Commit 12f0b41d authored by Martin Fuchs's avatar Martin Fuchs Committed by Alexandre Julliard

Display free and total disk space in status bar.

parent 73eee213
......@@ -209,4 +209,6 @@ STRINGTABLE
IDS_COL_ATTR "Attribute"
IDS_COL_SEC "Sicherheit"
IDS_FREE_SPACE_FMT "%s von %s frei"
......@@ -209,4 +209,5 @@ STRINGTABLE
IDS_COL_ATTR "Attributes"
IDS_COL_SEC "Security"
IDS_FREE_SPACE_FMT "%s of %s free"
......@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@
#define IDS_COL_ATTR 1217
#define IDS_COL_SEC 1218
#define IDS_FREE_SPACE_FMT 1219
/* range for drive bar command ids: 0x9000..0x90FF */
#define ID_DRIVE_UNIX_FS 0x9000
#define ID_DRIVE_SHELL_NS 0x9001
......@@ -2348,6 +2348,40 @@ static int insert_entries(Pane* pane, Entry* dir, int idx)
static void format_bytes(LPTSTR buffer, LONGLONG bytes)
const static TCHAR sFmtGB[] = {'%', '.', '1', 'f', ' ', 'G', 'B', '\0'};
const static TCHAR sFmtMB[] = {'%', '.', '1', 'f', ' ', 'M', 'B', '\0'};
const static TCHAR sFmtkB[] = {'%', '.', '1', 'f', ' ', 'k', 'B', '\0'};
float fBytes = (float)bytes;
if (bytes >= 1073741824) /* 1 GB */
_stprintf(buffer, sFmtGB, fBytes/1073741824.f+.5f);
else if (bytes >= 1048576) /* 1 MB */
_stprintf(buffer, sFmtMB, fBytes/1048576.f+.5f);
else if (bytes >= 1024) /* 1 kB */
_stprintf(buffer, sFmtkB, fBytes/1024.f+.5f);
_stprintf(buffer, sLongNumFmt, bytes);
static void set_space_status()
ULARGE_INTEGER ulFreeBytesToCaller, ulTotalBytes, ulFreeBytes;
TCHAR fmt[64], b1[64], b2[64], buffer[BUFFER_LEN];
if (GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(NULL, &ulFreeBytesToCaller, &ulTotalBytes, &ulFreeBytes)) {
format_bytes(b1, ulFreeBytesToCaller.QuadPart);
format_bytes(b2, ulTotalBytes.QuadPart);
_stprintf(buffer, RS(fmt,IDS_FREE_SPACE_FMT), b1, b2);
} else
_tcscpy(buffer, sQMarks);
SendMessage(Globals.hstatusbar, SB_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)buffer);
static WNDPROC g_orgTreeWndProc;
static void create_tree_window(HWND parent, Pane* pane, int id, int id_header)
......@@ -3202,7 +3236,8 @@ static void set_curdir(ChildWnd* child, Entry* entry, HWND hwnd)
SetWindowText(child->hwnd, path);
if (path[0])
if (SetCurrentDirectory(path))
......@@ -3620,6 +3655,8 @@ LRESULT CALLBACK ChildWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT nmsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam
if (SetCurrentDirectory(child->path))
SetFocus(child->focus_pane? child->right.hwnd: child->left.hwnd);
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