Commit 0fbe4458 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

wrc: Display a warning in pedantic mode when using memory options in 32-bit resources.

parent 7cb044d3
......@@ -1708,15 +1708,22 @@ loadmemopts
lamo : tPRELOAD { $$ = new_int(WRC_MO_PRELOAD); }
| tMOVEABLE { $$ = new_int(WRC_MO_MOVEABLE); }
| tPURE { $$ = new_int(WRC_MO_PURE); }
lama : tLOADONCALL { $$ = new_int(~WRC_MO_PRELOAD); }
| tFIXED { $$ = new_int(~WRC_MO_MOVEABLE); }
| tIMPURE { $$ = new_int(~WRC_MO_PURE); }
lamo : tPRELOAD { $$ = new_int(WRC_MO_PRELOAD);
if (win32 && pedantic) parser_warning("PRELOAD is ignored in 32-bit mode\n"); }
| tMOVEABLE { $$ = new_int(WRC_MO_MOVEABLE);
if (win32 && pedantic) parser_warning("MOVEABLE is ignored in 32-bit mode\n"); }
if (win32 && pedantic) parser_warning("DISCARDABLE is ignored in 32-bit mode\n"); }
| tPURE { $$ = new_int(WRC_MO_PURE);
if (win32 && pedantic) parser_warning("PURE is ignored in 32-bit mode\n"); }
lama : tLOADONCALL { $$ = new_int(~WRC_MO_PRELOAD);
if (win32 && pedantic) parser_warning("LOADONCALL is ignored in 32-bit mode\n"); }
| tFIXED { $$ = new_int(~WRC_MO_MOVEABLE);
if (win32 && pedantic) parser_warning("FIXED is ignored in 32-bit mode\n"); }
| tIMPURE { $$ = new_int(~WRC_MO_PURE);
if (win32 && pedantic) parser_warning("IMPURE is ignored in 32-bit mode\n"); }
/* ------------------------------ Win32 options ------------------------------ */
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