '\')
HRESULT openKey( LPSTR stdInput)
static HKEY getRegClass(LPSTR lpClass)
DWORD dwDisp;
/* Sanity checks */
if (stdInput == NULL)
/* Get the registry class */
currentKeyClass = getRegClass(stdInput); /* Sets global variable */
LPSTR classNameEnd;
LPSTR classNameBeg;
unsigned int i;
/* Get the key name */
currentKeyName = getRegKeyName(stdInput); /* Sets global variable */
if (currentKeyName == NULL)
char lpClassCopy[KEY_MAX_LEN];
hRes = RegCreateKeyEx(
currentKeyClass, /* Class */
currentKeyName, /* Sub Key */
0, /* MUST BE 0 */
NULL, /* object type */
KEY_ALL_ACCESS, /* access mask, KEY_ALL_ACCESS */
NULL, /* security attribute */
&currentKeyHandle, /* result */
&dwDisp); /* disposition, REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY or
if (lpClass == NULL)
if (hRes == ERROR_SUCCESS)
bTheKeyIsOpen = TRUE;
lstrcpynA(lpClassCopy, lpClass, KEY_MAX_LEN);
return hRes;
classNameEnd = strchr(lpClassCopy, '\\'); /* The class name ends by '\' */
if (!classNameEnd) /* or the whole string */
classNameEnd = lpClassCopy + strlen(lpClassCopy);
if (classNameEnd[-1] == ']')
*classNameEnd = '\0'; /* Isolate the class name */
if (lpClassCopy[0] == '[') {
classNameBeg = lpClassCopy + 1;
} else {
classNameBeg = lpClassCopy;
for (i = 0; i < REG_CLASS_NUMBER; i++) {
if (!strcmp(classNameBeg, reg_class_names[i])) {
return reg_class_keys[i];
* Extracts from [HKEY\some\key\path] or HKEY\some\key\path types of line
* the key name (what starts after the first '\')
LPSTR getRegKeyName(LPSTR lpLine)
static LPSTR getRegKeyName(LPSTR lpLine)
LPSTR keyNameBeg;
char lpLineCopy[KEY_MAX_LEN];
......@@ -409,50 +353,50 @@ LPSTR getRegKeyName(LPSTR lpLine)
* Extracts from [HKEY\some\key\path] or HKEY\some\key\path types of line
* the key class (what ends before the first '\')
* Open the key
HKEY getRegClass(LPSTR lpClass)
static HRESULT openKey( LPSTR stdInput)
LPSTR classNameEnd;
LPSTR classNameBeg;
unsigned int i;
DWORD dwDisp;
char lpClassCopy[KEY_MAX_LEN];
/* Sanity checks */
if (stdInput == NULL)
if (lpClass == NULL)
/* Get the registry class */
currentKeyClass = getRegClass(stdInput); /* Sets global variable */
lstrcpynA(lpClassCopy, lpClass, KEY_MAX_LEN);
/* Get the key name */
currentKeyName = getRegKeyName(stdInput); /* Sets global variable */
if (currentKeyName == NULL)
classNameEnd = strchr(lpClassCopy, '\\'); /* The class name ends by '\' */
if (!classNameEnd) /* or the whole string */
classNameEnd = lpClassCopy + strlen(lpClassCopy);
if (classNameEnd[-1] == ']')
*classNameEnd = '\0'; /* Isolate the class name */
if (lpClassCopy[0] == '[') {
classNameBeg = lpClassCopy + 1;
} else {
classNameBeg = lpClassCopy;
hRes = RegCreateKeyEx(
currentKeyClass, /* Class */
currentKeyName, /* Sub Key */
0, /* MUST BE 0 */
NULL, /* object type */
KEY_ALL_ACCESS, /* access mask, KEY_ALL_ACCESS */
NULL, /* security attribute */
&currentKeyHandle, /* result */
&dwDisp); /* disposition, REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY or
if (hRes == ERROR_SUCCESS)
bTheKeyIsOpen = TRUE;
return hRes;
for (i = 0; i < REG_CLASS_NUMBER; i++) {
if (!strcmp(classNameBeg, reg_class_names[i])) {
return reg_class_keys[i];
* Close the currently opened key.
void closeKey(void)
static void closeKey(void)
......@@ -466,86 +410,6 @@ void closeKey(void)
* This function is the main entry point to the setValue type of action. It
* receives the currently read line and dispatch the work depending on the
* context.
void doSetValue(LPSTR stdInput)
* We encountered the end of the file, make sure we
* close the opened key and exit
if (stdInput == NULL) {
if (bTheKeyIsOpen != FALSE)
if ( stdInput[0] == '[') /* We are reading a new key */
if ( bTheKeyIsOpen != FALSE )
closeKey(); /* Close the previous key before */
/* delete the key if we encounter '-' at the start of reg key */
if ( stdInput[1] == '-')
int last_chr = strlen(stdInput) - 1;
/* skip leading "[-" and get rid of trailing "]" */
if (stdInput[last_chr] == ']')
stdInput[last_chr] = '\0';
if ( openKey(stdInput) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
fprintf(stderr,"%s: setValue failed to open key %s\n",
getAppName(), stdInput);
} else if( ( bTheKeyIsOpen ) &&
(( stdInput[0] == '@') || /* reading a default @=data pair */
( stdInput[0] == '\"'))) /* reading a new value=data pair */
} else /* since we are assuming that the */
{ /* file format is valid we must */
if ( bTheKeyIsOpen ) /* be reading a blank line which */
closeKey(); /* indicate end of this key processing */
* This function is the main entry point to the deleteValue type of action. It
* receives the currently read line and dispatch the work depending on the
* context.
void doDeleteValue(LPSTR line)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: deleteValue not yet implemented\n", getAppName());
* This function is the main entry point to the deleteKey type of action. It
* receives the currently read line and dispatch the work depending on the
* context.
void doDeleteKey(LPSTR line)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: deleteKey not yet implemented\n", getAppName());
* This function is the main entry point to the createKey type of action. It
* receives the currently read line and dispatch the work depending on the
* context.
void doCreateKey(LPSTR line)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: createKey not yet implemented\n", getAppName());
* This function is a wrapper for the setValue function. It prepares the
* land and clean the area once completed.
* Note: this function modifies the line parameter.
......@@ -553,7 +417,7 @@ void doCreateKey(LPSTR line)
* line - registry file unwrapped line. Should have the registry value name and
* complete registry value data.
void processSetValue(LPSTR line)
static void processSetValue(LPSTR line)
LPSTR val_name; /* registry value name */
LPSTR val_data; /* registry value data */
......@@ -607,14 +471,62 @@ void processSetValue(LPSTR line)
* Calls command for each line of a registry file.
* This function receives the currently read entry and performs the
* corresponding action.
static void processRegEntry(LPSTR stdInput)
* We encountered the end of the file, make sure we
* close the opened key and exit
if (stdInput == NULL) {
if (bTheKeyIsOpen != FALSE)
if ( stdInput[0] == '[') /* We are reading a new key */
if ( bTheKeyIsOpen != FALSE )
closeKey(); /* Close the previous key before */
/* delete the key if we encounter '-' at the start of reg key */
if ( stdInput[1] == '-')
int last_chr = strlen(stdInput) - 1;
/* skip leading "[-" and get rid of trailing "]" */
if (stdInput[last_chr] == ']')
stdInput[last_chr] = '\0';
if ( openKey(stdInput) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
fprintf(stderr,"%s: setValue failed to open key %s\n",
getAppName(), stdInput);
} else if( ( bTheKeyIsOpen ) &&
(( stdInput[0] == '@') || /* reading a default @=data pair */
( stdInput[0] == '\"'))) /* reading a new value=data pair */
} else /* since we are assuming that the */
{ /* file format is valid we must */
if ( bTheKeyIsOpen ) /* be reading a blank line which */
closeKey(); /* indicate end of this key processing */
* Processes a registry file.
* Correctly processes comments (in # form), line continuation.
* Parameters:
* in - input stream to read from
* command - command to be called for each line
void processRegLines(FILE *in, CommandAPI command)
void processRegLines(FILE *in)
LPSTR line = NULL; /* line read from input stream */
......@@ -705,79 +617,13 @@ void processRegLines(FILE *in, CommandAPI command)
break; /* That is the full virtual line */
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, line);
* This function is the main entry point to the registerDLL action. It
* receives the currently read line, then loads and registers the requested DLLs
void doRegisterDLL(LPSTR stdInput)
HMODULE theLib = 0;
UINT retVal = 0;
/* Check for valid input */
if (stdInput == NULL)
/* Load and register the library, then free it */
theLib = LoadLibrary(stdInput);
if (theLib) {
FARPROC lpfnDLLRegProc = GetProcAddress(theLib, "DllRegisterServer");
if (lpfnDLLRegProc)
retVal = (*lpfnDLLRegProc)();
fprintf(stderr,"%s: Couldn't find DllRegisterServer proc in '%s'.\n",
getAppName(), stdInput);
if (retVal != S_OK)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: DLLRegisterServer error 0x%x in '%s'.\n",
getAppName(), retVal, stdInput);
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: Could not load DLL '%s'.\n", getAppName(), stdInput);
* This function is the main entry point to the unregisterDLL action. It
* receives the currently read line, then loads and unregisters the requested DLLs
void doUnregisterDLL(LPSTR stdInput)
HMODULE theLib = 0;
UINT retVal = 0;
/* Check for valid input */
if (stdInput == NULL)
/* Load and unregister the library, then free it */
theLib = LoadLibrary(stdInput);
if (theLib) {
FARPROC lpfnDLLRegProc = GetProcAddress(theLib, "DllUnregisterServer");
if (lpfnDLLRegProc)
retVal = (*lpfnDLLRegProc)();
fprintf(stderr,"%s: Couldn't find DllUnregisterServer proc in '%s'.\n",
getAppName(), stdInput);
if (retVal != S_OK)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: DLLUnregisterServer error 0x%x in '%s'.\n",
getAppName(), retVal, stdInput);
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: Could not load DLL '%s'.\n", getAppName(), stdInput);
* REGPROC_print_error
......@@ -1136,7 +982,7 @@ BOOL import_registry_file(LPTSTR filename)
FILE* reg_file = fopen(filename, "r");
if (reg_file) {
processRegLines(reg_file, doSetValue);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
......@@ -17,49 +17,11 @@
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* Defines and consts
#define KEY_MAX_LEN 1024
/* Return values */
#define SUCCESS 0
typedef void (*CommandAPI)(LPSTR lpsLine);
void doSetValue(LPSTR lpsLine);
void doDeleteValue(LPSTR lpsLine);
void doCreateKey(LPSTR lpsLine);
void doDeleteKey(LPSTR lpsLine);
void doRegisterDLL(LPSTR lpsLine);
void doUnregisterDLL(LPSTR lpsLine);
const CHAR *getAppName(void);
BOOL export_registry_key(CHAR *file_name, CHAR *reg_key_name);
BOOL import_registry_file(LPTSTR filename);
void delete_registry_key(CHAR *reg_key_name);
const CHAR *getAppName(void);
void processRegLines(FILE *in, CommandAPI command);
* Generic prototypes
char* getToken(char** str, const char* delims);
DWORD convertHexToDWord(char *str, BYTE *buf);
DWORD convertHexCSVToHex(char *str, BYTE *buf, ULONG bufLen);
LPSTR convertHexToHexCSV( BYTE *buf, ULONG len);
LPSTR convertHexToDWORDStr( BYTE *buf, ULONG len);
LPSTR getRegKeyName(LPSTR lpLine);
HKEY getRegClass(LPSTR lpLine);
DWORD getDataType(LPSTR *lpValue, DWORD* parse_type);
LPSTR getArg(LPSTR arg);
HRESULT openKey(LPSTR stdInput);
void closeKey(void);
* api setValue prototypes
void processSetValue(LPSTR cmdline);
HRESULT setValue(LPSTR val_name, LPSTR val_data);
void processRegLines(FILE *in);
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